Commit 8b99bb7b authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

runtime: fix broken arm builds

Change-Id: I08de33aacb3fc932722286d69b1dd70ffe787c89
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent 434e0bc0
......@@ -130,10 +130,18 @@ func moduledataverify1(datap *moduledata) {
if debugPcln || nftab-i < 5 {
// Check a PC near but not at the very end.
// The very end might be just padding that is not covered by the tables.
// No architecture rounds function entries to more than 16 bytes,
// but if one came along we'd need to subtract more here.
end := datap.ftab[i+1].entry - 16
if end < datap.ftab[i].entry {
end = datap.ftab[i].entry
f := (*_func)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable[datap.ftab[i].funcoff]))
pcvalue(f, f.pcfile, datap.ftab[i+1].entry-1, true)
pcvalue(f, f.pcln, datap.ftab[i+1].entry-1, true)
pcvalue(f, f.pcsp, datap.ftab[i+1].entry-1, true)
pcvalue(f, f.pcfile, end, true)
pcvalue(f, f.pcln, end, true)
pcvalue(f, f.pcsp, end, true)
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