will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 3ba69bf0 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

Some AST tuning:

- have explicit XSpec nodes for declarations
- have a general GenDecl node instead of DeclList

DELTA=164  (52 added, 52 deleted, 60 changed)
parent c4ad4f9f
......@@ -654,62 +654,76 @@ func (s *RangeStmt) Visit(v StmtVisitor) { v.DoRangeStmt(s); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations
// A declaration is represented by one of the following declaration nodes.
// A Spec node represents a single (non-parenthesized) import,
// constant, type, or variable declaration.
type (
// A BadDecl node is a placeholder for declarations containing
// syntax errors for which no correct declaration nodes can be
// created.
BadDecl struct {
token.Position; // beginning position of bad declaration
type (
// The Spec type stands for any of *ImportSpec, *ValueSpec, and *TypeSpec.
Spec interface {};
ImportDecl struct {
// An ImportSpec node represents a single package import.
ImportSpec struct {
Doc Comments; // associated documentation; or nil
token.Position; // position of "import" keyword
Name *Ident; // local package name or nil
Name *Ident; // local package name (including "."); or nil
Path []*StringLit; // package path
ConstDecl struct {
// A ValueSpec node represents a constant or variable declaration
// (ConstSpec or VarSpec production).
ValueSpec struct {
Doc Comments; // associated documentation; or nil
token.Position; // position of "const" keyword
Names []*Ident;
Type Expr; // constant type or nil
Type Expr; // value type; or nil
Values []Expr;
TypeDecl struct {
// A TypeSpec node represents a type declaration (TypeSpec production).
TypeSpec struct {
Doc Comments; // associated documentation; or nil
token.Position; // position of "type" keyword
Name *Ident;
Name *Ident; // type name
Type Expr;
VarDecl struct {
// A declaration is represented by one of the following declaration nodes.
type (
// A BadDecl node is a placeholder for declarations containing
// syntax errors for which no correct declaration nodes can be
// created.
BadDecl struct {
token.Position; // beginning position of bad declaration
// A GenDecl node (generic declaration node) represents an import,
// constant, type or variable declaration. A valid Lparen position
// (Lparen.Line > 0) indicates a parenthesized declaration.
// Relationship between Tok value and Specs element type:
// token.IMPORT *ImportSpec
// token.CONST *ValueSpec
// token.TYPE *TypeSpec
// token.VAR *ValueSpec
GenDecl struct {
Doc Comments; // associated documentation; or nil
token.Position; // position of "var" keyword
Names []*Ident;
Type Expr; // variable type or nil
Values []Expr;
token.Position; // position of Tok
Tok token.Token; // IMPORT, CONST, TYPE, VAR
Lparen token.Position; // position of '(', if any
Specs []Spec;
Rparen token.Position; // position of ')', if any
// A FuncDecl node represents a function declaration.
FuncDecl struct {
Doc Comments; // associated documentation; or nil
Recv *Field; // receiver (methods) or nil (functions)
Recv *Field; // receiver (methods); or nil (functions)
Name *Ident; // function/method name
Type *FuncType; // position of Func keyword, parameters and results
Body *BlockStmt; // function body or nil (forward declaration)
DeclList struct {
Doc Comments; // associated documentation; or nil
token.Position; // position of Tok
Tok token.Token; // IMPORT, CONST, VAR, TYPE
Lparen token.Position; // position of '('
List []Decl; // the list of parenthesized declarations
Rparen token.Position; // position of ')'
Body *BlockStmt; // function body; or nil (forward declaration)
......@@ -725,24 +739,16 @@ func (d *FuncDecl) Pos() token.Position { return d.Type.Pos(); }
type DeclVisitor interface {
DoBadDecl(d *BadDecl);
DoImportDecl(d *ImportDecl);
DoConstDecl(d *ConstDecl);
DoTypeDecl(d *TypeDecl);
DoVarDecl(d *VarDecl);
DoGenDecl(d *GenDecl);
DoFuncDecl(d *FuncDecl);
DoDeclList(d *DeclList);
// Visit() implementations for all declaration nodes.
func (d *BadDecl) Visit(v DeclVisitor) { v.DoBadDecl(d); }
func (d *ImportDecl) Visit(v DeclVisitor) { v.DoImportDecl(d); }
func (d *ConstDecl) Visit(v DeclVisitor) { v.DoConstDecl(d); }
func (d *TypeDecl) Visit(v DeclVisitor) { v.DoTypeDecl(d); }
func (d *VarDecl) Visit(v DeclVisitor) { v.DoVarDecl(d); }
func (d *GenDecl) Visit(v DeclVisitor) { v.DoGenDecl(d); }
func (d *FuncDecl) Visit(v DeclVisitor) { v.DoFuncDecl(d); }
func (d *DeclList) Visit(v DeclVisitor) { v.DoDeclList(d); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1645,14 +1645,16 @@ func (p *parser) parseStatement() ast.Stmt {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations
func (p *parser) parseImportSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments) *ast.ImportDecl {
type parseSpecFunction func(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec
func parseImportSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ImportSpec"));
var ident *ast.Ident;
if p.tok == token.PERIOD {
p.error(p.pos, `"import ." not yet handled properly`);
ident = &ast.Ident{p.pos, []byte{'.'}};;
} else if p.tok == token.IDENT {
ident = p.parseIdent();
......@@ -1665,11 +1667,11 @@ func (p *parser) parseImportSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments) *ast.Impo
p.expect(token.STRING); // use expect() error handling
return &ast.ImportDecl{doc, pos, ident, path};
return &ast.ImportSpec{doc, ident, path};
func (p *parser) parseConstSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments) *ast.ConstDecl {
func parseConstSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "ConstSpec"));
......@@ -1682,11 +1684,11 @@ func (p *parser) parseConstSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments) *ast.Const
values = p.parseExpressionList();
return &ast.ConstDecl{doc, pos, idents, typ, values};
return &ast.ValueSpec{doc, idents, typ, values};
func (p *parser) parseTypeSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments) *ast.TypeDecl {
func parseTypeSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "TypeSpec"));
......@@ -1694,11 +1696,11 @@ func (p *parser) parseTypeSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments) *ast.TypeDe
ident := p.parseIdent();
typ := p.parseType();
return &ast.TypeDecl{doc, pos, ident, typ};
return &ast.TypeSpec{doc, ident, typ};
func (p *parser) parseVarSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments) *ast.VarDecl {
func parseVarSpec(p *parser, doc ast.Comments) ast.Spec {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "VarSpec"));
......@@ -1711,55 +1713,43 @@ func (p *parser) parseVarSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments) *ast.VarDecl
values = p.parseExpressionList();
return &ast.VarDecl{doc, pos, idents, typ, values};
func (p *parser) parseSpec(pos token.Position, doc ast.Comments, keyword int) ast.Decl {
switch keyword {
case token.IMPORT: return p.parseImportSpec(pos, doc);
case token.CONST: return p.parseConstSpec(pos, doc);
case token.TYPE: return p.parseTypeSpec(pos, doc);
case token.VAR: return p.parseVarSpec(pos, doc);
panic(); // unreachable
return nil;
return &ast.ValueSpec{doc, idents, typ, values};
func (p *parser) parseDecl(keyword int) ast.Decl {
func (p *parser) parseGenDecl(keyword token.Token, f parseSpecFunction) *ast.GenDecl {
if p.trace {
defer un(trace(p, "Decl"));
defer un(trace(p, keyword.String() + "Decl"));
doc := p.getDoc();
pos := p.expect(keyword);
var lparen, rparen token.Position;
list := vector.New(0);
if p.tok == token.LPAREN {
lparen := p.pos;
lparen = p.pos;;
list := vector.New(0);
for p.tok != token.RPAREN && p.tok != token.EOF {
list.Push(p.parseSpec(noPos, nil, keyword));
doc := p.getDoc();
list.Push(f(p, doc));
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {;
} else {
rparen := p.expect(token.RPAREN);
rparen = p.expect(token.RPAREN);
p.opt_semi = true;
// convert vector
decls := make([]ast.Decl, list.Len());
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
decls[i] = list.At(i).(ast.Decl);
return &ast.DeclList{doc, pos, keyword, lparen, decls, rparen};
} else {
list.Push(f(p, doc));
return p.parseSpec(pos, doc, keyword);
// convert vector
specs := make([]ast.Spec, list.Len());
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
specs[i] = list.At(i);
return &ast.GenDecl{doc, pos, keyword, lparen, specs, rparen};
......@@ -1820,17 +1810,21 @@ func (p *parser) parseDeclaration() ast.Decl {
defer un(trace(p, "Declaration"));
var f parseSpecFunction;
switch p.tok {
case token.CONST, token.TYPE, token.VAR:
return p.parseDecl(p.tok);
case token.CONST: f = parseConstSpec;
case token.TYPE: f = parseTypeSpec;
case token.VAR: f = parseVarSpec;
case token.FUNC:
return p.parseFunctionDecl();
pos := p.pos;
p.error_expected(pos, "declaration");; // make progress
return &ast.BadDecl{pos};
pos := p.pos;
p.error_expected(pos, "declaration");; // make progress
return &ast.BadDecl{pos};
return p.parseGenDecl(p.tok, f);
......@@ -1869,7 +1863,7 @@ func (p *parser) parsePackage() *ast.Program {
// import decls
list := vector.New(0);
for p.tok == token.IMPORT {
list.Push(p.parseGenDecl(token.IMPORT, parseImportSpec));
if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {;
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