Commit 8bb51a73 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

reflect: audit and explain safety of all unsafe.Pointer additions

It's not safe to do p+x with unsafe if that would point past the
end of the object. (Valid in C, not safe in Go.)
Pass a "whySafe" reason (compiled away) to explain at each
call site why it's safe.

Fixes #21733.

Change-Id: I5da8c25bde66f5c9beac232f2135dcab8e8bf3b1
Reviewed-on: default avatarAustin Clements <>
parent 66293885
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ func FirstMethodNameBytes(t Type) *byte {
m := ut.methods()[0]
mname := t.(*rtype).nameOff(
if *<<2) == 0 {
if *, "name flag field")&(1<<2) == 0 {
panic("method name does not have pkgPath *string")
return mname.bytes
......@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ func Swapper(slice interface{}) func(i, j int) {
if uint(i) >= uint(s.Len) || uint(j) >= uint(s.Len) {
panic("reflect: slice index out of range")
val1 := arrayAt(s.Data, i, size)
val2 := arrayAt(s.Data, j, size)
val1 := arrayAt(s.Data, i, size, "i < s.Len")
val2 := arrayAt(s.Data, j, size, "j < s.Len")
typedmemmove(typ, tmp, val1)
typedmemmove(typ, val1, val2)
typedmemmove(typ, val2, tmp)
......@@ -468,8 +468,8 @@ type name struct {
bytes *byte
func (n name) data(off int) *byte {
return (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(n.bytes), uintptr(off)))
func (n name) data(off int, whySafe string) *byte {
return (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(n.bytes), uintptr(off), whySafe))
func (n name) isExported() bool {
......@@ -477,15 +477,15 @@ func (n name) isExported() bool {
func (n name) nameLen() int {
return int(uint16(*<<8 | uint16(*
return int(uint16(*, "name len field"))<<8 | uint16(*, "name len field")))
func (n name) tagLen() int {
if *<<1) == 0 {
if *, "name flag field")&(1<<1) == 0 {
return 0
off := 3 + n.nameLen()
return int(uint16(*<<8 | uint16(* + 1)))
return int(uint16(*, "name taglen field"))<<8 | uint16(*, "name taglen field")))
func (n name) name() (s string) {
......@@ -507,13 +507,13 @@ func (n name) tag() (s string) {
nl := n.nameLen()
hdr := (*stringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
hdr.Data = unsafe.Pointer( + nl + 2))
hdr.Data = unsafe.Pointer(, "non-empty string"))
hdr.Len = tl
return s
func (n name) pkgPath() string {
if n.bytes == nil || *<<2) == 0 {
if n.bytes == nil || *, "name flag field")&(1<<2) == 0 {
return ""
off := 3 + n.nameLen()
......@@ -521,7 +521,9 @@ func (n name) pkgPath() string {
off += 2 + tl
var nameOff int32
copy((*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&nameOff))[:], (*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer([:])
// Note that this field may not be aligned in memory,
// so we cannot use a direct int32 assignment here.
copy((*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&nameOff))[:], (*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(, "name offset field")))[:])
pkgPathName := name{(*byte)(resolveTypeOff(unsafe.Pointer(n.bytes), nameOff))}
......@@ -630,7 +632,10 @@ var kindNames = []string{
func (t *uncommonType) methods() []method {
return (*[1 << 16]method)(add(unsafe.Pointer(t), uintptr(t.moff)))[:t.mcount:t.mcount]
if t.mcount == 0 {
return nil
return (*[1 << 16]method)(add(unsafe.Pointer(t), uintptr(t.moff), "t.mcount > 0"))[:t.mcount:t.mcount]
// resolveNameOff resolves a name offset from a base pointer.
......@@ -1045,7 +1050,10 @@ func (t *funcType) in() []*rtype {
if t.tflag&tflagUncommon != 0 {
uadd += unsafe.Sizeof(uncommonType{})
return (*[1 << 20]*rtype)(add(unsafe.Pointer(t), uadd))[:t.inCount]
if t.inCount == 0 {
return nil
return (*[1 << 20]*rtype)(add(unsafe.Pointer(t), uadd, "t.inCount > 0"))[:t.inCount]
func (t *funcType) out() []*rtype {
......@@ -1054,10 +1062,20 @@ func (t *funcType) out() []*rtype {
uadd += unsafe.Sizeof(uncommonType{})
outCount := t.outCount & (1<<15 - 1)
return (*[1 << 20]*rtype)(add(unsafe.Pointer(t), uadd))[t.inCount : t.inCount+outCount]
if outCount == 0 {
return nil
return (*[1 << 20]*rtype)(add(unsafe.Pointer(t), uadd, "outCount > 0"))[t.inCount : t.inCount+outCount]
func add(p unsafe.Pointer, x uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
// add returns p+x.
// The whySafe string is ignored, so that the function still inlines
// as efficiently as p+x, but all call sites should use the string to
// record why the addition is safe, which is to say why the addition
// does not cause x to advance to the very end of p's allocation
// and therefore point incorrectly at the next block in memory.
func add(p unsafe.Pointer, x uintptr, whySafe string) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + x)
......@@ -1721,7 +1739,7 @@ func haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(T, V *rtype, cmpTags bool) bool {
func typelinks() (sections []unsafe.Pointer, offset [][]int32)
func rtypeOff(section unsafe.Pointer, off int32) *rtype {
return (*rtype)(add(section, uintptr(off)))
return (*rtype)(add(section, uintptr(off), "sizeof(rtype) > 0"))
// typesByString returns the subslice of typelinks() whose elements have
......@@ -2747,7 +2765,7 @@ func StructOf(fields []StructField) Type {
typ.alg.hash = func(p unsafe.Pointer, seed uintptr) uintptr {
o := seed
for _, ft := range typ.fields {
pi := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + ft.offset())
pi := add(p, ft.offset(), "&x.field safe")
o = ft.typ.alg.hash(pi, o)
return o
......@@ -2757,8 +2775,8 @@ func StructOf(fields []StructField) Type {
if comparable {
typ.alg.equal = func(p, q unsafe.Pointer) bool {
for _, ft := range typ.fields {
pi := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + ft.offset())
qi := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(q) + ft.offset())
pi := add(p, ft.offset(), "&x.field safe")
qi := add(q, ft.offset(), "&x.field safe")
if !ft.typ.alg.equal(pi, qi) {
return false
......@@ -2972,8 +2990,8 @@ func ArrayOf(count int, elem Type) Type {
eequal := ealg.equal
array.alg.equal = func(p, q unsafe.Pointer) bool {
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
pi := arrayAt(p, i, esize)
qi := arrayAt(q, i, esize)
pi := arrayAt(p, i, esize, "i < count")
qi := arrayAt(q, i, esize, "i < count")
if !eequal(pi, qi) {
return false
......@@ -2987,7 +3005,7 @@ func ArrayOf(count int, elem Type) Type {
array.alg.hash = func(ptr unsafe.Pointer, seed uintptr) uintptr {
o := seed
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
o = ehash(arrayAt(ptr, i, esize), o)
o = ehash(arrayAt(ptr, i, esize, "i < count"), o)
return o
......@@ -426,7 +426,14 @@ func (v Value) call(op string, in []Value) []Value {
a := uintptr(targ.align)
off = (off + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)
n := targ.size
addr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(args) + off)
if n == 0 {
// Not safe to compute args+off pointing at 0 bytes,
// because that might point beyond the end of the frame,
// but we still need to call assignTo to check assignability.
v.assignTo("reflect.Value.Call", targ, nil)
addr := add(args, off, "n > 0")
v = v.assignTo("reflect.Value.Call", targ, addr)
if v.flag&flagIndir != 0 {
typedmemmove(targ, addr, v.ptr)
......@@ -464,7 +471,7 @@ func (v Value) call(op string, in []Value) []Value {
off = (off + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)
if tv.Size() != 0 {
fl := flagIndir | flag(tv.Kind())
ret[i] = Value{tv.common(), unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(args) + off), fl}
ret[i] = Value{tv.common(), add(args, off, "tv.Size() != 0"), fl}
} else {
// For zero-sized return value, args+off may point to the next object.
// In this case, return the zero value instead.
......@@ -499,7 +506,6 @@ func callReflect(ctxt *makeFuncImpl, frame unsafe.Pointer) {
in := make([]Value, 0, int(ftyp.inCount))
for _, typ := range {
off += -off & uintptr(typ.align-1)
addr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + off)
v := Value{typ, nil, flag(typ.Kind())}
if ifaceIndir(typ) {
// value cannot be inlined in interface data.
......@@ -507,10 +513,12 @@ func callReflect(ctxt *makeFuncImpl, frame unsafe.Pointer) {
// and we cannot let f keep a reference to the stack frame
// after this function returns, not even a read-only reference.
v.ptr = unsafe_New(typ)
typedmemmove(typ, v.ptr, addr)
if typ.size > 0 {
typedmemmove(typ, v.ptr, add(ptr, off, "typ.size > 0"))
v.flag |= flagIndir
} else {
v.ptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(addr)
v.ptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(add(ptr, off, "1-ptr"))
in = append(in, v)
off += typ.size
......@@ -541,7 +549,10 @@ func callReflect(ctxt *makeFuncImpl, frame unsafe.Pointer) {
" returned value obtained from unexported field")
off += -off & uintptr(typ.align-1)
addr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + off)
if typ.size == 0 {
addr := add(ptr, off, "typ.size > 0")
if v.flag&flagIndir != 0 {
typedmemmove(typ, addr, v.ptr)
} else {
......@@ -645,7 +656,7 @@ func callMethod(ctxt *methodValue, frame unsafe.Pointer) {
// Avoid constructing out-of-bounds pointers if there are no args.
storeRcvr(rcvr, args)
if argSize-ptrSize > 0 {
typedmemmovepartial(frametype, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(args)+ptrSize), frame, ptrSize, argSize-ptrSize)
typedmemmovepartial(frametype, add(args, ptrSize, "argSize > ptrSize"), frame, ptrSize, argSize-ptrSize)
// Call.
......@@ -663,8 +674,8 @@ func callMethod(ctxt *methodValue, frame unsafe.Pointer) {
callerRetOffset = align(argSize-ptrSize, 8)
add(frame, callerRetOffset, "frametype.size > retOffset"),
add(args, retOffset, "frametype.size > retOffset"),
......@@ -791,8 +802,8 @@ func (v Value) Field(i int) Value {
// or flagIndir is not set and v.ptr is the actual struct data.
// In the former case, we want v.ptr + offset.
// In the latter case, we must have field.offset = 0,
// so v.ptr + field.offset is still okay.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(v.ptr) + field.offset())
// so v.ptr + field.offset is still the correct address.
ptr := add(v.ptr, field.offset(), "same as non-reflect &v.field")
return Value{typ, ptr, fl}
......@@ -870,8 +881,8 @@ func (v Value) Index(i int) Value {
// or flagIndir is not set and v.ptr is the actual array data.
// In the former case, we want v.ptr + offset.
// In the latter case, we must be doing Index(0), so offset = 0,
// so v.ptr + offset is still okay.
val := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(v.ptr) + offset)
// so v.ptr + offset is still the correct address.
val := add(v.ptr, offset, "same as &v[i], i < tt.len")
fl := v.flag&(flagIndir|flagAddr) | | flag(typ.Kind()) // bits same as overall array
return Value{typ, val, fl}
......@@ -884,7 +895,7 @@ func (v Value) Index(i int) Value {
tt := (*sliceType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
typ := tt.elem
val := arrayAt(s.Data, i, typ.size)
val := arrayAt(s.Data, i, typ.size, "i < s.Len")
fl := flagAddr | flagIndir | | flag(typ.Kind())
return Value{typ, val, fl}
......@@ -893,7 +904,7 @@ func (v Value) Index(i int) Value {
if uint(i) >= uint(s.Len) {
panic("reflect: string index out of range")
p := arrayAt(s.Data, i, 1)
p := arrayAt(s.Data, i, 1, "i < s.Len")
fl := | flag(Uint8) | flagIndir
return Value{uint8Type, p, fl}
......@@ -1575,7 +1586,10 @@ func (v Value) Slice(i, j int) Value {
if i < 0 || j < i || j > s.Len {
panic("reflect.Value.Slice: string slice index out of bounds")
t := stringHeader{arrayAt(s.Data, i, 1), j - i}
var t stringHeader
if i < s.Len {
t = stringHeader{arrayAt(s.Data, i, 1, "i < s.Len"), j - i}
return Value{v.typ, unsafe.Pointer(&t), v.flag}
......@@ -1591,7 +1605,7 @@ func (v Value) Slice(i, j int) Value {
s.Len = j - i
s.Cap = cap - i
if cap-i > 0 {
s.Data = arrayAt(base, i, typ.elem.Size())
s.Data = arrayAt(base, i, typ.elem.Size(), "i < cap")
} else {
// do not advance pointer, to avoid pointing beyond end of slice
s.Data = base
......@@ -1643,7 +1657,7 @@ func (v Value) Slice3(i, j, k int) Value {
s.Len = j - i
s.Cap = k - i
if k-i > 0 {
s.Data = arrayAt(base, i, typ.elem.Size())
s.Data = arrayAt(base, i, typ.elem.Size(), "i < k <= cap")
} else {
// do not advance pointer, to avoid pointing beyond end of slice
s.Data = base
......@@ -1802,10 +1816,15 @@ func typesMustMatch(what string, t1, t2 Type) {
// arrayAt returns the i-th element of p, a C-array whose elements are
// eltSize wide (in bytes).
func arrayAt(p unsafe.Pointer, i int, eltSize uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + uintptr(i)*eltSize)
// arrayAt returns the i-th element of p,
// an array whose elements are eltSize bytes wide.
// The array pointed at by p must have at least i+1 elements:
// it is invalid (but impossible to check here) to pass i >= len,
// because then the result will point outside the array.
// whySafe must explain why i < len. (Passing "i < len" is fine;
// the benefit is to surface this assumption at the call site.)
func arrayAt(p unsafe.Pointer, i int, eltSize uintptr, whySafe string) unsafe.Pointer {
return add(p, uintptr(i)*eltSize, "i < len")
// grow grows the slice s so that it can hold extra more values, allocating
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