Commit 43063521 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

math/big: fix carry propagation in Int.Exp Montgomery code

Fixes #13515.

Change-Id: I7dd5fbc816e5ea135f7d81f6735e7601f636fe4f
Reviewed-on: default avatarRobert Griesemer <>
parent 62226fa9
......@@ -196,23 +196,36 @@ func basicMul(z, x, y nat) {
// montgomery computes x*y*2^(-n*_W) mod m,
// assuming k = -1/m mod 2^_W.
// montgomery computes z mod m = x*y*2**(-n*_W) mod m,
// assuming k = -1/m mod 2**_W.
// z is used for storing the result which is returned;
// z must not alias x, y or m.
// See Gueron, "Efficient Software Implementations of Modular Exponentiation".
// In the terminology of that paper, this is an "Almost Montgomery Multiplication":
// x and y are required to satisfy 0 <= z < 2**(n*_W) and then the result
// z is guaranteed to satisfy 0 <= z < 2**(n*_W), but it may not be < m.
func (z nat) montgomery(x, y, m nat, k Word, n int) nat {
var c1, c2 Word
// This code assumes x, y, m are all the same length, n.
// (required by addMulVVW and the for loop).
// It also assumes that x, y are already reduced mod m,
// or else the result will not be properly reduced.
if len(x) != n || len(y) != n || len(m) != n {
panic("math/big: mismatched montgomery number lengths")
var c1, c2, c3 Word
z = z.make(n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
d := y[i]
c1 += addMulVVW(z, x, d)
c2 = addMulVVW(z, x, d)
t := z[0] * k
c2 = addMulVVW(z, m, t)
c3 = addMulVVW(z, m, t)
copy(z, z[1:])
z[n-1] = c1 + c2
if z[n-1] < c1 {
cx := c1 + c2
cy := cx + c3
z[n-1] = cy
if cx < c2 || cy < c3 {
c1 = 1
} else {
c1 = 0
......@@ -341,25 +341,57 @@ var montgomeryTests = []struct {
......@@ -372,10 +404,27 @@ var montgomeryTests = []struct {
func TestMontgomery(t *testing.T) {
one := NewInt(1)
_B := new(Int).Lsh(one, _W)
for i, test := range montgomeryTests {
x := natFromString(test.x)
y := natFromString(test.y)
m := natFromString(test.m)
for len(x) < len(m) {
x = append(x, 0)
for len(y) < len(m) {
y = append(y, 0)
if x.cmp(m) > 0 {
_, r := nat(nil).div(nil, x, m)
t.Errorf("#%d: x > m (0x%s > 0x%s; use 0x%s)", i, x.utoa(16), m.utoa(16), r.utoa(16))
if y.cmp(m) > 0 {
_, r := nat(nil).div(nil, x, m)
t.Errorf("#%d: y > m (0x%s > 0x%s; use 0x%s)", i, y.utoa(16), m.utoa(16), r.utoa(16))
var out nat
if _W == 32 {
......@@ -384,11 +433,31 @@ func TestMontgomery(t *testing.T) {
out = natFromString(test.out64)
k0 := Word(test.k0 & _M) // mask k0 to ensure that it fits for 32-bit systems.
// t.Logf("#%d: len=%d\n", i, len(m))
// check output in table
xi := &Int{abs: x}
yi := &Int{abs: y}
mi := &Int{abs: m}
p := new(Int).Mod(new(Int).Mul(xi, new(Int).Mul(yi, new(Int).ModInverse(new(Int).Lsh(one, uint(len(m))*_W), mi))), mi)
if out.cmp(p.abs.norm()) != 0 {
t.Errorf("#%d: out in table=0x%s, computed=0x%s", i, out.utoa(16), p.abs.norm().utoa(16))
// check k0 in table
k := new(Int).Mod(&Int{abs: m}, _B)
k = new(Int).Sub(_B, k)
k = new(Int).Mod(k, _B)
k0 := Word(new(Int).ModInverse(k, _B).Uint64())
if k0 != Word(test.k0) {
t.Errorf("#%d: k0 in table=%#x, computed=%#x\n", i, test.k0, k0)
// check montgomery with correct k0 produces correct output
z := nat(nil).montgomery(x, y, m, k0, len(m))
z = z.norm()
if z.cmp(out) != 0 {
t.Errorf("#%d got %s want %s", i, z.utoa(10), out.utoa(10))
t.Errorf("#%d: got 0x%s want 0x%s", i, z.utoa(16), out.utoa(16))
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