Commit 36cec789 authored by Luuk van Dijk's avatar Luuk van Dijk

gc: generalize dst = append(src,...) inlining to arbitrary src and dst arguments.

parent ba006e6b
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ char *runtimeimport =
"func \"\".printsp ()\n"
"func \"\".goprintf ()\n"
"func \"\".concatstring ()\n"
"func \"\".append ()\n"
"func \"\".appendslice (typ *uint8, x any, y []any) any\n"
"func \"\".cmpstring (? string, ? string) int\n"
"func \"\".slicestring (? string, ? int, ? int) string\n"
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ static NodeList* reorder3(NodeList*);
static Node* addstr(Node*, NodeList**);
static Node* appendslice(Node*, NodeList**);
static Node* append(Node*, NodeList**);
static int oasappend(Node**, NodeList**);
static NodeList* walkdefstack;
......@@ -811,9 +810,6 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
if(oaslit(n, init))
goto ret;
if (oasappend(&n, init))
goto ret;
walkexpr(&n->right, init);
if(n->left != N && n->right != N) {
r = convas(nod(OAS, n->left, n->right), init);
......@@ -2381,77 +2377,44 @@ appendslice(Node *n, NodeList **init)
return mkcall1(f, n->type, init, typename(n->type), n->list->n, n->list->next->n);
// expand append(src, a [, b]* ) to
// init {
// s := src
// const argc = len(args) - 1
// if cap(s) - len(s) < argc {
// s = growslice(s, argc)
// }
// n := len(s)
// s = s[:n+argc]
// s[n] = a
// s[n+1] = b
// ...
// }
// s
static Node*
append(Node *n, NodeList **init)
int i, j;
Node *f, *r;
NodeList *in, *args;
j = count(n->list) - 1;
f = syslook("append", 1);
f->type = T;
f->ntype = nod(OTFUNC, N, N);
in = list1(nod(ODCLFIELD, N, typenod(ptrto(types[TUINT8])))); // type
in = list(in, nod(ODCLFIELD, N, typenod(types[TINT]))); // count
in = list(in, nod(ODCLFIELD, N, typenod(n->type))); // slice
for(i=0; i<j; i++)
in = list(in, nod(ODCLFIELD, N, typenod(n->type->type)));
f->ntype->list = in;
f->ntype->rlist = list1(nod(ODCLFIELD, N, typenod(n->type)));
args = list1(typename(n->type));
args = list(args, nodintconst(j));
args = concat(args, n->list);
r = nod(OCALL, f, N);
r->list = args;
typecheck(&r, Erv);
walkexpr(&r, init);
r->type = n->type;
return r;
// expand s = append(s, a [, b]* ) to
// const argc = len(args) - 1
// if cap(s) - len(s) < argc {
// s = growslice(s, argc)
// }
// n := len(s)
// s = s[:n+argc]
// s[n] = a
// s[n+1] = b
// ...
static int
oasappend(Node **np, NodeList **init)
NodeList *l, *a;
Node *n, *ns, *nn, *na, *nx, *fn;
Node *nsrc, *ns, *nn, *na, *nx, *fn;
int argc;
n = *np;
walkexprlistsafe(n->list, init);
// Check that it's an assignment of the form s = append(s, elem), where s is ONAME.
if (n->right == N || n->right->op != OAPPEND || n->right->isddd ||
n->left == N || n->left->op != ONAME || n->left != n->right->list->n)
return 0;
ns = cheapexpr(n->left, init);
walkexprlistsafe(n->right->list, init);
argc = count(n->right->list) - 1;
nsrc = n->list->n;
argc = count(n->list) - 1;
if (argc < 1) {
n->op = OEMPTY;
return 1;
return nsrc;
na = nodintconst(argc); // const argc
l = nil;
ns = nod(OXXX, N, N); // var s
tempname(ns, nsrc->type);
l = list(l, nod(OAS, ns, nsrc)); // s = src
na = nodintconst(argc); // const argc
nx = nod(OIF, N, N); // if cap(s) - len(s) < argc
nx->lineno = n->lineno;
nx->ntest = nod(OLT, nod(OSUB, nod(OCAP, ns, N), nod(OLEN, ns, N)), na);
fn = syslook("growslice", 1); // growslice(<type>, old []T, n int64) (ret []T)
......@@ -2462,7 +2425,7 @@ oasappend(Node **np, NodeList **init)
conv(na, types[TINT64]))));
l = list1(nx);
l = list(l, nx);
nn = nod(OXXX, N, N); // var n
tempname(nn, types[TINT]);
......@@ -2472,7 +2435,7 @@ oasappend(Node **np, NodeList **init)
nx->etype = 1; // disable bounds check
l = list(l, nod(OAS, ns, nx)); // s = s[:n+argc]
for (a = n->right->list->next; a != nil; a = a->next) {
for (a = n->list->next; a != nil; a = a->next) {
nx = nod(OINDEX, ns, nn); // s[n] ...
nx->etype = 1; // disable bounds check
l = list(l, nod(OAS, nx, a->n)); // s[n] = arg
......@@ -2481,8 +2444,7 @@ oasappend(Node **np, NodeList **init)
typechecklist(l, Etop);
*np = liststmt(l);
return 1;
*init = concat(*init, l);
return ns;
......@@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ makeslice1(SliceType *t, int32 len, int32 cap, Slice *ret)
ret->array = runtime·mal(size);
// append(type *Type, n int, old []T, ...,) []T
#pragma textflag 7
runtime·append(SliceType *t, int32 n, Slice old, ...)
Slice sl;
Slice *ret;
sl.len = n;
sl.array = (byte*)(&old+1);
ret = (Slice*)(sl.array + ((t->elem->size*n+sizeof(uintptr)-1) & ~(sizeof(uintptr)-1)));
appendslice1(t, old, sl, ret);
// appendslice(type *Type, x, y, []T) []T
runtime·appendslice(SliceType *t, Slice x, Slice y, Slice ret)
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