Commit 506ce11f authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

various tweaks to code review.

main one is to check at submit time that
user name being used in checkin message
is listed in the CONTRIBUTORS file.
this should catch misconfigurations.

another is to cut the @domain part
from the R= and CC= lines on checkin
messages, so that cc'ing someone on
a change does not mean their email
address is recorded for all time.

parent 56a38f25
......@@ -187,8 +187,7 @@ class CL(object):
patches = [x.split(" ", 1) for x in lines[2:]]
ui.status(msg + "\n")
if not response_body.startswith("Issue created.") and not response_body.startswith("Issue updated."):
print response_body
raise "failed to update issue"
raise util.Abort("failed to update issue: " + response_body)
issue = msg[msg.rfind("/")+1:] = issue
if not self.url:
......@@ -258,6 +257,12 @@ def ParseCL(text, name):
def SplitCommaSpace(s):
return s.replace(",", " ").split()
def CutDomain(s):
i = s.find('@')
if i >= 0:
s = s[0:i]
return s
def JoinComma(l):
return ", ".join(l)
......@@ -737,12 +742,26 @@ def reposetup(ui, repo):
cmdutil.match = ReplacementForCmdutilMatch
RietveldSetup(ui, repo)
def CheckContributor(ui, repo):
user = ui.config("ui", "username")
if not user:
raise util.Abort("[ui] username is not configured in .hgrc")
f = open(repo.root + '/CONTRIBUTORS', 'r')
raise util.Abort("cannot open %s: %s" % (repo.root+'/CONTRIBUTORS', ExceptionDetail()))
for line in f.readlines():
if line.rstrip() == user.rstrip():
raise util.Abort("cannot find %s in CONTRIBUTORS" % (user,))
def submit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""submit change to remote repository
Submits change to remote repository.
Bails out if the local repository is not in sync with the remote one.
CheckContributor(ui, repo)
repo.ui.quiet = True
if not opts["no_incoming"] and Incoming(ui, repo, opts):
return "local repository out of date; must sync before submit"
......@@ -753,13 +772,13 @@ def submit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
about = ""
if cl.reviewer:
about += "R=" + JoinComma(cl.reviewer) + "\n"
about += "R=" + JoinComma([CutDomain(s) for s in cl.reviewer]) + "\n"
if opts.get('tbr'):
tbr = SplitCommaSpace(opts.get('tbr'))
cl.reviewer = Add(cl.reviewer, tbr)
about += "TBR=" + JoinComma(tbr) + "\n"
about += "TBR=" + JoinComma([CutDomain(s) for s in tbr]) + "\n"
about += "CC=" + JoinComma( + "\n"
about += "CC=" + JoinComma([CutDomain(s) for s in]) + "\n"
if not cl.reviewer:
return "no reviewers listed in CL"
......@@ -1136,11 +1155,9 @@ def RietveldSetup(ui, repo):
cc = x
server_url_base = "http://" + server + "/"
x = ui.config("codereview", "server_url_base")
if x is not None:
server_url_base = x
if not server_url_base.endswith("/"):
server_url_base += "/"
# TODO(rsc): Remove after release
server_url_base = "http://go/go-review/"
testing = ui.config("codereview", "testing")
force_google_account = ui.configbool("codereview", "force_google_account", False)
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