Commit 3f9da829 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

minor tweaks:

- permit scanner to run w/o error handler
- provide an error counter

DELTA=43  (25 added, 0 deleted, 18 changed)
parent 8e39472e
......@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ import (
// An implementation of an ErrorHandler must be provided to the Scanner.
// If a syntax error is encountered, Error is called with a position and
// an error message. The position points to the beginning of the offending
// token.
// An implementation of an ErrorHandler may be provided to the Scanner.
// If a syntax error is encountered and a handler was installed, Error
// is called with a position and an error message. The position points
// to the beginning of the offending token.
type ErrorHandler interface {
Error(pos token.Position, msg string);
......@@ -34,13 +34,16 @@ type ErrorHandler interface {
type Scanner struct {
// immutable state
src []byte; // source
err ErrorHandler; // error reporting
err ErrorHandler; // error reporting; or nil
scan_comments bool; // if set, comments are reported as tokens
// scanning state
pos token.Position; // previous reading position (position before ch)
offset int; // current reading offset (position after ch)
ch int; // one char look-ahead
// public state - ok to modify
ErrorCount int; // number of errors encountered
......@@ -70,10 +73,12 @@ func (S *Scanner) next() {
// Init prepares the scanner S to tokenize the text src. Calls to Scan
// will use the error handler err if they encounter a syntax error. The boolean
// scan_comments specifies whether comments should be recognized and returned
// by Scan as token.COMMENT. If scan_comments is false, they are treated as
// white space and ignored.
// will use the error handler err if they encounter a syntax error and
// err is not nil. Also, for each error encountered, the Scanner field
// ErrorCount is incremented by one. The boolean scan_comments specifies
// whether comments should be recognized and returned by Scan as COMMENT
// tokens. If scan_comments is false, they are treated as white space and
// ignored.
func (S *Scanner) Init(src []byte, err ErrorHandler, scan_comments bool) {
// Explicitly initialize all fields since a scanner may be reused.
......@@ -82,6 +87,7 @@ func (S *Scanner) Init(src []byte, err ErrorHandler, scan_comments bool) {
S.scan_comments = scan_comments;
S.pos = token.Position{0, 1, 0};
S.offset = 0;
S.ErrorCount = 0;;
......@@ -105,7 +111,10 @@ func charString(ch int) string {
func (S *Scanner) error(pos token.Position, msg string) {
S.err.Error(pos, msg);
if S.err != nil {
S.err.Error(pos, msg);
......@@ -374,6 +383,13 @@ func (S *Scanner) switch4(tok0, tok1 token.Token, ch2 int, tok2, tok3 token.Toke
// the token tok, and the literal text lit corresponding to the
// token. The source end is indicated by token.EOF.
// For more tolerant parsing, Scan will return a valid token if
// possible even if a syntax error was encountered. Thus, even
// if the resulting token sequence contains no illegal tokens,
// a client may not assume that no error occurred. Instead it
// must check the scanner's ErrorCount or the number of calls
// of the error handler, if there was one installed.
func (S *Scanner) Scan() (pos token.Position, tok token.Token, lit []byte) {
// skip white space
......@@ -462,12 +478,14 @@ scan_again:
// Tokenize calls a function f with the token position, token value, and token
// text for each token in the source src. The other parameters have the same
// meaning as for the Init function. Tokenize keeps scanning until f returns
// false (usually when the token value is token.EOF).
// false (usually when the token value is token.EOF). The result is the number
// of errors encountered.
func Tokenize(src []byte, err ErrorHandler, scan_comments bool, f func (pos token.Position, tok token.Token, lit []byte) bool) {
func Tokenize(src []byte, err ErrorHandler, scan_comments bool, f func (pos token.Position, tok token.Token, lit []byte) bool) int {
var s Scanner;
s.Init(src, err, scan_comments);
for f(s.Scan()) {
// action happens in f
return s.ErrorCount;
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
// verify scan
index := 0;
eloc := token.Position{0, 1, 1};
scanner.Tokenize(io.StringBytes(src), &TestErrorHandler{t}, true,
nerrors := scanner.Tokenize(io.StringBytes(src), &TestErrorHandler{t}, true,
func (pos token.Position, tok token.Token, litb []byte) bool {
e := elt{token.EOF, "", special};
if index < len(tokens) {
......@@ -223,6 +223,9 @@ func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
return tok != token.EOF;
if nerrors != 0 {
t.Errorf("found %d errors", nerrors);
......@@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
var s scanner.Scanner;
// 1st init
s.Init(io.StringBytes("if true { }"), &TestErrorHandler{t}, false);
s.Init(io.StringBytes("if true { }"), nil, false);
s.Scan(); // if
s.Scan(); // true
pos, tok, lit := s.Scan(); // {
......@@ -240,9 +243,13 @@ func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
// 2nd init
s.Init(io.StringBytes("go true { ]"), &TestErrorHandler{t}, false);
s.Init(io.StringBytes("go true { ]"), nil, false);
pos, tok, lit = s.Scan(); // go
if tok != token.GO {
t.Errorf("bad token: got %s, expected %s", tok.String(), token.GO);
if s.ErrorCount != 0 {
t.Errorf("found %d errors", s.ErrorCount);
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