Commit 7d4765e2 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

show subdirectories if present in a package dir

DELTA=184  (69 added, 73 deleted, 42 changed)
parent 54b00657
{.repeated section @}
<a href="{Name|html}/">{Name|html}</a><br />
{.repeated section @}
......@@ -86,14 +86,19 @@ func init() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support
func isDir(name string) bool {
d, err := os.Stat(name);
return err == nil && d.IsDirectory();
func isGoFile(dir *os.Dir) bool {
return dir.IsRegular() && pathutil.Ext(dir.Name) == ".go";
func isDir(name string) bool {
d, err := os.Stat(name);
return err == nil && d.IsDirectory();
func isPkgDir(dir *os.Dir) bool {
return dir.IsDirectory() && dir.Name != "_obj";
......@@ -287,8 +292,6 @@ func readTemplate(name string) *template.Template {
var godocHtml *template.Template
var packageHtml *template.Template
var packageText *template.Template
var dirlistHtml *template.Template;
var dirlistText *template.Template;
var parseerrorHtml *template.Template;
var parseerrorText *template.Template;
......@@ -298,8 +301,6 @@ func readTemplates() {
godocHtml = readTemplate("godoc.html");
packageHtml = readTemplate("package.html");
packageText = readTemplate("package.txt");
dirlistHtml = readTemplate("dirlist.html");
dirlistText = readTemplate("dirlist.txt");
parseerrorHtml = readTemplate("parseerror.html");
parseerrorText = readTemplate("parseerror.txt");
......@@ -463,7 +464,7 @@ func findPackage(path string) (*pakDesc, dirList) {
panic("internal error: same file added more than once: " + entry.Name);
filenames[entry.Name] = true;
case entry.IsDirectory():
case isPkgDir(&entry):
......@@ -474,7 +475,7 @@ func findPackage(path string) (*pakDesc, dirList) {
subdirs = make(dirList, nsub);
nsub = 0;
for i, entry := range list {
if entry.IsDirectory() {
if isPkgDir(&entry) {
// make a copy here so sorting (and other code) doesn't
// have to make one every time an entry is moved
copy := new(os.Dir);
......@@ -496,6 +497,10 @@ func findPackage(path string) (*pakDesc, dirList) {
func (p *pakDesc) Doc() (*doc.PackageDoc, *parseErrors) {
if p == nil {
return nil, nil;
// compute documentation
var r doc.DocReader;
i := 0;
......@@ -511,12 +516,35 @@ func (p *pakDesc) Doc() (*doc.PackageDoc, *parseErrors) {
return r.Doc(), nil;
func servePackage(c *http.Conn, desc *pakDesc) {
doc, errors := desc.Doc();
type PageInfo struct {
PDoc *doc.PackageDoc;
Dirs dirList;
func servePkg(c *http.Conn, r *http.Request) {
path := r.Url.Path;
path = path[len(Pkg) : len(path)];
desc, dirs := findPackage(path);
if path == "" {
path = "."; // don't display an empty path
// TODO Decide what canonical URL is (w/ or w/o trailing slash)
// and make sure it's the one used to get to the page.
if r.Url.Path != Pkg + info.Path {
http.Redirect(c, info.Path, http.StatusMovedPermanently);
pdoc, errors := desc.Doc();
if errors != nil {
serveParseErrors(c, errors);
......@@ -524,53 +552,19 @@ func servePackage(c *http.Conn, desc *pakDesc) {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
if false { // TODO req.Params["format"] == "text"
err := packageText.Execute(doc, &buf);
err := packageText.Execute(PageInfo{pdoc, dirs}, &buf);
if err != nil {
log.Stderrf("packageText.Execute: %s", err);
serveText(c, buf.Data());
err := packageHtml.Execute(doc, &buf);
if err != nil {
log.Stderrf("packageHtml.Execute: %s", err);
servePage(c, doc.ImportPath + " - Go package documentation", buf.Data());
func serveDirList(c *http.Conn, path string, dirs dirList) {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
err := dirlistHtml.Execute(dirs, &buf);
err := packageHtml.Execute(PageInfo{pdoc, dirs}, &buf);
if err != nil {
log.Stderrf("dirlist.Execute: %s", err);
servePage(c, path + " - Directories", buf.Data());
func servePkg(c *http.Conn, r *http.Request) {
path := r.Url.Path;
path = path[len(Pkg) : len(path)];
desc, dirs := findPackage(path);
// TODO do we still need this?
if r.Url.Path != Pkg + info.Path {
http.Redirect(c, info.Path, http.StatusMovedPermanently);
if desc != nil {
servePackage(c, desc);
// TODO should also serve sub-directories if there are any
} else {
// make sure path is not empty otherwise html links become rooted
// and won't work correctly
if path == "" {
path = ".";
serveDirList(c, path, dirs);
log.Stderrf("packageHtml.Execute: %s", err);
servePage(c, path + " - Go package documentation", buf.Data());
......@@ -666,20 +660,11 @@ func main() {
if *html {
packageText = packageHtml;
dirlistText = dirlistHtml;
parseerrorText = parseerrorHtml;
desc, dirs := findPackage(flag.Arg(0));
if desc == nil {
err := dirlistText.Execute(dirs, os.Stdout);
if err != nil {
log.Stderrf("dirlistText.Execute: %s", err);
doc, errors := desc.Doc();
pdoc, errors := desc.Doc();
if errors != nil {
err := parseerrorText.Execute(errors, os.Stderr);
if err != nil {
......@@ -688,10 +673,10 @@ func main() {
if flag.NArg() > 1 {
if pdoc != nil && flag.NArg() > 1 {
args := flag.Args();
doc.Filter(args[1 : len(args)]);
pdoc.Filter(args[1 : len(args)]);
packageText.Execute(doc, os.Stdout);
packageText.Execute(PageInfo{pdoc, dirs}, os.Stdout);
<h1>package {PackageName|html}</h1>
<p><code>import "{ImportPath|html}"</code></p>
{.section Consts}
{.section Dirs}
{.repeated section @}
<a href="{Name|html}/">{Name|html}</a><br />
{.section Vars}
<hr />
{.repeated section @}
{.section Funcs}
<hr />
{.repeated section @}
<h2>func {Name|html}</h2>
{.section PDoc}
<h1>package {PackageName|html}</h1>
<p><code>import "{ImportPath|html}"</code></p>
{.section Consts}
{.repeated section @}
{.section Types}
{.repeated section @}
{.section Vars}
<hr />
<h2>type {.section Type}{Name|html}{.end}</h2>
{.repeated section Factories}
<h3>func {Name|html}</h3>
{.repeated section @}
{.repeated section Methods}
<h3>func ({Recv|html}) {Name|html}</h3>
{.section Funcs}
<hr />
{.repeated section @}
<h2>func {Name|html}</h2>
{.section Types}
{.repeated section @}
<hr />
<h2>type {.section Type}{Name|html}{.end}</h2>
{.repeated section Factories}
<h3>func {Name|html}</h3>
{.repeated section Methods}
<h3>func ({Recv|html}) {Name|html}</h3>
{.section Dirs}
{.repeated section @}
{.section PDoc}
package {PackageName}
......@@ -59,3 +67,4 @@ TYPES
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