Commit 6e37bc1e authored by Dominik Honnef's avatar Dominik Honnef Committed by Alan Donovan

misc/emacs: replace our go-goto-opening-parenthesis with backward-up-list

parent 0738c7e9
......@@ -87,6 +87,18 @@
(concat "\\<" s "\\>")
(concat "\\_<" s "\\_>")))
;; Move up one level of parentheses.
(defun go-goto-opening-parenthesis (&optional legacy-unused)
;; The old implementation of go-goto-opening-parenthesis had an
;; optional argument to speed up the function. It didn't change the
;; function's outcome.
;; Silently fail if there's no matching opening parenthesis.
(condition-case nil
(scan-error nil)))
(defconst go-dangling-operators-regexp "[^-]-\\|[^+]\\+\\|[/*&><.=|^]")
(defconst go-identifier-regexp "[[:word:][:multibyte:]]+")
(defconst go-label-regexp go-identifier-regexp)
......@@ -289,18 +301,6 @@ curly brace we are checking. If they match, we return non-nil."
(if (and (= (go-paren-level) start-nesting) (= old-point (point)))
(defun go-goto-opening-parenthesis (&optional char)
(let ((start-nesting (go-paren-level)))
(while (and (not (bobp))
(>= (go-paren-level) start-nesting))
(if (zerop (skip-chars-backward
(if char
(case char (?\] "^[") (?\} "^{") (?\) "^("))
(if (go-in-string-or-comment-p)
(defun go--indentation-for-opening-parenthesis ()
"Return the semantic indentation for the current opening parenthesis.
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ current line will be returned."
((looking-at "[])}]")
(go-goto-opening-parenthesis (char-after))
(if (go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p)
(- (current-indentation) tab-width)
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