Commit 3f12d271 authored by areski's avatar areski Committed by Russ Cox

bytes, os/exec, strings: fix a few BUG comments

Regular expression noteMarker requires the definition of a (who) section
when reading note from a sequence of comments.

Change-Id: I9635de9b86f00d20ec108097fee4d4a8f76237b2
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent 9c0b145e
......@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ func isSeparator(r rune) bool {
// Title returns a copy of s with all Unicode letters that begin words
// mapped to their title case.
// BUG: The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode punctuation properly.
// BUG(rsc): The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode punctuation properly.
func Title(s []byte) []byte {
// Use a closure here to remember state.
// Hackish but effective. Depends on Map scanning in order and calling
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ type Cmd struct {
// new process. It does not include standard input, standard output, or
// standard error. If non-nil, entry i becomes file descriptor 3+i.
// BUG: on OS X 10.6, child processes may sometimes inherit unwanted fds.
// BUG(rsc): On OS X 10.6, child processes may sometimes inherit unwanted fds.
ExtraFiles []*os.File
......@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ func isSeparator(r rune) bool {
// Title returns a copy of the string s with all Unicode letters that begin words
// mapped to their title case.
// BUG: The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode punctuation properly.
// BUG(rsc): The rule Title uses for word boundaries does not handle Unicode punctuation properly.
func Title(s string) string {
// Use a closure here to remember state.
// Hackish but effective. Depends on Map scanning in order and calling
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