Commit 2f284948 authored by David Symonds's avatar David Symonds

Remake exvar package to be more Go-ish.

It now exports a Var interface (anyone can export their own custom var types now), so users need to create and manage their own vars and mark them as exportable via the Publish function. They are exposed via /debug/vars.

DELTA=605  (314 added, 186 deleted, 105 changed)
parent 19c239c9
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ test: test.files
bignum.6: fmt.dirinstall
bufio.6: io.dirinstall os.dirinstall
exec.6: os.dirinstall strings.install
exvar.6: fmt.dirinstall http.dirinstall
exvar.6: fmt.dirinstall http.dirinstall log.install strconv.dirinstall sync.dirinstall
flag.6: fmt.dirinstall os.dirinstall strconv.dirinstall
log.6: fmt.dirinstall io.dirinstall os.dirinstall time.dirinstall
path.6: io.dirinstall
......@@ -3,231 +3,200 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The exvar package provides a standardized interface to public variables,
// such as operation counters in servers.
// such as operation counters in servers. It exposes these variables via
// HTTP at /debug/vars in JSON format.
package exvar
import (
// If mismatched names are used (e.g. calling IncrementInt on a mapVar), the
// var name is silently mapped to these. We will consider variables starting
// with reservedPrefix to be reserved by this package, and so we avoid the
// possibility of a user doing IncrementInt("x-mismatched-map", 1).
// TODO(dsymonds): Enforce this.
const (
reservedPrefix = "x-";
mismatchedInt = reservedPrefix + "mismatched-int";
mismatchedMap = reservedPrefix + "mismatched-map";
mismatchedStr = reservedPrefix + "mismatched-str";
// exVar is an abstract type for all exported variables.
type exVar interface {
// Var is an abstract type for all exported variables.
type Var interface {
String() string;
// intVar is an integer variable, and satisfies the exVar interface.
type intVar int;
// Int is a 64-bit integer variable, and satisfies the Var interface.
type Int struct {
i int64;
mu sync.Mutex;
func (i intVar) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(int(i))
func (v *Int) String() string {
return strconv.Itoa64(v.i)
// mapVar is a map variable, and satisfies the exVar interface.
type mapVar map[string] int;
func (v *Int) Add(delta int64) {;
v.i += delta;
func (m mapVar) String() string {
s := "map:x"; // TODO(dsymonds): the 'x' should be user-specified!
for k, v := range m {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" %s:%v", k, v)
return s
// Map is a string-to-Var map variable, and satisfies the Var interface.
type Map struct {
m map[string] Var;
mu sync.Mutex;
// strVar is a string variable, and satisfies the exVar interface.
type strVar string;
// KeyValue represents a single entry in a Map.
type KeyValue struct {
Key string;
Value Var;
func (s strVar) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", s)
func (v *Map) String() string {;
b := new(io.ByteBuffer);
fmt.Fprintf(b, "{");
first := true;
for key, val := range v.m {
if !first {
fmt.Fprintf(b, ", ");
fmt.Fprintf(b, "\"%s\": %v", key, val.String());
first = false;
fmt.Fprintf(b, "}");
return string(b.Data())
// TODO(dsymonds):
// - dynamic lookup vars (via chan?)
func (v *Map) Get(key string) Var {;
if av, ok := v.m[key]; ok {
return av
return nil
type exVars struct {
vars map[string] exVar;
// TODO(dsymonds): docstrings
func (v *Map) Set(key string, av Var) {;
v.m[key] = av;
// Singleton worker goroutine.
// Functions needing access to the global state have to pass a closure to the
// worker channel, which is read by a single workerFunc running in a goroutine.
// Nil values are silently ignored, so you can send nil to the worker channel
// after the closure if you want to block until your work is done. This risks
// blocking you, though. The workSync function wraps this as a convenience.
func (v *Map) Add(key string, delta int64) {;
av, ok := v.m[key];
if !ok {
av = new(Int);
v.m[key] = av;
type workFunction func(*exVars);
// Add to Int; ignore otherwise.
if iv, ok := av.(*Int); ok {
// The main worker function that runs in a goroutine.
// It never ends in normal operation.
func startWorkerFunc() <-chan workFunction {
ch := make(chan workFunction);
// TODO(rsc): Make sure map access in separate thread is safe.
func (v *Map) iterate(c <-chan KeyValue) {
for k, v := range v.m {
c <- KeyValue{ k, v };
state := &exVars{ make(map[string] exVar) };
func (v *Map) Iter() <-chan KeyValue {
c := make(chan KeyValue);
go v.iterate(c);
return c
go func() {
for f := range ch {
if f != nil {
return ch
// String is a string variable, and satisfies the Var interface.
type String struct {
s string;
var worker = startWorkerFunc();
func (v *String) String() string {
return strconv.Quote(v.s)
// workSync will enqueue the given workFunction and wait for it to finish.
func workSync(f workFunction) {
worker <- f;
worker <- nil // will only be sent after f() completes.
func (v *String) Set(value string) {
v.s = value;
// getOrInitIntVar either gets or initializes an intVar called name.
func (state *exVars) getOrInitIntVar(name string) *intVar {
if v, ok := state.vars[name]; ok {
// Existing var
if iv, ok := v.(*intVar); ok {
return iv
// Type mismatch.
return state.getOrInitIntVar(mismatchedInt)
// New var
iv := new(intVar);
state.vars[name] = iv;
return iv
// getOrInitMapVar either gets or initializes a mapVar called name.
func (state *exVars) getOrInitMapVar(name string) *mapVar {
if v, ok := state.vars[name]; ok {
// Existing var
if mv, ok := v.(*mapVar); ok {
return mv
// Type mismatch.
return state.getOrInitMapVar(mismatchedMap)
// New var
var m mapVar = make(map[string] int);
state.vars[name] = &m;
return &m
// getOrInitStrVar either gets or initializes a strVar called name.
func (state *exVars) getOrInitStrVar(name string) *strVar {
if v, ok := state.vars[name]; ok {
// Existing var
if mv, ok := v.(*strVar); ok {
return mv
// Type mismatch.
return state.getOrInitStrVar(mismatchedStr)
// All published variables.
var vars map[string] Var = make(map[string] Var);
var mutex sync.Mutex;
// Publish declares an named exported variable. This should be called from a
// package's init function when it creates its Vars. If the name is already
// registered then this will log.Crash.
func Publish(name string, v Var) {
defer mutex.Unlock();
if _, existing := vars[name]; existing {
log.Crash("Reuse of exported var name:", name);
// New var
sv := new(strVar);
state.vars[name] = sv;
return sv
// IncrementInt adds inc to the integer-valued var called name.
func IncrementInt(name string, inc int) {
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
*state.getOrInitIntVar(name) += inc
// IncrementMapInt adds inc to the keyed value in the map-valued var called name.
func IncrementMapInt(name string, key string, inc int) {
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
mv := state.getOrInitMapVar(name);
if v, ok := mv[key]; ok {
mv[key] += inc
} else {
mv[key] = inc
vars[name] = v;
// SetInt sets the integer-valued var called name to value.
func SetInt(name string, value int) {
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
*state.getOrInitIntVar(name) = value
// Get retrieves a named exported variable.
func Get(name string) Var {
if v, ok := vars[name]; ok {
return v
return nil
// SetMapInt sets the keyed value in the map-valued var called name.
func SetMapInt(name string, key string, value int) {
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
state.getOrInitMapVar(name)[key] = value
// Convenience functions for creating new exported variables.
func NewInt(name string) *Int {
v := new(Int);
Publish(name, v);
return v
// SetStr sets the string-valued var called name to value.
func SetStr(name string, value string) {
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
*state.getOrInitStrVar(name) = value
func NewMap(name string) *Map {
v := new(Map);
v.m = make(map[string] Var);
Publish(name, v);
return v
// GetInt retrieves an integer-valued var called name.
func GetInt(name string) int {
var i int;
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
i = *state.getOrInitIntVar(name)
return i
func NewString(name string) *String {
v := new(String);
Publish(name, v);
return v
// GetMapInt retrieves the keyed value for a map-valued var called name.
func GetMapInt(name string, key string) int {
var i int;
var ok bool;
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
i, ok = state.getOrInitMapVar(name)[key]
return i
// TODO(rsc): Make sure map access in separate thread is safe.
func iterate(c <-chan KeyValue) {
for k, v := range vars {
c <- KeyValue{ k, v };
// GetStr retrieves a string-valued var called name.
func GetStr(name string) string {
var s string;
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
s = *state.getOrInitStrVar(name)
return s
func Iter() <-chan KeyValue {
c := make(chan KeyValue);
go iterate(c);
return c
// String produces a string of all the vars in textual format.
func String() string {
s := "";
workSync(func(state *exVars) {
for name, value := range state.vars {
s += fmt.Sprintln(name, value)
func exvarHandler(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
c.SetHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
fmt.Fprintf(c, "{\n");
first := true;
for name, value := range vars {
if !first {
fmt.Fprintf(c, ",\n");
return s
first = false;
fmt.Fprintf(c, " %q: %s", name, value);
fmt.Fprintf(c, "\n}\n");
// ExvarHandler is a HTTP handler that displays exported variables.
// Use it like this:
// http.Handle("/exvar", http.HandlerFunc(exvar.ExvarHandler));
func ExvarHandler(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
// TODO(dsymonds): Support different output= args.
c.SetHeader("content-type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
io.WriteString(c, String());
func init() {
http.Handle("/debug/vars", http.HandlerFunc(exvarHandler));
......@@ -7,99 +7,74 @@ package exvar
import (
func TestSimpleCounter(t *testing.T) {
// Unknown exvar should be zero.
x := GetInt("requests");
if x != 0 {
t.Errorf("GetInt(nonexistent) = %v, want 0", x)
func TestInt(t *testing.T) {
reqs := NewInt("requests");
if reqs.i != 0 {
t.Errorf("reqs.i = %v, want 4", reqs.i)
IncrementInt("requests", 1);
IncrementInt("requests", 3);
x = GetInt("requests");
if x != 4 {
t.Errorf("GetInt('requests') = %v, want 4", x)
out := String();
if out != "requests 4\n" {
t.Errorf("String() = \"%v\", want \"requests 4\n\"",
if reqs != Get("requests").(*Int) {
t.Errorf("Get() failed.")
func TestStringVar(t *testing.T) {
// Unknown exvar should be empty string.
if s := GetStr("name"); s != "" {
t.Errorf("GetStr(nonexistent) = %q, want ''", s)
if reqs.i != 4 {
t.Errorf("reqs.i = %v, want 4", reqs.i)
SetStr("name", "Mike");
if s := GetStr("name"); s != "Mike" {
t.Errorf("GetStr('name') = %q, want 'Mike'", s)
if s := reqs.String(); s != "4" {
t.Errorf("reqs.String() = %q, want \"4\"", s);
func TestMismatchedCounters(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure some vars exist.
GetMapInt("colours", "red");
IncrementInt("colours", 1);
if x := GetInt("x-mismatched-int"); x != 1 {
t.Errorf("GetInt('x-mismatched-int') = %v, want 1", x)
func TestString(t *testing.T) {
name := NewString("my-name");
if name.s != "" {
t.Errorf("name.s = %q, want \"\"", name.s)
IncrementMapInt("requests", "orange", 1);
if x := GetMapInt("x-mismatched-map", "orange"); x != 1 {
t.Errorf("GetMapInt('x-mismatched-map', 'orange') = %v, want 1", x)
if name.s != "Mike" {
t.Errorf("name.s = %q, want \"Mike\"", name.s)
SetStr("requests", "apple");
if s := GetStr("x-mismatched-str"); s != "apple" {
t.Errorf("GetStr('x-mismatched-str') = %q, want 'apple'", s)
if s := name.String(); s != "\"Mike\"" {
t.Errorf("reqs.String() = %q, want \"\"Mike\"\"", s);
func TestMapCounter(t *testing.T) {
// Unknown exvar should be zero.
if x := GetMapInt("colours", "red"); x != 0 {
t.Errorf("GetMapInt(non, existent) = %v, want 0", x)
colours := NewMap("bike-shed-colours");
IncrementMapInt("colours", "red", 1);
IncrementMapInt("colours", "red", 2);
IncrementMapInt("colours", "blue", 4);
if x := GetMapInt("colours", "red"); x != 3 {
t.Errorf("GetMapInt('colours', 'red') = %v, want 3", x)
colours.Add("red", 1);
colours.Add("red", 2);
colours.Add("blue", 4);
if x := colours.m["red"].(*Int).i; x != 3 {
t.Errorf("colours.m[\"red\"] = %v, want 3", x)
if x := GetMapInt("colours", "blue"); x != 4 {
t.Errorf("GetMapInt('colours', 'blue') = %v, want 4", x)
if x := colours.m["blue"].(*Int).i; x != 4 {
t.Errorf("colours.m[\"blue\"] = %v, want 4", x)
// TODO(dsymonds): Test String()
func hammer(name string, total int, done chan <- int) {
for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
IncrementInt(name, 1)
// colours.String() should be '{"red":3, "blue":4}',
// though the order of red and blue could vary.
s := colours.String();
j, ok, errtok := json.StringToJson(s);
if !ok {
t.Errorf("colours.String() isn't valid JSON: %v", errtok)
done <- 1
func TestHammer(t *testing.T) {
SetInt("hammer-times", 0);
sync := make(chan int);
hammer_times := int(1e5);
go hammer("hammer-times", hammer_times, sync);
go hammer("hammer-times", hammer_times, sync);
if final := GetInt("hammer-times"); final != 2 * hammer_times {
t.Errorf("hammer-times = %v, want %v", final, 2 * hammer_times)
if j.Kind() != json.MapKind {
t.Error("colours.String() didn't produce a map.")
red := j.Get("red");
if red.Kind() != json.NumberKind {
t.Error("red.Kind() is not a NumberKind.")
if x := red.Number(); x != 3 {
t.Error("red = %v, want 3", x)
......@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ import (
// hello world, the web server
var helloRequests = exvar.NewInt("hello-requests");
func HelloServer(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
exvar.IncrementInt("hello-requests", 1);
io.WriteString(c, "hello, world!\n");
......@@ -27,16 +28,23 @@ type Counter struct {
n int;
// This makes Counter satisfy the exvar.Var interface, so we can export
// it directly.
func (ctr *Counter) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", ctr.n)
func (ctr *Counter) ServeHTTP(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
exvar.IncrementInt("counter-requests", 1);
fmt.Fprintf(c, "counter = %d\n", ctr.n);
// simple file server
var webroot = flag.String("root", "/home/rsc", "web root directory")
var pathVar = exvar.NewMap("file-requests");
func FileServer(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
c.SetHeader("content-type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
pathVar.Add(req.Url.Path, 1);
path := *webroot + req.Url.Path; // TODO: insecure: use os.CleanName
f, err := os.Open(path, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
......@@ -89,13 +97,17 @@ func (ch Chan) ServeHTTP(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
func main() {
http.Handle("/counter", new(Counter));
// The counter is published as a variable directly.
ctr := new(Counter);
http.Handle("/counter", ctr);
exvar.Publish("counter", ctr);
http.Handle("/go/", http.HandlerFunc(FileServer));
http.Handle("/flags", http.HandlerFunc(FlagServer));
http.Handle("/args", http.HandlerFunc(ArgServer));
http.Handle("/go/hello", http.HandlerFunc(HelloServer));
http.Handle("/chan", ChanCreate());
http.Handle("/exvar", http.HandlerFunc(exvar.ExvarHandler));
err := http.ListenAndServe(":12345", nil);
if err != nil {
panic("ListenAndServe: ", err.String())
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