Commit 3ac17f86 authored by Hana Kim's avatar Hana Kim Committed by Hyang-Ah Hana Kim

cmd/trace: make span tables pretty

Mostly same as, except the parts that
deal with different data types.

Change-Id: I061b858b73898725e3bf175ed022c2e3e55fc485
Reviewed-on: default avatarAndrew Bonventre <>
parent 9761a162
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
......@@ -111,21 +112,41 @@ func httpUserSpan(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var data []spanDesc
var maxTotal int64
for id, spans := range allSpans {
for _, s := range spans {
if !filter.match(id, s) {
data = append(data, s)
if maxTotal < s.TotalTime {
maxTotal = s.TotalTime
sortby := r.FormValue("sortby")
_, ok := reflect.TypeOf(spanDesc{}).FieldByNameFunc(func(s string) bool {
return s == sortby
if !ok {
sortby = "TotalTime"
sort.Slice(data, func(i, j int) bool {
ival := reflect.ValueOf(data[i]).FieldByName(sortby).Int()
jval := reflect.ValueOf(data[j]).FieldByName(sortby).Int()
return ival > jval
err = templUserSpanType.Execute(w, struct {
Data []spanDesc
Title string
MaxTotal int64
Data []spanDesc
Name string
Data: data,
MaxTotal: maxTotal,
Data: data,
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("failed to execute template: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError)
......@@ -1113,40 +1134,121 @@ func isUserAnnotationEvent(ev *trace.Event) bool {
return false
var templUserSpanType = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`
<table border="1" sortable="1">
var templUserSpanType = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"prettyDuration": func(nsec int64) template.HTML {
d := time.Duration(nsec) * time.Nanosecond
return template.HTML(niceDuration(d))
"percent": func(dividened, divisor int64) template.HTML {
if divisor == 0 {
return ""
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf("(%.1f%%)", float64(dividened)/float64(divisor)*100))
"barLen": func(dividened, divisor int64) template.HTML {
if divisor == 0 {
return "0"
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", float64(dividened)/float64(divisor)*100))
"unknownTime": func(desc spanDesc) int64 {
sum := desc.ExecTime + desc.IOTime + desc.BlockTime + desc.SyscallTime + desc.SchedWaitTime
if sum < desc.TotalTime {
return desc.TotalTime - sum
return 0
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Goroutine {{.Name}}</title>
th {
background-color: #050505;
color: #fff;
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
.details tr:hover {
background-color: #f2f2f2;
.details td {
text-align: right;
border: 1px solid #000;
.details {
text-align: left;
.stacked-bar-graph {
width: 300px;
height: 10px;
color: #414042;
white-space: nowrap;
font-size: 5px;
.stacked-bar-graph span {
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
float: left;
padding: 0;
.unknown-time { background-color: #636363; }
.exec-time { background-color: #d7191c; }
.io-time { background-color: #fdae61; }
.block-time { background-color: #d01c8b; }
.syscall-time { background-color: #7b3294; }
.sched-time { background-color: #2c7bb6; }
function reloadTable(key, value) {
let params = new URLSearchParams(;
params.set(key, value); = params.toString();
<table class="details">
<th> Goroutine </th>
<th> Task </th>
<th> Total time, ns </th>
<th> Execution time, ns </th>
<th> Network wait time, ns </th>
<th> Sync block time, ns </th>
<th> Blocking syscall time, ns </th>
<th> Scheduler wait time, ns </th>
<th> GC sweeping time, ns </th>
<th> GC pause time, ns </th>
<th> Logs </th>
<th onclick="reloadTable('sortby', 'TotalTime')"> Total</th>
<th onclick="reloadTable('sortby', 'ExecTime')" class="exec-time"> Execution</th>
<th onclick="reloadTable('sortby', 'IOTime')" class="io-time"> Network wait</th>
<th onclick="reloadTable('sortby', 'BlockTime')" class="block-time"> Sync block </th>
<th onclick="reloadTable('sortby', 'SyscallTime')" class="syscall-time"> Blocking syscall</th>
<th onclick="reloadTable('sortby', 'SchedWaitTime')" class="sched-time"> Scheduler wait</th>
<th onclick="reloadTable('sortby', 'SweepTime')"> GC sweeping</th>
<th onclick="reloadTable('sortby', 'GCTime')"> GC pause</th>
{{range .Data}}
<td> <a href="/trace?goid={{.G}}">{{.G}}</a> </td>
<td> <a href="/trace?taskid={{.TaskID}}">{{.TaskID}}</a> </td>
<td> {{.TotalTime}} </td>
<td> {{.ExecTime}} </td>
<td> {{.IOTime}} </td>
<td> {{.BlockTime}} </td>
<td> {{.SyscallTime}} </td>
<td> {{.SchedWaitTime}} </td>
<td> {{.SweepTime}} </td>
<td> {{.GCTime}} </td>
<td> /* TODO */ </td>
<td> {{prettyDuration .TotalTime}} </td>
<div class="stacked-bar-graph">
{{if unknownTime .}}<span style="width:{{barLen (unknownTime .) $.MaxTotal}}" class="unknown-time">&nbsp;</span>{{end}}
{{if .ExecTime}}<span style="width:{{barLen .ExecTime $.MaxTotal}}" class="exec-time">&nbsp;</span>{{end}}
{{if .IOTime}}<span style="width:{{barLen .IOTime $.MaxTotal}}" class="io-time">&nbsp;</span>{{end}}
{{if .BlockTime}}<span style="width:{{barLen .BlockTime $.MaxTotal}}" class="block-time">&nbsp;</span>{{end}}
{{if .SyscallTime}}<span style="width:{{barLen .SyscallTime $.MaxTotal}}" class="syscall-time">&nbsp;</span>{{end}}
{{if .SchedWaitTime}}<span style="width:{{barLen .SchedWaitTime $.MaxTotal}}" class="sched-time">&nbsp;</span>{{end}}
<td> {{prettyDuration .ExecTime}}</td>
<td> {{prettyDuration .IOTime}}</td>
<td> {{prettyDuration .BlockTime}}</td>
<td> {{prettyDuration .SyscallTime}}</td>
<td> {{prettyDuration .SchedWaitTime}}</td>
<td> {{prettyDuration .SweepTime}} {{percent .SweepTime .TotalTime}}</td>
<td> {{prettyDuration .GCTime}} {{percent .GCTime .TotalTime}}</td>
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