will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 696815c5 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

extend composite literal test.

update tests.
update golden.out

parent eab46c6e
......@@ -8,6 +8,20 @@ package main
type T struct { i int; f float; s string; next *T }
type R struct { num int }
func itor(a int) *R {
r := new(R);
r.num = a;
return r;
func eq(a *[]*R) {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if a[i].num != i { panic("bad") }
func main() {
var t T;
t = T(0, 7.2, "hi", &t);
......@@ -18,7 +32,7 @@ func main() {
a1 := []int(1,2,3);
if len(a1) != 3 { panic("a1") }
a2 := [10]int(1,2,3);
if len(a2) != 10 || a2[3] != 0 { panic("a2") }
if len(a2) != 10 || cap(a2) != 10 { panic("a2") }
//a3 := [10]int(1,2,3,); // BUG: trailing commas not allowed
//if len(a3) != 10 || a2[3] != 0 { panic("a3") }
......@@ -41,4 +55,6 @@ func main() {
m := map[string]float("one":1.0, "two":2.0, "pi":22./7.);
if len(m) != 3 { panic("m") }
eq(&[]*R(itor(0), itor(1), itor(2), itor(3), itor(4), itor(5)));
......@@ -112,11 +112,6 @@ bugs/bug080.go:12: illegal types for operand: CALL
BUG: fails incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug081.go
bugs/bug081.go:5: first constant must evaluate an expression
BUG: compiler should not crash
Bus error $G $D/$F.go
=========== bugs/bug083.go
BUG: succeeds incorrectly
......@@ -212,5 +207,8 @@ fixedbugs/bug073.go:9: illegal types for operand: RSH
=========== fixedbugs/bug081.go
fixedbugs/bug081.go:5: syntax error
=========== fixedbugs/bug091.go
fixedbugs/bug091.go:14: label exit not defined
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