Commit 609de859 authored by Andrew Gerrand's avatar Andrew Gerrand

[release-branch.r60] doc: link to A Tour of Go

««« CL 5181045 / bc48691295c8
doc: link to A Tour of Go

R=golang-dev, rsc, r

parent 60000444
......@@ -16,6 +16,16 @@ Once you've learned a little about the language,
idioms of programming in Go.
<h3 id="go_tour"><a href="">A Tour of Go</a></h3>
An interactive introduction to Go in three sections.
The first section covers basic syntax and data structures; the second discusses
methods and interfaces; and the third introduces Go's concurrency primitives.
Each section concludes with a few exercises so you can practice what you've
learned. You can <a href="">take the tour online</a> or
<a href="">install it locally</a>.
<h3 id="orig_tutorial"><a href="go_tutorial.html">A Tutorial for the Go Programming Language</a></h3>
The first tutorial. An introductory text that touches upon several core
......@@ -257,7 +257,8 @@ the process of building and testing Go programs.
<h2 id="next">What's next</h2>
Start by reading the <a href="go_tutorial.html">Go Tutorial</a>.
Start by taking <a href="">A Tour of Go</a>
or reading the <a href="go_tutorial.html">Go Tutorial</a>.
......@@ -49,10 +49,13 @@ google.setOnLoadCallback(loadFeed);
It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a
dynamically typed, interpreted language.
<h2>Check it out!</h2>
Get started now with
<a target="_blank" href="">A Tour of Go</a>.
<div class="how">[<a href="/doc/playground.html">How does this work?</a>]</div>
<a href="/doc/install.html">Install Go now</a>, or try it right here in your browser:</p>
Or try it right here in your browser:</p>
<div id="playground" class="small"></div>
<script src="/doc/play/playground.js"></script>
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