Commit 7b454bb1 authored by Ken Thompson's avatar Ken Thompson

defined external registers g and m

parent 1e9adf82
......@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ traceback(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, void* r15)
int32 counter;
int32 i;
int8* name;
U u;
G g;
Stktop *stktop;
// store local copy of per-process data block that we can write as we unwind
mcpy((byte*)&u, (byte*)r15, sizeof(U));
mcpy((byte*)&g, (byte*)r15, sizeof(G));
counter = 0;
name = "panic";
......@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ traceback(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, void* r15)
callpc = pc;
if((uint8*)_morestack < pc && pc < (uint8*)_endmorestack) {
// call site in _morestack(); pop to earlier stack block to get true caller
stktop = (Stktop*)u.stackbase;
u.stackbase = stktop->oldbase;
u.stackguard = stktop->oldguard;
stktop = (Stktop*)g.stackbase;
g.stackbase = stktop->oldbase;
g.stackguard = stktop->oldguard;
sp = stktop->oldsp;
pc = ((uint8**)sp)[1];
sp += 16; // two irrelevant calls on stack - morestack, plus the call morestack made
......@@ -571,9 +571,14 @@ check(void)
extern register u;
uint32 a;
_newproc(byte* fn, int32 siz, byte* args)
a = u;
prints("_newproc fn=");
prints("; siz=");
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* basic types
......@@ -61,15 +60,15 @@ struct Map
int32 unused;
void (*fun[])(void);
typedef struct U U;
struct U
typedef struct G G;
struct G
byte* stackguard; // must not move
byte* stackbase; // must not move
U* ufor; // dbl ll of all u
U* ubak;
U* runqfor; // dbl ll of runnable
U* runqbak;
G* ufor; // dbl ll of all u
G* ubak;
G* runqfor; // dbl ll of runnable
G* runqbak;
typedef struct M M;
struct M
......@@ -77,13 +76,15 @@ struct M
byte* istackguard; // must not move
byte* istackbase; // must not move
extern register G* g; // R15
extern register M* m; // R14
* global variables
U* allu;
M* allm;
U* runq;
G* allu;
G* runq;
* defined constants
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