Commit 4a5a5b20 authored by Joel Sing's avatar Joel Sing

runtime: fix netbsd signal handling

Update/correct NetBSD signal handling - most of this is needed due to
the correctly generated runtime definitions.

R=golang-dev, m4dh4tt3r, rsc
parent 8a9edcf7
......@@ -19,64 +19,66 @@ typedef struct sigaction {
} Sigaction;
runtime·dumpregs(Sigcontext *r)
runtime·dumpregs(McontextT *mc)
runtime·printf("eax %x\n", r->sc_eax);
runtime·printf("ebx %x\n", r->sc_ebx);
runtime·printf("ecx %x\n", r->sc_ecx);
runtime·printf("edx %x\n", r->sc_edx);
runtime·printf("edi %x\n", r->sc_edi);
runtime·printf("esi %x\n", r->sc_esi);
runtime·printf("ebp %x\n", r->sc_ebp);
runtime·printf("esp %x\n", r->sc_esp);
runtime·printf("eip %x\n", r->sc_eip);
runtime·printf("eflags %x\n", r->sc_eflags);
runtime·printf("cs %x\n", r->sc_cs);
runtime·printf("fs %x\n", r->sc_fs);
runtime·printf("gs %x\n", r->sc_gs);
runtime·printf("eax %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_EAX]);
runtime·printf("ebx %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_EBX]);
runtime·printf("ecx %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_ECX]);
runtime·printf("edx %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_EDX]);
runtime·printf("edi %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_EDI]);
runtime·printf("esi %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_ESI]);
runtime·printf("ebp %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_EBP]);
runtime·printf("esp %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_ESP]);
runtime·printf("eip %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_EIP]);
runtime·printf("eflags %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_EFL]);
runtime·printf("cs %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_CS]);
runtime·printf("fs %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_FS]);
runtime·printf("gs %x\n", mc->__gregs[REG_GS]);
runtime·sighandler(int32 sig, Siginfo *info, void *context, G *gp)
Sigcontext *r = context;
UcontextT *uc = context;
McontextT *mc = &uc->uc_mcontext;
uintptr *sp;
SigTab *t;
if(sig == SIGPROF) {
runtime·sigprof((uint8*)r->sc_eip, (uint8*)r->sc_esp, nil, gp);
(uint8*)mc->__gregs[REG_ESP], nil, gp);
t = &runtime·sigtab[sig];
if(info->si_code != SI_USER && (t->flags & SigPanic)) {
if(info->_code != SI_USER && (t->flags & SigPanic)) {
if(gp == nil)
goto Throw;
// Make it look like a call to the signal func.
// Have to pass arguments out of band since
// We need to pass arguments out of band since
// augmenting the stack frame would break
// the unwinding code.
gp->sig = sig;
gp->sigcode0 = info->si_code;
gp->sigcode1 = *(uintptr*)((byte*)info + 12); /* si_addr */
gp->sigpc = r->sc_eip;
// Only push runtime·sigpanic if r->sc_eip != 0.
// If r->sc_eip == 0, probably panicked because of a
// call to a nil func. Not pushing that onto sp will
// make the trace look like a call to runtime·sigpanic instead.
// (Otherwise the trace will end at runtime·sigpanic and we
// won't get to see who faulted.)
if(r->sc_eip != 0) {
sp = (uintptr*)r->sc_esp;
*--sp = r->sc_eip;
r->sc_esp = (uintptr)sp;
gp->sigcode0 = info->_code;
gp->sigcode1 = *(uintptr*)&info->_reason[0]; /* _addr */
gp->sigpc = mc->__gregs[REG_EIP];
// Only push runtime·sigpanic if __gregs[REG_EIP] != 0.
// If __gregs[REG_EIP] == 0, probably panicked because of a
// call to a nil func. Not pushing that onto sp will make the
// trace look like a call to runtime·sigpanic instead.
// (Otherwise the trace will end at runtime·sigpanic
// and we won't get to see who faulted.)
if(mc->__gregs[REG_EIP] != 0) {
sp = (uintptr*)mc->__gregs[REG_ESP];
*--sp = mc->__gregs[REG_EIP];
mc->__gregs[REG_ESP] = (uintptr)sp;
r->sc_eip = (uintptr)runtime·sigpanic;
mc->__gregs[REG_EIP] = (uintptr)runtime·sigpanic;
if(info->si_code == SI_USER || (t->flags & SigNotify))
if(info->_code == SI_USER || (t->flags & SigNotify))
if(t->flags & SigKill)
......@@ -92,13 +94,14 @@ Throw:
runtime·printf("%s\n", runtime·sigtab[sig].name);
runtime·printf("PC=%X\n", r->sc_eip);
runtime·printf("PC=%X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_EIP]);
runtime·traceback((void*)r->sc_eip, (void*)r->sc_esp, 0, gp);
(void*)mc->__gregs[REG_ESP], 0, gp);
......@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ runtime·signalstack(byte *p, int32 n)
Sigaltstack st;
st.ss_sp = (int8*)p;
st.ss_sp = p;
st.ss_size = n;
st.ss_flags = 0;
runtime·sigaltstack(&st, nil);
......@@ -19,73 +19,73 @@ typedef struct sigaction {
} Sigaction;
runtime·dumpregs(Sigcontext *r)
runtime·dumpregs(McontextT *mc)
runtime·printf("rax %X\n", r->sc_rax);
runtime·printf("rbx %X\n", r->sc_rbx);
runtime·printf("rcx %X\n", r->sc_rcx);
runtime·printf("rdx %X\n", r->sc_rdx);
runtime·printf("rdi %X\n", r->sc_rdi);
runtime·printf("rsi %X\n", r->sc_rsi);
runtime·printf("rbp %X\n", r->sc_rbp);
runtime·printf("rsp %X\n", r->sc_rsp);
runtime·printf("r8 %X\n", r->sc_r8);
runtime·printf("r9 %X\n", r->sc_r9);
runtime·printf("r10 %X\n", r->sc_r10);
runtime·printf("r11 %X\n", r->sc_r11);
runtime·printf("r12 %X\n", r->sc_r12);
runtime·printf("r13 %X\n", r->sc_r13);
runtime·printf("r14 %X\n", r->sc_r14);
runtime·printf("r15 %X\n", r->sc_r15);
runtime·printf("rip %X\n", r->sc_rip);
runtime·printf("rflags %X\n", r->sc_rflags);
runtime·printf("cs %X\n", r->sc_cs);
runtime·printf("fs %X\n", r->sc_fs);
runtime·printf("gs %X\n", r->sc_gs);
runtime·printf("rax %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RAX]);
runtime·printf("rbx %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RBX]);
runtime·printf("rcx %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RCX]);
runtime·printf("rdx %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RDX]);
runtime·printf("rdi %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RDI]);
runtime·printf("rsi %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RSI]);
runtime·printf("rbp %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RBP]);
runtime·printf("rsp %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RSP]);
runtime·printf("r8 %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_R8]);
runtime·printf("r9 %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_R9]);
runtime·printf("r10 %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_R10]);
runtime·printf("r11 %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_R11]);
runtime·printf("r12 %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_R12]);
runtime·printf("r13 %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_R13]);
runtime·printf("r14 %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_R14]);
runtime·printf("r15 %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_R15]);
runtime·printf("rip %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RIP]);
runtime·printf("rflags %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RFLAGS]);
runtime·printf("cs %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_CS]);
runtime·printf("fs %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_FS]);
runtime·printf("gs %X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_GS]);
runtime·sighandler(int32 sig, Siginfo *info, void *context, G *gp)
Sigcontext *r = context;
UcontextT *uc = context;
McontextT *mc = &uc->uc_mcontext;
uintptr *sp;
SigTab *t;
if(sig == SIGPROF) {
(uint8*)r->sc_rsp, nil, gp);
(uint8*)mc->__gregs[REG_RSP], nil, gp);
t = &runtime·sigtab[sig];
if(info->si_code != SI_USER && (t->flags & SigPanic)) {
if(info->_code != SI_USER && (t->flags & SigPanic)) {
if(gp == nil)
goto Throw;
// Make it look like a call to the signal func.
// Have to pass arguments out of band since
// augmenting the stack frame would break
// the unwinding code.
// We need to pass arguments out of band since augmenting the
// stack frame would break the unwinding code.
gp->sig = sig;
gp->sigcode0 = info->si_code;
gp->sigcode1 = *(uintptr*)((byte*)info + 16); /* si_addr */
gp->sigpc = r->sc_rip;
// Only push runtime·sigpanic if r->mc_rip != 0.
// If r->mc_rip == 0, probably panicked because of a
// call to a nil func. Not pushing that onto sp will
// make the trace look like a call to runtime·sigpanic instead.
// (Otherwise the trace will end at runtime·sigpanic and we
// won't get to see who faulted.)
if(r->sc_rip != 0) {
sp = (uintptr*)r->sc_rsp;
*--sp = r->sc_rip;
r->sc_rsp = (uintptr)sp;
gp->sigcode0 = info->_code;
gp->sigcode1 = *(uintptr*)&info->_reason[0]; /* _addr */
gp->sigpc = mc->__gregs[REG_RIP];
// Only push runtime·sigpanic if __gregs[REG_RIP] != 0.
// If __gregs[REG_RIP] == 0, probably panicked because of a
// call to a nil func. Not pushing that onto sp will make the
// trace look like a call to runtime·sigpanic instead.
// (Otherwise the trace will end at runtime·sigpanic
// and we won't get to see who faulted.)
if(mc->__gregs[REG_RIP] != 0) {
sp = (uintptr*)mc->__gregs[REG_RSP];
*--sp = mc->__gregs[REG_RIP];
mc->__gregs[REG_RSP] = (uintptr)sp;
r->sc_rip = (uintptr)runtime·sigpanic;
mc->__gregs[REG_RIP] = (uintptr)runtime·sigpanic;
if(info->si_code == SI_USER || (t->flags & SigNotify))
if(info->_code == SI_USER || (t->flags & SigNotify))
if(t->flags & SigKill)
......@@ -101,13 +101,14 @@ Throw:
runtime·printf("%s\n", runtime·sigtab[sig].name);
runtime·printf("PC=%X\n", r->sc_rip);
runtime·printf("PC=%X\n", mc->__gregs[REG_RIP]);
runtime·traceback((void*)r->sc_rip, (void*)r->sc_rsp, 0, gp);
(void*)mc->__gregs[REG_RSP], 0, gp);
......@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ runtime·signalstack(byte *p, int32 n)
Sigaltstack st;
st.ss_sp = (int8*)p;
st.ss_sp = p;
st.ss_size = n;
st.ss_flags = 0;
runtime·sigaltstack(&st, nil);
......@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
#define D SigDefault
SigTab runtime·sigtab[] = {
/* 0 */ 0, "SIGNONE: no trap",
/* 1 */ N+K, "SIGHUP: terminal line hangup",
/* 2 */ N+K, "SIGINT: interrupt",
/* 3 */ N+T, "SIGQUIT: quit",
/* 4 */ T, "SIGILL: illegal instruction",
/* 5 */ T, "SIGTRAP: trace trap",
/* 6 */ N+T, "SIGABRT: abort",
/* 7 */ T, "SIGEMT: emulate instruction executed",
/* 8 */ P, "SIGFPE: floating-point exception",
/* 9 */ 0, "SIGKILL: kill",
/* 0 */ 0, "SIGNONE: no trap",
/* 1 */ N+K, "SIGHUP: terminal line hangup",
/* 2 */ N+K, "SIGINT: interrupt",
/* 3 */ N+T, "SIGQUIT: quit",
/* 4 */ T, "SIGILL: illegal instruction",
/* 5 */ T, "SIGTRAP: trace trap",
/* 6 */ N+T, "SIGABRT: abort",
/* 7 */ T, "SIGEMT: emulate instruction executed",
/* 8 */ P, "SIGFPE: floating-point exception",
/* 9 */ 0, "SIGKILL: kill",
/* 10 */ P, "SIGBUS: bus error",
/* 11 */ P, "SIGSEGV: segmentation violation",
/* 12 */ T, "SIGSYS: bad system call",
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