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Commit 3a7df4dd authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

add support for variable formatters

DELTA=134  (75 added, 41 deleted, 18 changed)
parent f95da9a6
......@@ -914,3 +914,17 @@ func NewValue(e interface {}) Value {
*ap = value;
return newValueAddr(typ, Addr(ap));
// Indirect indirects one level through a value, if it is a pointer.
// If not a pointer, the value is returned unchanged.
// Useful when walking arbitrary data structures.
func Indirect(v Value) Value {
if v.Kind() == PtrKind {
p := v.(PtrValue);
if p.Get() == nil {
return nil
v = p.Sub()
return v
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ var ErrNoEnd = os.NewError("section does not have .end")
var ErrNoVar = os.NewError("variable name not in struct");
var ErrBadType = os.NewError("unsupported type for variable");
var ErrNotStruct = os.NewError("driver must be a struct")
var ErrNoFormatter = os.NewError("unknown formatter")
// All the literals are aces.
var lbrace = []byte{ '{' }
......@@ -46,18 +47,23 @@ const (
// FormatterMap is the type describing the mapping from formatter
// names to the functions that implement them.
type FormatterMap map[string] func(reflect.Value) string
type template struct {
errorchan chan *os.Error; // for erroring out
linenum *int; // shared by all templates derived from this one
parent *template;
data reflect.Value; // the driver data for this section etc.
fmap FormatterMap; // formatters for variables
buf []byte; // input text to process
p int; // position in buf
wr io.Write; // where to send output
// Create a top-level template
func newTemplate(ch chan *os.Error, linenum *int, buf []byte, data reflect.Value, wr io.Write) *template {
func newTemplate(ch chan *os.Error, linenum *int, buf []byte, data reflect.Value, fmap FormatterMap, wr io.Write) *template {
t := new(template);
t.errorchan = ch;
t.linenum = linenum;
......@@ -66,13 +72,14 @@ func newTemplate(ch chan *os.Error, linenum *int, buf []byte, data reflect.Value = data;
t.buf = buf;
t.p = 0;
t.fmap = fmap;
t.wr = wr;
return t;
// Create a template deriving from its parent
func childTemplate(parent *template, buf []byte, data reflect.Value) *template {
t := newTemplate(parent.errorchan, parent.linenum, buf, data, parent.wr);
t := newTemplate(parent.errorchan, parent.linenum, buf, data, parent.fmap, parent.wr);
t.parent = parent;
return t;
......@@ -88,18 +95,6 @@ func white(c uint8) bool {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'
// Data items can be values or pointers to values. This function hides the pointer.
func indirect(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
if v.Kind() == reflect.PtrKind {
p := v.(reflect.PtrValue);
if p.Get() == nil {
return nil
v = p.Sub()
return v
func (t *template) execute()
func (t *template) executeSection(w []string)
......@@ -281,7 +276,7 @@ func (t *template) findVar(s string) (int, int) {
// Is there no data to look at?
func empty(v reflect.Value, indirect_ok bool) bool {
v = indirect(v);
v = reflect.Indirect(v);
if v == nil {
return true
......@@ -309,7 +304,7 @@ func (t *template) executeRepeated(w []string) {
if i < 0 {
t.error(ErrNoVar, ": ", w[2]);
field = indirect(;
field = reflect.Indirect(;
// Must be an array/slice
if field != nil && field.Kind() != reflect.ArrayKind {
......@@ -346,7 +341,7 @@ Loop:
if field != nil {
array := field.(reflect.ArrayValue);
for i := 0; i < array.Len(); i++ {
elem := indirect(array.Elem(i));
elem := reflect.Indirect(array.Elem(i));
tmp := childTemplate(t, t.buf[start:end], elem);
......@@ -421,17 +416,37 @@ Loop:
// Evalute a variable, looking up through the parent if necessary.
// TODO: add formatting outputters
func (t *template) evalVariable(s string) string {
i, kind := t.findVar(s);
// Look up a variable, up through the parent if necessary.
func (t *template) varValue(name string) reflect.Value {
i, kind := t.findVar(name);
if i < 0 {
if t.parent == nil {
t.error(ErrNoVar, ": ", s)
t.error(ErrNoVar, ": ", name)
return t.parent.evalVariable(s);
return t.parent.varValue(name);
// Evalute a variable, looking up through the parent if necessary.
// If it has a formatter attached ({var|formatter}) run that too.
func (t *template) evalVariable(name_formatter string) string {
name := name_formatter;
formatter := "";
bar := strings.Index(name_formatter, "|");
if bar >= 0 {
name = name_formatter[0:bar];
formatter = name_formatter[bar+1:len(name_formatter)];
val := t.varValue(name);
if fn, ok := t.fmap[formatter]; ok {
return fn(val)
if formatter == "" {
return fmt.Sprint(val.Interface())
return fmt.Sprint(;
t.error(ErrNoFormatter, ": ", formatter);
func (t *template) execute() {
......@@ -471,16 +486,16 @@ func (t *template) execute() {
func Execute(s string, data interface{}, wr io.Write) *os.Error {
func Execute(s string, data interface{}, fmap FormatterMap, wr io.Write) *os.Error {
// Extract the driver struct.
val := indirect(reflect.NewValue(data));
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.NewValue(data));
sval, ok1 := val.(reflect.StructValue);
if !ok1 {
return ErrNotStruct
ch := make(chan *os.Error);
var linenum int;
t := newTemplate(ch, &linenum, io.StringBytes(s), val, wr);
t := newTemplate(ch, &linenum, io.StringBytes(s), val, fmap, wr);
go func() {
ch <- nil; // clean return;
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
......@@ -33,6 +34,29 @@ type S struct {
var t1 = T{ "ItemNumber1", "ValueNumber1" }
var t2 = T{ "ItemNumber2", "ValueNumber2" }
func uppercase(v reflect.Value) string {
s := reflect.Indirect(v).(reflect.StringValue).Get();
t := "";
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i];
if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' {
c = c + 'A' - 'a'
t += string(c);
return t;
func plus1(v reflect.Value) string {
i := reflect.Indirect(v).(reflect.IntValue).Get();
return fmt.Sprint(i + 1);
var formatters = FormatterMap {
"uppercase" : uppercase,
"+1" : plus1,
var tests = []*Test {
// Simple
&Test{ "", "" },
......@@ -114,6 +138,15 @@ var tests = []*Test {
// Formatters
"{.section pdata }\n"
func TestAll(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -129,7 +162,7 @@ func TestAll(t *testing.T) {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
for i, test := range tests {
err := Execute(, s, &buf);
err := Execute(, s, formatters, &buf);
if err != nil {
t.Error("unexpected error:", err)
......@@ -139,36 +172,8 @@ func TestAll(t *testing.T) {
func TestParser(t *testing.T) {
t1 := &T{ "ItemNumber1", "ValueNumber1" };
t2 := &T{ "ItemNumber2", "ValueNumber2" };
a := []*T{ t1, t2 };
s := &S{ "Header", 77, a };
err := Execute(
"{#hello world}\n"
"some text: {.meta-left}{.space}{.meta-right}\n"
"{.section data }\n"
"some text for the section\n"
"{header} for iteration number {integer}\n"
" {.repeated section @}\n"
"repeated section: {value1}={value2}\n"
" {.end}\n"
"This appears only if there is no data\n"
"{.end }\n"
"this is the end\n"
, s, os.Stdout);
if err != nil {
func TestBadDriverType(t *testing.T) {
err := Execute("hi", "hello", os.Stdout);
err := Execute("hi", "hello", nil, os.Stdout);
if err == nil {
t.Error("failed to detect string as driver type")
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