Commit 69523472 authored by Andrew Gerrand's avatar Andrew Gerrand

misc/dashboard/builder: fixes and improvements

- fix release upload
- add -rev= flag to build specific revision and exit
- added support for all-$GOARCH.bash

parent a33ad247
......@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ type BenchRequest struct {
var (
dashboard = flag.String("dashboard", "", "Go Dashboard Host")
runBenchmarks = flag.Bool("bench", false, "Run benchmarks")
buildRelease = flag.Bool("release", false, "Build and deliver binary release archive")
buildRelease = flag.Bool("release", false, "Build and upload binary release archives")
buildRevision = flag.String("rev", "", "Build specified revision and exit")
var (
......@@ -76,6 +77,20 @@ func main() {
if err := run(nil, buildroot, "hg", "clone", hgUrl, goroot); err != nil {
log.Exit("Error cloning repository:", err)
// if specified, build revision and return
if *buildRevision != "" {
c, err := getCommit(*buildRevision)
if err != nil {
log.Exit("Error finding revision:", err)
for _, b := range builders {
if err := b.buildCommit(c); err != nil {
// check for new commits and build them
for {
err := run(nil, goroot, "hg", "pull", "-u")
......@@ -93,18 +108,24 @@ func main() {
// only run benchmarks if we didn't build anything
// so that they don't hold up the builder queue
if !built {
// if we have no benchmarks to do, pause
if benchRequests.Len() == 0 {
if !runQueuedBenchmark() {
// if we have no benchmarks to do, pause
} else {
// after running one benchmark,
// continue to find and build new revisions.
// after running one benchmark,
// continue to find and build new revisions.
func runQueuedBenchmark() bool {
if benchRequests.Len() == 0 {
return false
return true
func runBenchmark(r BenchRequest) {
// run benchmarks and send to dashboard
pkg := path.Join(r.path, "go", "src", "pkg")
......@@ -222,11 +243,15 @@ func (b *Builder) buildCommit(c Commit) (err os.Error) {
// clone repo at revision num (new candidate)
err = run(nil, workpath,
"hg", "clone",
"-r", strconv.Itoa(c.num),
goroot, "go")
// clone repo
err = run(nil, workpath, "hg", "clone", goroot, "go")
if err != nil {
// update to specified revision
err = run(nil, path.Join(workpath, "go"),
"hg", "update", "-r", strconv.Itoa(c.num))
if err != nil {
......@@ -240,8 +265,17 @@ func (b *Builder) buildCommit(c Commit) (err os.Error) {
srcDir := path.Join(workpath, "go", "src")
// build the release candidate
buildLog, status, err := runLog(env, srcDir, "bash", "all.bash")
// check for all-${GOARCH,GOOS}.bash and use it if found
allbash := "all.bash"
if a := "all-"+b.goarch+".bash"; isFile(path.Join(srcDir, a)) {
allbash = a
if a := "all-"+b.goos+".bash"; isFile(path.Join(srcDir, a)) {
allbash = a
// build
buildLog, status, err := runLog(env, srcDir, "bash", allbash)
if err != nil {
return errf("all.bash: %s", err)
......@@ -278,31 +312,22 @@ func (b *Builder) buildCommit(c Commit) (err os.Error) {
return errf("clean.bash: %s", err)
// upload binary release
err = b.codeUpload(release)
func (b *Builder) codeUpload(release string) (err os.Error) {
defer func() {
fn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s-%s.tar.gz", release, b.goos, b.goarch)
err = run(nil, workpath, "tar", "czf", fn, "go")
if err != nil {
err = errf("%s codeUpload release: %s: %s",, release, err)
return errf("tar: %s", err)
fn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s-%s.tar.gz", release, b.goos, b.goarch)
err = run(nil, "", "tar", "czf", fn, "go")
if err != nil {
err = run(nil, workpath, "python",
path.Join(goroot, codePyScript),
"-s", release,
"-p", codeProject,
"-u", b.codeUsername,
"-w", b.codePassword,
"-l", fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", b.goos, b.goarch),
return run(nil, "", "python",
path.Join(goroot, codePyScript),
"-s", release,
"-p", codeProject,
"-u", b.codeUsername,
"-w", b.codePassword,
"-l", fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", b.goos, b.goarch),
func isDirectory(name string) bool {
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