Commit 53a42d3c authored by Bryan C. Mills's avatar Bryan C. Mills

doc/go1.13: describe new cmd/go environment variables

Change-Id: I99669339b816a3ae56bbe082a8c47ae17e763d71
Reviewed-on: default avatarKatie Hockman <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarJay Conrod <>
parent 816ce1a2
......@@ -167,6 +167,63 @@ Do not send CLs removing the interior tags from such phrases.
<h3 id="modules">Modules</h3>
<h4 id="proxy-vars">Environment variables</h4>
<p><!-- CL 181719 -->
The new
<a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Module_configuration_for_non_public_modules"><code>GOPRIVATE</code></a>
environment variable indicates module paths that are not publicly available.
It contains a comma-separated list of glob patterns (in the syntax of
<a href="/pkg/path#Match"><code>path.Match</code></a>) to be matched against a
prefix of the module path. It serves as the default value for the
lower-level <code>GONOPROXY</code> and <code>GONOSUMDB</code> variables, which
provide finer-grained control over which modules are fetched via proxy and
verified using the checksum database.
<p><!-- CL 173441, CL 177958 -->
The <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Module_downloading_and_verification"><code>GOPROXY</code>
environment variable</a> may now be set to a comma-separated list of proxy
URLs or the special token <code>direct</code>, and
its <a href="#introduction">default value</a> is
now <code>,direct</code>. When resolving a package
path to its containing module, the <code>go</code> command will try each
possible module path on the first proxy in the list before falling back to the
next. If an HTTPS proxy is unreachable or returns a status code other than 404
or 410 for a given module path, no subsequent proxy is consulted for that
path. The <code>direct</code> token indicates that the <code>go</code> command
should attempt to fetch the module directly from its origin;
<code>GOPROXY</code> entries after <code>direct</code> are ignored.
The new
<a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Module_authentication_failures"><code>GOSUMDB</code></a>
environment variable identifies the name, and optionally the public key and
server URL, of the database to consult for checksums of modules that are not
yet listed in the main module's <code>go.sum</code> file.
If <code>GOSUMDB</code> does not include an explicit URL, the URL is chosen by
probing the <code>GOPROXY</code> URLs for an endpoint indicating support for
the checksum database, falling back to a direct connection to the named
database if it is not supported by any proxy. If <code>GOSUMDB</code> is set
to <code>off</code>, the checksum database is not consulted and only the
existing checksums in the <code>go.sum</code> file are verified.
Users who cannot reach the default proxy and checksum database (for example,
due to a firewalled or sandboxed configuration) may disable their use by
setting <code>GOPROXY</code> to <code>direct</code>, and/or
<code>GOSUMDB</code> to <code>off</code>.
<a href="#go-env-w"><code>go</code> <code>env</code> <code>-w</code></a>
can be used to set the default values for these variables independent of
go env -w GOPROXY=direct
go env -w GOSUMDB=off
<h4 id="go-get"><code>go</code> <code>get</code></h3>
<p><!-- CL 174099 -->
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