go/scanner: 17% faster scanning
- Changed the Scan API semantics slightly: The token literal string is only returned if the token is a literal, comment, semicolon, or illegal character. In all other cases, the token literal value is determined by the token value. Clients that care about the token literal value when not present can always use the following piece of code: pos, tok, lit := scanner.Scan() if lit == "" { lit = tok.String() } - Changed token.Lookup API to use a string instead of a []byte argument. - Both these changes were long-standing TODOs. - Added BenchmarkScan. This change permits a faster implementation of Scan with much fewer string creations: benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta scanner.BenchmarkScan 74404 61457 -17.40% R=golang-dev, rsc CC=golang-dev https://golang.org/cl/5532076
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