Commit 62718fb5 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer


- prepare for generation of HTML id tags and links
- do HTML-escaping in central print routine
- move tabwriter setup into printer
- fixed various TODOs

- removed tabwriter setup, need for various HTML-escaping

DELTA=210  (107 added, 36 deleted, 67 changed)
parent d951ce4e
......@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ import (
......@@ -125,11 +124,6 @@ func isPkgDir(dir *os.Dir) bool {
func makeTabwriter(writer io.Writer) *tabwriter.Writer {
return tabwriter.NewWriter(writer, *tabwidth, 1, byte(' '), 0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parsing
......@@ -201,55 +195,66 @@ func parse(path string, mode uint) (*ast.File, *parseErrors) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Templates
// Return text for an AST node.
func nodeText(node interface{}) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer;
tw := makeTabwriter(&buf);
printer.Fprint(tw, node, 0);
return buf.Data();
// Write an AST-node to w; optionally html-escaped.
func writeNode(w io.Writer, node interface{}, html bool) {
mode := printer.UseSpaces;
if html {
mode |= printer.GenHTML;
printer.Fprint(w, node, mode, *tabwidth);
// Convert x, whatever it is, to text form.
func toText(x interface{}) []byte {
type Stringer interface { String() string }
// Write text to w; optionally html-escaped.
func writeText(w io.Writer, text []byte, html bool) {
if html {
template.HtmlEscape(w, text);
// Write anything to w; optionally html-escaped.
func writeAny(w io.Writer, x interface{}, html bool) {
switch v := x.(type) {
case []byte:
return v;
writeText(w, v, html);
case string:
return strings.Bytes(v);
writeText(w, strings.Bytes(v), html);
case ast.Decl:
return nodeText(v);
writeNode(w, v, html);
case ast.Expr:
return nodeText(v);
case Stringer:
// last resort (AST nodes get a String method
// from token.Position - don't call that one)
return strings.Bytes(v.String());
writeNode(w, v, html);
if html {
var buf bytes.Buffer;
fmt.Fprint(&buf, x);
writeText(w, buf.Data(), true);
} else {
fmt.Fprint(w, x);
var buf bytes.Buffer;
fmt.Fprint(&buf, x);
return buf.Data();
// Template formatter for "html" format.
func htmlFmt(w io.Writer, x interface{}, format string) {
template.HtmlEscape(w, toText(x));
writeAny(w, x, true);
// Template formatter for "html-comment" format.
func htmlCommentFmt(w io.Writer, x interface{}, format string) {
doc.ToHtml(w, toText(x));
var buf bytes.Buffer;
writeAny(&buf, x, false);
doc.ToHtml(w, buf.Data());
// Template formatter for "" (default) format.
func textFmt(w io.Writer, x interface{}, format string) {
writeAny(w, x, false);
......@@ -337,7 +342,7 @@ func serveGoSource(c *http.Conn, name string) {
var buf bytes.Buffer;
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "<pre>");
template.HtmlEscape(&buf, nodeText(prog));
writeNode(&buf, prog, true);
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "</pre>");
servePage(c, name + " - Go source", buf.Data());
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
pathutil "path";
......@@ -34,8 +33,9 @@ var (
exports = flag.Bool("x", false, "show exports only");
// layout control
tabwidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 4, "tab width");
usetabs = flag.Bool("tabs", false, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
tabwidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 8, "tab width");
rawformat = flag.Bool("rawformat", false, "do not use a tabwriter");
usespaces = flag.Bool("spaces", false, "align with blanks instead of tabs");
optcommas = flag.Bool("optcommas", false, "print optional commas");
optsemis = flag.Bool("optsemis", false, "print optional semicolons");
......@@ -104,6 +104,12 @@ func getPackage(path string) (*ast.Package, os.Error) {
func printerMode() uint {
mode := uint(0);
if *rawformat {
mode |= printer.RawFormat;
if *usespaces {
mode |= printer.UseSpaces;
if *optcommas {
mode |= printer.OptCommas;
......@@ -114,15 +120,6 @@ func printerMode() uint {
func makeTabwriter(writer io.Writer) *tabwriter.Writer {
padchar := byte(' ');
if *usetabs {
padchar = '\t';
return tabwriter.NewWriter(writer, *tabwidth, 1, padchar, 0);
func main() {
flag.Usage = usage;
......@@ -144,15 +141,21 @@ func main() {
if !*silent {
w := makeTabwriter(os.Stdout);
if *exports {
printer.Fprint(w, ast.MergePackageFiles(pkg), printerMode()); // ignore errors
_, err := printer.Fprint(os.Stdout, ast.MergePackageFiles(pkg), printerMode(), *tabwidth);
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err);
} else {
for _, src := range pkg.Files {
printer.Fprint(w, src, printerMode()); // ignore errors
_, err := printer.Fprint(os.Stdout, src, printerMode(), *tabwidth);
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err);
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fmt.install: io.install os.install reflect.install strconv.install utf8.install
go/ast.install: go/token.install unicode.install utf8.install
go/doc.install: container/vector.install fmt.install go/ast.install go/token.install io.install once.install regexp.install sort.install strings.install template.install
go/parser.install: bytes.install container/vector.install fmt.install go/ast.install go/scanner.install go/token.install io.install os.install path.install strings.install
go/printer.install: fmt.install go/ast.install go/token.install io.install os.install reflect.install strings.install
go/printer.install: fmt.install go/ast.install go/token.install io.install os.install reflect.install strings.install tabwriter.install
go/scanner.install: bytes.install container/vector.install fmt.install go/token.install io.install os.install sort.install strconv.install unicode.install utf8.install
go/token.install: fmt.install strconv.install
gob.install: bytes.install fmt.install io.install math.install os.install reflect.install strings.install sync.install unicode.install
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
......@@ -26,7 +27,10 @@ const (
// to Fprint via the mode parameter.
const (
OptCommas = 1 << iota; // print optional commas
GenHTML uint = 1 << iota; // generate HTML
RawFormat; // do not use a tabwriter; if set, UseSpaces is ignored
UseSpaces; // use spaces instead of tabs for indentation and alignment
OptCommas; // print optional commas
OptSemis; // print optional semicolons
......@@ -41,6 +45,15 @@ const (
var (
tabs = [...]byte{'\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t'};
newlines = [...]byte{'\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n', '\n'}; // more than maxNewlines
ampersand = strings.Bytes("&amp;");
lessthan = strings.Bytes("&lt;");
greaterthan = strings.Bytes("&gt;");
type printer struct {
// configuration (does not change after initialization)
output io.Writer;
......@@ -70,8 +83,7 @@ func (p *printer) init(output io.Writer, mode uint) {
// Writing to p.output is done with write0 which also handles errors.
// It should only be called by write and debug routines which are not
// supposed to update the p.pos estimation.
// Does not indent after newlines, or HTML-escape, or update p.pos.
func (p *printer) write0(data []byte) {
n, err := p.output.Write(data);
......@@ -85,22 +97,55 @@ func (p *printer) write0(data []byte) {
func (p *printer) write(data []byte) {
i0 := 0;
for i, b := range data {
if b == '\n' || b == '\f' {
// write segment ending in a newline/formfeed followed by indentation
// TODO(gri) should convert '\f' into '\n' if the output is not going
// through tabwriter
p.write0(data[i0 : i+1]);
// TODO(gri) should not write indentation is there is nothing else
switch b {
case '\n', '\f':
// write segment ending in b followed by indentation
if p.mode & RawFormat != 0 && b == '\f' {
// no tabwriter - convert last byte into a newline
p.write0(data[i0 : i]);
p.write0(newlines[0 : 1]);
} else {
p.write0(data[i0 : i+1]);
// write indentation
// TODO(gri) should not write indentation if there is nothing else
// on the line
for j := p.indent; j > 0; j-- {
p.write0([]byte{'\t'}); // TODO(gri) don't do allocation in every iteration
j := p.indent;
for ; j > len(tabs); j -= len(tabs) {
i0 = i+1;
p.write0(tabs[0 : j]);
// update p.pos
p.pos.Offset += i+1 - i0 + p.indent;
p.pos.Column = p.indent + 1;
// next segment start
i0 = i+1;
case '&', '<', '>':
if p.mode & GenHTML != 0 {
// write segment ending in b
p.write0(data[i0 : i]);
// write HTML-escaped b
var esc []byte;
switch b {
case '&': esc = ampersand;
case '<': esc = lessthan;
case '>': esc = greaterthan;
// update p.pos
p.pos.Offset += i+1 - i0;
p.pos.Column += i+1 - i0;
// next segment start
i0 = i+1;
......@@ -114,33 +159,29 @@ func (p *printer) write(data []byte) {
// TODO(gri) Don't go through write and make this more efficient.
func (p *printer) writeByte(b byte) {
func (p *printer) writeNewlines(n int) {
if n > maxNewlines {
n = maxNewlines;
for ; n > 0; n-- {
if n > 0 {
if n > maxNewlines {
n = maxNewlines;
p.write(newlines[0 : n]);
func (p *printer) writePos(pos token.Position) {
// use write0 so not to disturb the p.pos update by write
p.write0(strings.Bytes(fmt.Sprintf("[%d:%d]", pos.Line, pos.Column)));
func (p *printer) writeItem(pos token.Position, data []byte) {
p.pos = pos;
if debug {
// do not update p.pos - use write0
p.write0(strings.Bytes(fmt.Sprintf("[%d:%d]", pos.Line, pos.Column)));
// TODO(gri) Enable once links are generated.
if p.mode & GenHTML != 0 {
// do not HTML-escape or update p.pos - use write0
p.write0(strings.Bytes(fmt.Sprintf("<a id=%x></a>", pos.Offset)));
p.prev = p.pos;
......@@ -172,7 +213,7 @@ func (p *printer) writeComment(comment *ast.Comment) {
n := comment.Pos().Line - p.prev.Line;
if n == 0 {
// comment on the same line as previous item; separate with tab
p.write(tabs[0 : 1]);
} else {
// comment on a different line; separate with newlines
......@@ -239,10 +280,16 @@ func (p *printer) intersperseComments(next token.Position) {
func (p *printer) writeWhitespace() {
var a [len(p.buffer)]byte;
for i := 0; i < p.buflen; i++ {
a[i] = byte(p.buffer[i]);
var b []byte = &a;
b = b[0 : p.buflen];
p.buflen = 0;
......@@ -254,7 +301,7 @@ func (p *printer) writeWhitespace() {
// Whitespace is accumulated until a non-whitespace token appears. Any
// comments that need to appear before that token are printed first,
// taking into account the amount and structure of any pending white-
// space for best commemnt placement. Then, any leftover whitespace is
// space for best comment placement. Then, any leftover whitespace is
// printed, followed by the actual token.
func (p *printer) print(args ...) {
......@@ -930,8 +977,8 @@ func (p *printer) spec(spec ast.Spec) (comment *ast.CommentGroup, optSemi bool)
if s.Name != nil {
// TODO fix for longer package names
p.print(tab, s.Path[0].Pos(), s.Path[0].Value);
comment = s.Comment;
case *ast.ValueSpec:
......@@ -1057,14 +1104,28 @@ func (p *printer) file(src *ast.File) {
// Fprint "pretty-prints" an AST node to output and returns the number of
// bytes written, and an error, if any. The node type must be *ast.File,
// or assignment-compatible to ast.Expr, ast.Decl, or ast.Stmt. Printing is
// controlled by the mode parameter. For best results, the output should be
// a tabwriter.Writer.
// or assignment-compatible to ast.Expr, ast.Decl, or ast.Stmt. Printing
// is controlled by the mode and tabwidth parameters.
func Fprint(output io.Writer, node interface{}, mode uint) (int, os.Error) {
func Fprint(output io.Writer, node interface{}, mode uint, tabwidth int) (int, os.Error) {
// setup tabwriter if needed and redirect output
var tw *tabwriter.Writer;
if mode & RawFormat == 0 {
padchar := byte('\t');
if mode & UseSpaces != 0 {
padchar = ' ';
var twmode uint;
if mode & GenHTML != 0 {
twmode = tabwriter.FilterHTML;
tw = tabwriter.NewWriter(output, tabwidth, 1, padchar, twmode);
output = tw;
// setup printer and print node
var p printer;
p.init(output, mode);
go func() {
switch n := node.(type) {
case ast.Expr:
......@@ -1085,5 +1146,10 @@ func Fprint(output io.Writer, node interface{}, mode uint) (int, os.Error) {
err := <-p.errors; // wait for completion of goroutine
// flush tabwriter, if any
if tw != nil {
tw.Flush(); // ignore errors
return p.written, err;
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import (
......@@ -21,8 +20,6 @@ import (
const (
dataDir = "testdata";
tabwidth = 4;
padding = 1;
tabchar = '\t';
......@@ -54,9 +51,9 @@ func check(t *testing.T, source, golden string, exports bool) {
// format source
var buf bytes.Buffer;
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(&buf, tabwidth, padding, tabchar, 0);
Fprint(w, prog, 0);
if _, err := Fprint(&buf, prog, 0, tabwidth); err != nil {
res := buf.Data();
// update golden files if necessary
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