Commit 6b0d25d8 authored by Andrew Gerrand's avatar Andrew Gerrand

[release-branch.r59] doc: document release.r59

««« CL 4835044 / d655c911a608
doc: document release.r59

R=golang-dev, dsymonds, r, r

parent 9c3eb13a
......@@ -14,6 +14,113 @@ hg pull
hg update release.r<i>NN</i>
<h2 id="r59">r59 (released 2011/08/01)</h2>
The r59 release corresponds to
<code><a href="weekly.html#2011-07-07">weekly.2011-07-07</a></code>.
This section highlights the most significant changes in this release.
For a more detailed summary, see the
<a href="weekly.html#2011-07-07">weekly release notes</a>.
For complete information, see the
<a href="">Mercurial change list</a>.
<h3 id="r59.lang">Language</h3>
This release includes a language change that restricts the use of
<code>goto</code>. In essence, a <code>goto</code> statement outside a block
cannot jump to a label inside that block. Your code may require changes if it
uses <code>goto</code>.
See <a href="">this
changeset</a> for how the new rule affected the Go tree.
<h3 id="r59.pkg">Packages</h3>
As usual, <a href="/cmd/gofix/">gofix</a> will handle the bulk of the rewrites
necessary for these changes to package APIs.
<a href="/pkg/http">Package http</a> has a new
<a href="/pkg/http/#FileSystem">FileSystem</a> interface that provides access
to files. The <a href="/pkg/http/#FileServer">FileServer</a> helper now takes a
<code>FileSystem</code> argument instead of an explicit file system root. By
implementing your own <code>FileSystem</code> you can use the
<code>FileServer</code> to serve arbitrary data.
<a href="/pkg/os/">Package os</a>'s <code>ErrorString</code> type has been
hidden. Most uses of <code>os.ErrorString</code> can be replaced with
<a href="/pkg/os/#NewError">os.NewError</a>.
<a href="/pkg/reflect/">Package reflect</a> supports a new struct tag scheme
that enables sharing of struct tags between multiple packages.
In this scheme, the tags must be of the form:
`key:"value" key2:"value2"`
The <a href="/pkg/reflect/#StructField">StructField</a> type's Tag field now
has type <a href="/pkg/reflect/#StructTag">StructTag</a>, which has a
<code>Get</code> method. Clients of <a href="/pkg/json">json</a> and
<a href="/pkg/xml">xml</a> will need to be updated. Code that says
type T struct {
X int "name"
should become
type T struct {
X int `json:"name"` // or `xml:"name"`
Use <a href="/cmd/govet/">govet</a> to identify struct tags that need to be
changed to use the new syntax.
<a href="/pkg/sort/">Package sort</a>'s <code>IntArray</code> type has been
renamed to <a href="/pkg/sort/#IntSlice">IntSlice</a>, and similarly for
<a href="/pkg/sort/#Float64Slice">Float64Slice</a> and
<a href="/pkg/sort/#StringSlice">StringSlice</a>.
<a href="/pkg/strings/">Package strings</a>'s <code>Split</code> function has
itself been split into <a href="/pkg/strings/#Split">Split</a> and
<a href="/pkg/strings/#SplitN">SplitN</a>.
<code>SplitN</code> is the same as the old <code>Split</code>.
The new <code>Split</code> is equivalent to <code>SplitN</code> with a final
argument of -1.
<a href="/pkg/image/draw/">Package image/draw</a>'s
<a href="/pkg/image/draw/#Draw">Draw</a> function now takes an additional
argument, a compositing operator.
If in doubt, use <a href="/pkg/image/draw/#Op">draw.Over</a>.
<h3 id="r59.cmd">Tools</h3>
<a href="/cmd/goinstall/">Goinstall</a> now installs packages and commands from
arbitrary remote repositories (not just Google Code, Github, and so on).
See the <a href="/cmd/goinstall/">goinstall documentation</a> for details.
<h2 id="r58">r58 (released 2011/06/29)</h2>
......@@ -86,6 +193,14 @@ the Go tree (and avoid writing Makefiles).
<h3 id="r58.minor">Minor revisions</h3>
<p>r58.1 adds
<a href="">build</a> and
<a href="">runtime</a>
changes to make Go run on OS X 10.7 Lion.
<h2 id="r57">r57 (released 2011/05/03)</h2>
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ hg pull
hg update weekly.<i>YYYY-MM-DD</i>
<h2 id="2011-07-07">2011-07-07</h2>
<h2 id="2011-07-07">2011-07-07 (<a href="release.html#r59">base for r59</a>)</h2>
This weekly snapshot includes changes to the strings, http, reflect, json, and
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