Commit 2e777b44 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- created staging area for getting bignum package up-to-speed again,

now using up-to-date language features
- moved old code away from pkg (defunct anyway because of language changes)

parent 5fcb035b
# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
bignum_test: bignum_test.6
$(L) -o bignum_test bignum_test.6
test: bignum_test
rm -f bignum_test *.6 *~
bignum_test.6: bignum.6
%.6: %.go
$(G) $(F) $<
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package Bignum
// A package for arbitrary precision arithmethic.
// It implements the following numeric types:
// - Natural unsigned integer numbers
// - Integer signed integer numbers
// - Rational rational numbers
// - Number scaled rational numbers (contain exponent)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support
type Word uint32
const N = 4;
const L = 28; // = sizeof(Word) * 8
const M = 1 << L - 1;
// TODO replace this with a Go built-in assert
func ASSERT(p bool) {
if !p {
panic("ASSERT failed");
func Update(x Word) (Word, Word) {
return x & M, x >> L;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Naturals
export type Natural []Word;
export var NatZero *Natural = new(Natural, 0);
func (x *Natural) IsZero() bool {
return len(x) == 0;
func (x *Natural) Add (y *Natural) *Natural {
xl := len(x);
yl := len(y);
if xl < yl {
return y.Add(x);
ASSERT(xl >= yl);
z := new(Natural, xl + 1);
i := 0;
c := Word(0);
for i < yl { z[i], c = Update(x[i] + y[i] + c); i++; }
for i < xl { z[i], c = Update(x[i] + c); i++; }
if c != 0 { z[i] = c; i++; }
z = z[0 : i];
return z;
func (x *Natural) Sub (y *Natural) *Natural {
xl := len(x);
yl := len(y);
ASSERT(xl >= yl);
z := new(Natural, xl);
i := 0;
c := Word(0);
for i < yl { z[i], c = Update(x[i] - y[i] + c); i++; }
for i < xl { z[i], c = Update(x[i] + c); i++; }
ASSERT(c == 0); // usub(x, y) must be called with x >= y
for i > 0 && z[i - 1] == 0 { i--; }
z = z[0 : i];
return z;
// Computes x = x*a + c (in place) for "small" a's.
func (x* Natural) Mul1Add(a, c Word) *Natural {
ASSERT(0 <= a && a < 1 << N);
ASSERT(0 <= c && c < 1 << N);
if (x.IsZero() || a == 0) && c == 0 {
return NatZero;
xl := len(x);
z := new(Natural, xl + 1);
i := 0;
for i < xl { z[i], c = Update(x[i] * a + c); i++; }
if c != 0 { z[i] = c; i++; }
z = z[0 : i];
return z;
// Returns z = (x * y) div B, c = (x * y) mod B.
func Mul1(x, y Word) (z Word, c Word) {
const L2 = (L + 1) >> 1;
const B2 = 1 << L2;
const M2 = B2 - 1;
x0 := x & M2;
x1 := x >> L2;
y0 := y & M2;
y1 := y >> L2;
z10 := x0*y0;
z21 := x1*y0 + x0*y1 + (z10 >> L2);
cc := x1*y1 + (z21 >> L2);
zz := ((z21 & M2) << L2) | (z10 & M2);
return zz, cc
func (x *Natural) Mul (y *Natural) *Natural {
if x.IsZero() || y.IsZero() {
return NatZero;
xl := len(x);
yl := len(y);
if xl < yl {
return y.Mul(x); // for speed
ASSERT(xl >= yl && yl > 0);
// initialize z
zl := xl + yl;
z := new(Natural, zl);
k := 0;
for j := 0; j < yl; j++ {
d := y[j];
if d != 0 {
k = j;
c := Word(0);
for i := 0; i < xl; i++ {
// compute z[k] += x[i] * d + c;
t := z[k] + c;
var z1 Word;
z1, c = Mul1(x[i], d);
t += z1;
z[k] = t & M;
c += t >> L;
if c != 0 {
z[k] = Word(c);
z = z[0 : k];
return z;
func (x *Natural) Div (y *Natural) *Natural {
return nil;
func (x *Natural) Mod (y *Natural) *Natural {
return nil;
func (x *Natural) Cmp (y *Natural) int {
xl := len(x);
yl := len(y);
if xl != yl || xl == 0 {
return xl - yl;
i := xl - 1;
for i > 0 && x[i] == y[i] { i--; }
d := 0;
switch {
case x[i] < y[i]: d = -1;
case x[i] > y[i]: d = 1;
return d;
func (x *Natural) Log() int {
xl := len(x);
if xl == 0 { return 0; }
n := (xl - 1) * L;
for t := x[xl - 1]; t != 0; t >>= 1 { n++ };
return n;
func (x *Natural) And (y *Natural) *Natural {
xl := len(x);
yl := len(y);
if xl < yl {
return y.And(x);
ASSERT(xl >= yl);
z := new(Natural, xl);
i := 0;
for i < yl { z[i] = x[i] & y[i]; i++; }
for i < xl { z[i] = x[i]; i++; }
for i > 0 && z[i - 1] == 0 { i--; }
z = z[0 : i];
return z;
func (x *Natural) Or (y *Natural) *Natural {
xl := len(x);
yl := len(y);
if xl < yl {
return y.And(x);
ASSERT(xl >= yl);
z := new(Natural, xl);
i := 0;
for i < yl { z[i] = x[i] | y[i]; i++; }
for i < xl { z[i] = x[i]; i++; }
return z;
func (x *Natural) Xor (y *Natural) *Natural {
xl := len(x);
yl := len(y);
if xl < yl {
return y.And(x);
ASSERT(xl >= yl);
z := new(Natural, xl);
i := 0;
for i < yl { z[i] = x[i] ^ y[i]; i++; }
for i < xl { z[i] = x[i]; i++; }
for i > 0 && z[i - 1] == 0 { i--; }
z = z[0 : i];
return z;
// Returns a copy of x with space for one extra digit (for Div/Mod use)
func Copy(x *Natural) *Natural {
xl := len(x);
z := new(Natural, xl + 1); // add space for one extra digit
for i := 0; i < xl; i++ { z[i] = x[i]; }
z = z[0 : xl];
return z;
// Computes x = x div d (in place) for "small" d's. Returns x mod d.
func (x *Natural) Mod1 (d Word) (*Natural, Word) {
ASSERT(0 < d && d < (1 << N));
xl := len(x);
c := Word(0);
i := xl;
for i > 0 {
c = c << L + x[i];
q := c / d;
x[i] = q;
//x[i] = c / d; // BUG
c = c % d;
if xl > 0 && x[xl - 1] == 0 {
x = x[0 : xl - 1];
if xl - 1 == 0 && len(x) != 0 {
return x, c;
func (x *Natural) String() string {
if x.IsZero() {
return "0";
// allocate string
// approx. length: 1 char for 3 bits
n := x.Log()/3 + 1; // +1 (round up)
s := new([]byte, n);
// convert
i := n;
x = Copy(x); // don't destroy recv
for !x.IsZero() {
var d Word;
x, d = x.Mod1(10);
s[i] = byte(d) + '0';
return string(s[i : n]);
export func NatFromWord(x Word) *Natural {
var z *Natural;
switch {
case x == 0:
z = NatZero;
case x < 2 << L:
z = new(Natural, 1);
z[0] = x;
return z;
z = new(Natural, 2);
z[0], z[1] = Update(x);
return z;
// Support function for faster factorial computation.
func MulRange(a, b Word) *Natural {
switch {
case a > b: return NatFromWord(1);
case a == b: return NatFromWord(a);
case a + 1 == b: return NatFromWord(a).Mul(NatFromWord(b));
m := (a + b) >> 1;
ASSERT(a <= m && m < b);
return MulRange(a, m).Mul(MulRange(m + 1, b));
export func Fact(n Word) *Natural {
return MulRange(2, n);
export func NatFromString(s string) *Natural {
x := NatZero;
for i := 0; i < len(s) && '0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9'; i++ {
x = x.Mul1Add(10, Word(s[i] - '0'));
return x;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Integers
export type Integer struct {
sign bool;
mant *Natural;
func (x *Integer) Add (y *Integer) *Integer {
var z *Integer;
if x.sign == y.sign {
// x + y == x + y
// (-x) + (-y) == -(x + y)
z = &Integer{x.sign, x.mant.Add(y.mant)};
} else {
// x + (-y) == x - y == -(y - x)
// (-x) + y == y - x == -(x - y)
if x.mant.Cmp(y.mant) >= 0 {
z = &Integer{false, x.mant.Sub(y.mant)};
} else {
z = &Integer{true, y.mant.Sub(x.mant)};
if x.sign {
z.sign = !z.sign;
return z;
func (x *Integer) Sub (y *Integer) *Integer {
var z *Integer;
if x.sign != y.sign {
// x - (-y) == x + y
// (-x) - y == -(x + y)
z = &Integer{x.sign, x.mant.Add(y.mant)};
} else {
// x - y == x - y == -(y - x)
// (-x) - (-y) == y - x == -(x - y)
if x.mant.Cmp(y.mant) >= 0 {
z = &Integer{false, x.mant.Sub(y.mant)};
} else {
z = &Integer{true, y.mant.Sub(x.mant)};
if x.sign {
z.sign = !z.sign;
return z;
func (x *Integer) Mul (y *Integer) *Integer {
// x * y == x * y
// x * (-y) == -(x * y)
// (-x) * y == -(x * y)
// (-x) * (-y) == x * y
return &Integer{x.sign != y.sign, x.mant.Mul(y.mant)};
func (x *Integer) Div (y *Integer) *Integer {
return nil;
func (x *Integer) Mod (y *Integer) *Integer {
return nil;
func (x *Integer) Cmp (y *Integer) int {
return 0;
export func IntFromString(s string) *Integer {
// get sign, if any
sign := false;
if len(s) > 0 && (s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '+') {
sign = s[0] == '-';
return &Integer{sign, NatFromString(s[1 : len(s)])};
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rationals
export type Rational struct {
a, b *Integer; // a = numerator, b = denominator
func NewRat(a, b *Integer) *Rational {
// TODO normalize the rational
return &Rational{a, b};
func (x *Rational) Add (y *Rational) *Rational {
return NewRat((x.a.Mul(y.b)).Add(x.b.Mul(y.a)), x.b.Mul(y.b));
func (x *Rational) Sub (y *Rational) *Rational {
return NewRat((x.a.Mul(y.b)).Sub(x.b.Mul(y.a)), x.b.Mul(y.b));
func (x *Rational) Mul (y *Rational) *Rational {
return NewRat(x.a.Mul(y.a), x.b.Mul(y.b));
func (x *Rational) Div (y *Rational) *Rational {
return NewRat(x.a.Mul(y.b), x.b.Mul(y.a));
func (x *Rational) Mod (y *Rational) *Rational {
return nil;
func (x *Rational) Cmp (y *Rational) int {
return 0;
export func RatFromString(s string) *Rational {
return nil;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Numbers
export type Number struct {
mant *Rational;
exp Integer;
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import Bignum "bignum"
const (
sa = "991";
sb = "2432902008176640000"; // 20!
sc = "93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000"; // 100!
var (
a = Bignum.NatFromString(sa);
b = Bignum.NatFromString(sb);
c = Bignum.NatFromString(sc);
func TEST(msg string, b bool) {
if !b {
panic("TEST failed: ", msg, "\n");
func TestConv() {
TEST("TC1", a.Cmp(Bignum.NatFromWord(991)) == 0);
TEST("TC2", b.Cmp(Bignum.Fact(20)) == 0);
TEST("TC3", c.Cmp(Bignum.Fact(100)) == 0);
TEST("TC4", a.String() == sa);
TEST("TC5", b.String() == sb);
TEST("TC6", c.String() == sc);
func main() {
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