will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 73e0c302 authored by Meng Zhuo's avatar Meng Zhuo Committed by Brad Fitzpatrick

runtime: implement aeshash for arm64 platform

Fix #10109

name                  old time/op    new time/op    delta
Hash5                   72.3ns ± 0%    51.5ns ± 0%   -28.71%  (p=0.000 n=4+5)
Hash16                  78.8ns ± 0%    48.7ns ± 0%      ~     (p=0.079 n=4+5)
Hash64                   196ns ±25%      73ns ±16%   -62.68%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
Hash1024                1.57µs ± 0%    0.27µs ± 1%   -82.90%  (p=0.000 n=5+4)
Hash65536               96.5µs ± 0%    14.3µs ± 0%   -85.14%  (p=0.016 n=5+4)
HashStringSpeed          156ns ± 6%     129ns ± 3%   -17.56%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
HashBytesSpeed           227ns ± 1%     200ns ± 1%   -11.98%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
HashInt32Speed           116ns ± 2%     102ns ± 0%   -11.92%  (p=0.016 n=5+4)
HashInt64Speed           120ns ± 3%     101ns ± 2%   -15.55%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
HashStringArraySpeed     342ns ± 0%     306ns ± 2%   -10.58%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
FastrandHashiter         217ns ± 1%     217ns ± 1%      ~     (p=1.000 n=5+5)

name                  old speed      new speed      delta
Hash5                 69.1MB/s ± 0%  97.0MB/s ± 0%   +40.32%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
Hash16                 203MB/s ± 0%   329MB/s ± 0%   +61.76%  (p=0.016 n=4+5)
Hash64                 332MB/s ±21%   881MB/s ±14%  +165.66%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
Hash1024               651MB/s ± 0%  3652MB/s ±17%  +460.73%  (p=0.008 n=5+5)
Hash65536              679MB/s ± 0%  4570MB/s ± 0%  +572.85%  (p=0.016 n=5+4)

Change-Id: I573028979f84cf2e0e087951271d5de8865dbf04
Run-TryBot: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarKeith Randall <>
parent 28c1ad9d
......@@ -272,25 +272,24 @@ func ifaceHash(i interface {
const hashRandomBytes = sys.PtrSize / 4 * 64
// used in asm_{386,amd64}.s to seed the hash function
// used in asm_{386,amd64,arm64}.s to seed the hash function
var aeskeysched [hashRandomBytes]byte
// used in hash{32,64}.go to seed the hash function
var hashkey [4]uintptr
func alginit() {
// Install aes hash algorithm if we have the instructions we need
// Install AES hash algorithms if the instructions needed are present.
if (GOARCH == "386" || GOARCH == "amd64") &&
GOOS != "nacl" &&
support_aes && // AESENC
support_ssse3 && // PSHUFB
support_sse41 { // PINSR{D,Q}
useAeshash = true
algarray[alg_MEM32].hash = aeshash32
algarray[alg_MEM64].hash = aeshash64
algarray[alg_STRING].hash = aeshashstr
// Initialize with random data so hash collisions will be hard to engineer.
if GOARCH == "arm64" && arm64_support_aes {
getRandomData((*[len(hashkey) * sys.PtrSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&hashkey))[:])
......@@ -299,3 +298,12 @@ func alginit() {
hashkey[2] |= 1
hashkey[3] |= 1
func initAlgAES() {
useAeshash = true
algarray[alg_MEM32].hash = aeshash32
algarray[alg_MEM64].hash = aeshash64
algarray[alg_STRING].hash = aeshashstr
// Initialize with random data so hash collisions will be hard to engineer.
......@@ -436,20 +436,385 @@ CALLFN(·call268435456, 268435464 )
CALLFNcall536870912, 536870920 )
CALLFNcall1073741824, 1073741832 )
// AES hashing not implemented for ARM64, issue #10109.
TEXT runtime·aeshash(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0
MOVW $0, R0
MOVW (R0), R1
TEXT runtime·aeshash32(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0
MOVW $0, R0
MOVW (R0), R1
TEXT runtime·aeshash64(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0
MOVW $0, R0
MOVW (R0), R1
TEXT runtime·aeshashstr(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0
MOVW $0, R0
MOVW (R0), R1
// func aeshash32(p unsafe.Pointer, h uintptr) uintptr
TEXT runtime·aeshash32(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-24
MOVD p+0(FP), R0
MOVD h+8(FP), R1
MOVD $ret+16(FP), R2
MOVD $runtime·aeskeysched+0(SB), R3
VEOR V0.B16, V0.B16, V0.B16
VLD1 (R3), [V2.B16]
VLD1 (R0), V0.S[1]
VMOV R1, V0.S[0]
AESE V2.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
AESE V2.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
AESE V2.B16, V0.B16
VST1 [V0.D1], (R2)
// func aeshash64(p unsafe.Pointer, h uintptr) uintptr
TEXT runtime·aeshash64(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-24
MOVD p+0(FP), R0
MOVD h+8(FP), R1
MOVD $ret+16(FP), R2
MOVD $runtime·aeskeysched+0(SB), R3
VEOR V0.B16, V0.B16, V0.B16
VLD1 (R3), [V2.B16]
VLD1 (R0), V0.D[1]
VMOV R1, V0.D[0]
AESE V2.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
AESE V2.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
AESE V2.B16, V0.B16
VST1 [V0.D1], (R2)
// func aeshash(p unsafe.Pointer, h, size uintptr) uintptr
TEXT runtime·aeshash(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-32
MOVD p+0(FP), R0
MOVD s+16(FP), R1
MOVWU h+8(FP), R3
MOVD $ret+24(FP), R2
B aeshashbody<>(SB)
// func aeshashstr(p unsafe.Pointer, h uintptr) uintptr
TEXT runtime·aeshashstr(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-24
MOVD p+0(FP), R10 // string pointer
LDP (R10), (R0, R1) //string data/ length
MOVWU h+8(FP), R3
MOVD $ret+16(FP), R2 // return adddress
B aeshashbody<>(SB)
// R0: data
// R1: length (maximum 32 bits)
// R2: address to put return value
// R3: seed data
TEXT aeshashbody<>(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0
VEOR V30.B16, V30.B16, V30.B16
VMOV R3, V30.S[0]
VMOV R1, V30.S[1] // load length into seed
MOVD $runtime·aeskeysched+0(SB), R4
VLD1.P 16(R4), [V0.B16]
AESE V30.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
CMP $16, R1
BLO aes0to15
BEQ aes16
CMP $32, R1
BLS aes17to32
CMP $64, R1
BLS aes33to64
CMP $128, R1
BLS aes65to128
B aes129plus
CMP $0, R1
BEQ aes0
VEOR V2.B16, V2.B16, V2.B16
TBZ $3, R1, less_than_8
VLD1.P 8(R0), V2.D[0]
TBZ $2, R1, less_than_4
VLD1.P 4(R0), V2.S[2]
TBZ $1, R1, less_than_2
VLD1.P 2(R0), V2.H[6]
TBZ $0, R1, done
VLD1 (R0), V2.B[14]
AESE V0.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V0.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V0.B16, V2.B16
VST1 [V2.D1], (R2)
VST1 [V0.D1], (R2)
VLD1 (R0), [V2.B16]
B done
// make second seed
VLD1 (R4), [V1.B16]
AESE V30.B16, V1.B16
AESMC V1.B16, V1.B16
SUB $16, R1, R10
VLD1.P (R0)(R10), [V2.B16]
VLD1 (R0), [V3.B16]
AESE V0.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V1.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
AESE V0.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V1.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
AESE V0.B16, V2.B16
AESE V1.B16, V3.B16
VEOR V3.B16, V2.B16, V2.B16
VST1 [V2.D1], (R2)
VLD1 (R4), [V1.B16, V2.B16, V3.B16]
AESE V30.B16, V1.B16
AESMC V1.B16, V1.B16
AESE V30.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V30.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
SUB $32, R1, R10
VLD1.P (R0)(R10), [V4.B16, V5.B16]
VLD1 (R0), [V6.B16, V7.B16]
AESE V0.B16, V4.B16
AESMC V4.B16, V4.B16
AESE V1.B16, V5.B16
AESMC V5.B16, V5.B16
AESE V2.B16, V6.B16
AESMC V6.B16, V6.B16
AESE V3.B16, V7.B16
AESMC V7.B16, V7.B16
AESE V0.B16, V4.B16
AESMC V4.B16, V4.B16
AESE V1.B16, V5.B16
AESMC V5.B16, V5.B16
AESE V2.B16, V6.B16
AESMC V6.B16, V6.B16
AESE V3.B16, V7.B16
AESMC V7.B16, V7.B16
AESE V0.B16, V4.B16
AESE V1.B16, V5.B16
AESE V2.B16, V6.B16
AESE V3.B16, V7.B16
VEOR V6.B16, V4.B16, V4.B16
VEOR V7.B16, V5.B16, V5.B16
VEOR V5.B16, V4.B16, V4.B16
VST1 [V4.D1], (R2)
VLD1.P 64(R4), [V1.B16, V2.B16, V3.B16, V4.B16]
VLD1 (R4), [V5.B16, V6.B16, V7.B16]
AESE V30.B16, V1.B16
AESMC V1.B16, V1.B16
AESE V30.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V30.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
AESE V30.B16, V4.B16
AESMC V4.B16, V4.B16
AESE V30.B16, V5.B16
AESMC V5.B16, V5.B16
AESE V30.B16, V6.B16
AESMC V6.B16, V6.B16
AESE V30.B16, V7.B16
AESMC V7.B16, V7.B16
SUB $64, R1, R10
VLD1.P (R0)(R10), [V8.B16, V9.B16, V10.B16, V11.B16]
VLD1 (R0), [V12.B16, V13.B16, V14.B16, V15.B16]
AESE V0.B16, V8.B16
AESMC V8.B16, V8.B16
AESE V1.B16, V9.B16
AESMC V9.B16, V9.B16
AESE V2.B16, V10.B16
AESMC V10.B16, V10.B16
AESE V3.B16, V11.B16
AESMC V11.B16, V11.B16
AESE V4.B16, V12.B16
AESMC V12.B16, V12.B16
AESE V5.B16, V13.B16
AESMC V13.B16, V13.B16
AESE V6.B16, V14.B16
AESMC V14.B16, V14.B16
AESE V7.B16, V15.B16
AESMC V15.B16, V15.B16
AESE V0.B16, V8.B16
AESMC V8.B16, V8.B16
AESE V1.B16, V9.B16
AESMC V9.B16, V9.B16
AESE V2.B16, V10.B16
AESMC V10.B16, V10.B16
AESE V3.B16, V11.B16
AESMC V11.B16, V11.B16
AESE V4.B16, V12.B16
AESMC V12.B16, V12.B16
AESE V5.B16, V13.B16
AESMC V13.B16, V13.B16
AESE V6.B16, V14.B16
AESMC V14.B16, V14.B16
AESE V7.B16, V15.B16
AESMC V15.B16, V15.B16
AESE V0.B16, V8.B16
AESE V1.B16, V9.B16
AESE V2.B16, V10.B16
AESE V3.B16, V11.B16
AESE V4.B16, V12.B16
AESE V5.B16, V13.B16
AESE V6.B16, V14.B16
AESE V7.B16, V15.B16
VEOR V12.B16, V8.B16, V8.B16
VEOR V13.B16, V9.B16, V9.B16
VEOR V14.B16, V10.B16, V10.B16
VEOR V15.B16, V11.B16, V11.B16
VEOR V10.B16, V8.B16, V8.B16
VEOR V11.B16, V9.B16, V9.B16
VEOR V9.B16, V8.B16, V8.B16
VST1 [V8.D1], (R2)
VLD1.P 64(R4), [V1.B16, V2.B16, V3.B16, V4.B16]
VLD1 (R4), [V5.B16, V6.B16, V7.B16]
AESE V30.B16, V1.B16
AESMC V1.B16, V1.B16
AESE V30.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V30.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
AESE V30.B16, V4.B16
AESMC V4.B16, V4.B16
AESE V30.B16, V5.B16
AESMC V5.B16, V5.B16
AESE V30.B16, V6.B16
AESMC V6.B16, V6.B16
AESE V30.B16, V7.B16
AESMC V7.B16, V7.B16
ADD R0, R1, R10
SUB $128, R10, R10
VLD1.P 64(R10), [V8.B16, V9.B16, V10.B16, V11.B16]
VLD1 (R10), [V12.B16, V13.B16, V14.B16, V15.B16]
SUB $1, R1, R1
LSR $7, R1, R1
AESE V8.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
AESE V9.B16, V1.B16
AESMC V1.B16, V1.B16
AESE V10.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V11.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
AESE V12.B16, V4.B16
AESMC V4.B16, V4.B16
AESE V13.B16, V5.B16
AESMC V5.B16, V5.B16
AESE V14.B16, V6.B16
AESMC V6.B16, V6.B16
AESE V15.B16, V7.B16
AESMC V7.B16, V7.B16
VLD1.P 64(R0), [V8.B16, V9.B16, V10.B16, V11.B16]
AESE V8.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
AESE V9.B16, V1.B16
AESMC V1.B16, V1.B16
AESE V10.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V11.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
VLD1.P 64(R0), [V12.B16, V13.B16, V14.B16, V15.B16]
AESE V12.B16, V4.B16
AESMC V4.B16, V4.B16
AESE V13.B16, V5.B16
AESMC V5.B16, V5.B16
AESE V14.B16, V6.B16
AESMC V6.B16, V6.B16
AESE V15.B16, V7.B16
AESMC V7.B16, V7.B16
SUB $1, R1, R1
CBNZ R1, aesloop
AESE V8.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
AESE V9.B16, V1.B16
AESMC V1.B16, V1.B16
AESE V10.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V11.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
AESE V12.B16, V4.B16
AESMC V4.B16, V4.B16
AESE V13.B16, V5.B16
AESMC V5.B16, V5.B16
AESE V14.B16, V6.B16
AESMC V6.B16, V6.B16
AESE V15.B16, V7.B16
AESMC V7.B16, V7.B16
AESE V8.B16, V0.B16
AESMC V0.B16, V0.B16
AESE V9.B16, V1.B16
AESMC V1.B16, V1.B16
AESE V10.B16, V2.B16
AESMC V2.B16, V2.B16
AESE V11.B16, V3.B16
AESMC V3.B16, V3.B16
AESE V12.B16, V4.B16
AESMC V4.B16, V4.B16
AESE V13.B16, V5.B16
AESMC V5.B16, V5.B16
AESE V14.B16, V6.B16
AESMC V6.B16, V6.B16
AESE V15.B16, V7.B16
AESMC V7.B16, V7.B16
AESE V8.B16, V0.B16
AESE V9.B16, V1.B16
AESE V10.B16, V2.B16
AESE V11.B16, V3.B16
AESE V12.B16, V4.B16
AESE V13.B16, V5.B16
AESE V14.B16, V6.B16
AESE V15.B16, V7.B16
VEOR V0.B16, V1.B16, V0.B16
VEOR V2.B16, V3.B16, V2.B16
VEOR V4.B16, V5.B16, V4.B16
VEOR V6.B16, V7.B16, V6.B16
VEOR V0.B16, V2.B16, V0.B16
VEOR V4.B16, V6.B16, V4.B16
VEOR V4.B16, V0.B16, V0.B16
VST1 [V0.D1], (R2)
TEXT runtime·procyield(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
MOVWU cycles+0(FP), R0
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ const (
func memhash(p unsafe.Pointer, seed, s uintptr) uintptr {
if GOARCH == "amd64" && GOOS != "nacl" && useAeshash {
if (GOARCH == "amd64" || GOARCH == "arm64") &&
GOOS != "nacl" && useAeshash {
return aeshash(p, seed, s)
h := uint64(seed + s*hashkey[0])
......@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ var randomNumber uint32
// HWCAP/HWCAP2 bits for hardware capabilities.
//go:linkname cpu_hwcap internal/cpu.arm64_hwcap
//go:linkname cpu_hwcap2 internal/cpu.arm64_hwcap2
var cpu_hwcap uint
//go:linkname cpu_hwcap2 internal/cpu.arm64_hwcap2
var cpu_hwcap2 uint
func archauxv(tag, val uintptr) {
......@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ func archauxv(tag, val uintptr) {
randomNumber = uint32(startupRandomData[4]) | uint32(startupRandomData[5])<<8 |
uint32(startupRandomData[6])<<16 | uint32(startupRandomData[7])<<24
case _AT_HWCAP:
arm64_support_aes = ((val>>3)&0x1 == 0x1)
cpu_hwcap = uint(val)
case _AT_HWCAP2:
cpu_hwcap2 = uint(val)
......@@ -784,6 +784,8 @@ var (
support_sse42 bool
support_ssse3 bool
arm64_support_aes bool
goarm uint8 // set by cmd/link on arm systems
framepointer_enabled bool // set by cmd/link
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