Commit 531e3fe3 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- fix regexp once more in doc.go:

  comment markers must only be stripped if they are
  at the very beginning otherwise comments that contain
  code with comments get screwed up (the ast delivers clean
  comments with no junk before or after)

- fix indentation in google/net/rpc/rpc.go which screwed up
  godoc formatting

DELTA=3  (0 added, 0 deleted, 3 changed)
parent 838cf124
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ var (
// TODO(rsc): Cannot use var initialization for regexps,
// because Regexp constructor needs threads.
func setupRegexps() {
comment_markers = makeRex("^[ \t]*(// ?| ?/\\* ?)");
comment_markers = makeRex("^/(/|\\*) ?");
trailing_whitespace = makeRex("[ \t\r]+$");
comment_junk = makeRex("^[ \t]*(/\\*|\\*/)[ \t]*$");
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