Commit 3e24f2d6 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

godoc: fix formatting of -src output

- go/filter.go: make MergePackageFiles smarter
- go/printer.go: handle positions from multiple files

parent 8107cad4
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ func (h *httpHandler) getPageInfo(dirname, relpath string, genAST, try bool) Pag
if pkg != nil {
if genAST {
past = ast.MergePackageFiles(pkg)
past = ast.MergePackageFiles(pkg, false)
} else {
pdoc = doc.NewPackageDoc(pkg, pathutil.Clean(relpath)) // no trailing '/' in importpath
......@@ -195,18 +195,46 @@ func PackageExports(pkg *Package) bool {
var separator = &Comment{noPos, []byte("//")}
// lineAfterComment computes the position of the beginning
// of the line immediately following a comment.
func lineAfterComment(c *Comment) token.Position {
pos := c.Pos()
line := pos.Line
text := c.Text
if text[1] == '*' {
/*-style comment - determine endline */
for _, ch := range text {
if ch == '\n' {
pos.Offset += len(text) + 1 // +1 for newline
pos.Line = line + 1 // line after comment
pos.Column = 1 // beginning of line
return pos
// MergePackageFiles creates a file AST by merging the ASTs of the
// files belonging to a package.
// files belonging to a package. If complete is set, the package
// files are assumed to contain the complete, unfiltered package
// information. In this case, MergePackageFiles collects all entities
// and all comments. Otherwise (complete == false), MergePackageFiles
// excludes duplicate entries and does not collect comments that are
// not attached to AST nodes.
func MergePackageFiles(pkg *Package) *File {
// Count the number of package comments and declarations across
func MergePackageFiles(pkg *Package, complete bool) *File {
// Count the number of package docs, comments and declarations across
// all package files.
ndocs := 0
ncomments := 0
ndecls := 0
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
if f.Doc != nil {
ncomments += len(f.Doc.List) + 1 // +1 for separator
ndocs += len(f.Doc.List) + 1 // +1 for separator
ncomments += len(f.Comments)
ndecls += len(f.Decls)
......@@ -216,8 +244,9 @@ func MergePackageFiles(pkg *Package) *File {
// a package comment; but it's better to collect extra comments
// than drop them on the floor.
var doc *CommentGroup
if ncomments > 0 {
list := make([]*Comment, ncomments-1) // -1: no separator before first group
var pos token.Position
if ndocs > 0 {
list := make([]*Comment, ndocs-1) // -1: no separator before first group
i := 0
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
if f.Doc != nil {
......@@ -230,6 +259,12 @@ func MergePackageFiles(pkg *Package) *File {
list[i] = c
end := lineAfterComment(f.Doc.List[len(f.Doc.List)-1])
if end.Offset > pos.Offset {
// Keep the maximum end position as
// position for the package clause.
pos = end
doc = &CommentGroup{list}
......@@ -239,15 +274,70 @@ func MergePackageFiles(pkg *Package) *File {
var decls []Decl
if ndecls > 0 {
decls = make([]Decl, ndecls)
i := 0
funcs := make(map[string]int) // map of global function name -> decls index
i := 0 // current index
n := 0 // number of filtered entries
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
for _, d := range f.Decls {
if !complete {
// A language entity may be declared multiple
// times in different package files; only at
// build time declarations must be unique.
// For now, exclude multiple declarations of
// functions - keep the one with documentation.
// TODO(gri): Expand this filtering to other
// entities (const, type, vars) if
// multiple declarations are common.
if f, isFun := d.(*FuncDecl); isFun {
name := f.Name.Name()
if j, exists := funcs[name]; exists {
// function declared already
if decls[j].(*FuncDecl).Doc == nil {
// existing declaration has no documentation;
// ignore the existing declaration
decls[j] = nil
} else {
// ignore the new declaration
d = nil
n++ // filtered an entry
} else {
funcs[name] = i
decls[i] = d
// Eliminate nil entries from the decls list if entries were
// filtered. We do this using a 2nd pass in order to not disturb
// the original declaration order in the source (otherwise, this
// would also invalidate the monotonically increasing position
// info within a single file).
if n > 0 {
i = 0
for _, d := range decls {
if d != nil {
decls[i] = d
decls = decls[0:i]
// Collect comments from all package files.
var comments []*CommentGroup
if complete {
comments = make([]*CommentGroup, ncomments)
i := 0
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
i += copy(comments[i:], f.Comments)
// TODO(gri) Should collect comments as well.
return &File{doc, noPos, NewIdent(pkg.Name), decls, nil}
return &File{doc, pos, NewIdent(pkg.Name), decls, comments}
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
......@@ -240,19 +241,30 @@ func (p *printer) writeTaggedItem(data []byte, tag HTMLTag) {
// immediately following the data.
func (p *printer) writeItem(pos token.Position, data []byte, tag HTMLTag) {
fileChanged := false
if pos.IsValid() {
// continue with previous position if we don't have a valid pos
if p.last.IsValid() && p.last.Filename != pos.Filename {
// the file has changed - reset state
// (used when printing merged ASTs of different files
// e.g., the result of ast.MergePackageFiles)
p.indent = 0
p.escape = false
p.buffer = p.buffer[0:0]
fileChanged = true
p.pos = pos
if debug {
// do not update p.pos - use write0
p.write0([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("[%d:%d]", pos.Line, pos.Column)))
_, filename := path.Split(pos.Filename)
p.write0([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%d:%d]", filename, pos.Line, pos.Column)))
if p.Mode&GenHTML != 0 {
// write line tag if on a new line
// TODO(gri): should write line tags on each line at the start
// will be more useful (e.g. to show line numbers)
if p.Styler != nil && pos.Line > p.lastTaggedLine {
if p.Styler != nil && (pos.Line != p.lastTaggedLine || fileChanged) {
p.lastTaggedLine = pos.Line
......@@ -279,7 +291,13 @@ func (p *printer) writeCommentPrefix(pos, next token.Position, isFirst, isKeywor
if pos.Line == p.last.Line {
if pos.IsValid() && pos.Filename != p.last.Filename {
// comment in a different file - separate with newlines
p.writeNewlines(maxNewlines, true)
if pos.IsValid() && pos.Line == p.last.Line {
// comment on the same line as last item:
// separate with at least one separator
hasSep := false
......@@ -353,6 +371,8 @@ func (p *printer) writeCommentPrefix(pos, next token.Position, isFirst, isKeywor
// use formfeeds to break columns before a comment;
// this is analogous to using formfeeds to separate
// individual lines of /*-style comments
// (if !pos.IsValid(), pos.Line == 0, and this will
// print no newlines)
p.writeNewlines(pos.Line-p.last.Line, true)
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