Commit 7fc2625e authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

net/http: propagate Client.Timeout down into Request's context deadline

Fixes #31657

Change-Id: I85e9595d3ea30d410f1f4b787925a6879a72bdf2
Reviewed-on: default avatarBenny Siegert <>
Run-TryBot: Benny Siegert <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
parent caf45cde
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
package http
import (
......@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import (
......@@ -273,46 +275,95 @@ func send(ireq *Request, rt RoundTripper, deadline time.Time) (resp *Response, d
return resp, nil, nil
// setRequestCancel sets the Cancel field of req, if deadline is
// non-zero. The RoundTripper's type is used to determine whether the legacy
// CancelRequest behavior should be used.
// timeBeforeContextDeadline reports whether the non-zero Time t is
// before ctx's deadline, if any. If ctx does not have a deadline, it
// always reports true (the deadline is considered infinite).
func timeBeforeContextDeadline(t time.Time, ctx context.Context) bool {
d, ok := ctx.Deadline()
if !ok {
return true
return t.Before(d)
// knownRoundTripperImpl reports whether rt is a RoundTripper that's
// maintained by the Go team and known to implement the latest
// optional semantics (notably contexts).
func knownRoundTripperImpl(rt RoundTripper) bool {
switch rt.(type) {
case *Transport, *http2Transport:
return true
// There's a very minor chance of a false positive with this.
// Insted of detecting our,
// it might detect a Transport type in a different http2
// package. But I know of none, and the only problem would be
// some temporarily leaked goroutines if the transport didn't
// support contexts. So this is a good enough heuristic:
if reflect.TypeOf(rt).String() == "*http2.Transport" {
return true
return false
// setRequestCancel sets req.Cancel and adds a deadline context to req
// if deadline is non-zero. The RoundTripper's type is used to
// determine whether the legacy CancelRequest behavior should be used.
// As background, there are three ways to cancel a request:
// First was Transport.CancelRequest. (deprecated)
// Second was Request.Cancel (this mechanism).
// Second was Request.Cancel.
// Third was Request.Context.
// This function populates the second and third, and uses the first if it really needs to.
func setRequestCancel(req *Request, rt RoundTripper, deadline time.Time) (stopTimer func(), didTimeout func() bool) {
if deadline.IsZero() {
return nop, alwaysFalse
knownTransport := knownRoundTripperImpl(rt)
oldCtx := req.Context()
if req.Cancel == nil && knownTransport {
// If they already had a Request.Context that's
// expiring sooner, do nothing:
if !timeBeforeContextDeadline(deadline, oldCtx) {
return nop, alwaysFalse
var cancelCtx func()
req.ctx, cancelCtx = context.WithDeadline(oldCtx, deadline)
return cancelCtx, func() bool { return time.Now().After(deadline) }
initialReqCancel := req.Cancel // the user's original Request.Cancel, if any
var cancelCtx func()
if oldCtx := req.Context(); timeBeforeContextDeadline(deadline, oldCtx) {
req.ctx, cancelCtx = context.WithDeadline(oldCtx, deadline)
cancel := make(chan struct{})
req.Cancel = cancel
doCancel := func() {
// The newer way (the second way in the func comment):
// The second way in the func comment above:
// The legacy compatibility way, used only
// for RoundTripper implementations written
// before Go 1.5 or Go 1.6.
type canceler interface {
switch v := rt.(type) {
case *Transport, *http2Transport:
// Do nothing. The net/http package's transports
// support the new Request.Cancel channel
case canceler:
// The first way, used only for RoundTripper
// implementations written before Go 1.5 or Go 1.6.
type canceler interface{ CancelRequest(*Request) }
if v, ok := rt.(canceler); ok {
stopTimerCh := make(chan struct{})
var once sync.Once
stopTimer = func() { once.Do(func() { close(stopTimerCh) }) }
stopTimer = func() {
once.Do(func() {
if cancelCtx != nil {
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Until(deadline))
var timedOut atomicBool
......@@ -870,8 +921,7 @@ func (b *cancelTimerBody) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if b.reqDidTimeout() {
err = &httpError{
// TODO: early in cycle: s/Client.Timeout exceeded/timeout or context cancellation/
err: err.Error() + " (Client.Timeout exceeded while reading body)",
err: err.Error() + " (Client.Timeout or context cancellation while reading body)",
timeout: true,
......@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ func testClientTimeout(t *testing.T, h2 bool) {
} else if !ne.Timeout() {
t.Errorf("net.Error.Timeout = false; want true")
if got := ne.Error(); !strings.Contains(got, "Client.Timeout exceeded") {
if got := ne.Error(); !strings.Contains(got, "(Client.Timeout") {
t.Errorf("error string = %q; missing timeout substring", got)
case <-time.After(failTime):
......@@ -1917,3 +1917,22 @@ func TestClientCloseIdleConnections(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("not closed")
func TestClientPropagatesTimeoutToContext(t *testing.T) {
errDial := errors.New("not actually dialing")
c := &Client{
Timeout: 5 * time.Second,
Transport: &Transport{
DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, netw, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline()
if !ok {
t.Error("no deadline")
} else {
t.Logf("deadline in %v", deadline.Sub(time.Now()).Round(time.Second/10))
return nil, errDial
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