Commit 2efdaefd authored by Daniel Morsing's avatar Daniel Morsing

[dev.ssa] Protect control value from being moved away from end of block

If there isn't a value dependency between the control value of a
block and some other value, the schedule pass might move the control
value to a spot that is not EOB. Fix by handling the control value
specially like phis.

Change-Id: Iddaf0924d98c5b3d9515c3ced927b0c85722818c
Reviewed-on: default avatarKeith Randall <>
parent 8f22b529
......@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ func schedule(f *Func) {
// Topologically sort the values in b.
order = order[:0]
for _, v := range b.Values {
if v == b.Control {
if v.Op == OpPhi {
// Phis all go first. We handle phis specially
// because they may have self edges "a = phi(a, b, c)"
......@@ -79,13 +82,13 @@ func schedule(f *Func) {
// Note that v is not popped. We leave it in place
// until all its children have been explored.
for _, w := range v.Args {
if w.Block == b && w.Op != OpPhi && state[w.ID] == unmarked {
if w.Block == b && w.Op != OpPhi && w != b.Control && state[w.ID] == unmarked {
state[w.ID] = found
queue = append(queue, w)
for _, w := range additionalEdges[v.ID] {
if w.Block == b && w.Op != OpPhi && state[w.ID] == unmarked {
if w.Block == b && w.Op != OpPhi && w != b.Control && state[w.ID] == unmarked {
state[w.ID] = found
queue = append(queue, w)
......@@ -99,6 +102,9 @@ func schedule(f *Func) {
if b.Control != nil {
order = append(order, b.Control)
copy(b.Values, order)
// TODO: only allow one live flags type (x86)
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