Commit 8d44ede0 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/gc: simplify code for c2go (more)

- Remove more ? : expressions.
- Use uint32 **hash instead of uint32 *hash[] in function argument.
- Change array.c API to use int, not int32, to match Go's slices.
- Rename strlit to newstrlit, to avoid case-insensitive collision with Strlit.
- Fix a few incorrect printf formats.
- Rename a few variables from 'len' to n or length.
- Eliminate direct string editing building up names like convI2T.

Change-Id: I754cf553402ccdd4963e51b7039f589286219c29
Reviewed-on: default avatarRob Pike <>
parent 349ecfb0
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ enum {
arraynew(int32 capacity, int32 size)
arraynew(int capacity, int32 size)
Array *result;
......@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ arrayfree(Array *array)
arraylength(Array *array)
return array->length;
arrayget(Array *array, int32 index)
arrayget(Array *array, int index)
if(array == nil)
fatal("arrayget: array is nil\n");
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ arrayget(Array *array, int32 index)
arrayset(Array *array, int32 index, void *element)
arrayset(Array *array, int index, void *element)
if(array == nil)
fatal("arrayset: array is nil\n");
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ arrayset(Array *array, int32 index, void *element)
static void
ensurecapacity(Array *array, int32 capacity)
ensurecapacity(Array *array, int capacity)
int32 newcapacity;
char *newdata;
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ makepartialcall(Node *fn, Type *t0, Node *meth)
spkg = basetype->sym->pkg;
if(spkg == nil) {
if(gopkg == nil)
gopkg = mkpkg(strlit("go"));
gopkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go"));
spkg = gopkg;
sym = pkglookup(p, spkg);
......@@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ methodsym(Sym *nsym, Type *t0, int iface)
if(spkg == nil) {
if(toppkg == nil)
toppkg = mkpkg(strlit("go"));
toppkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go"));
spkg = toppkg;
s = pkglookup(p, spkg);
......@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ addmethod(Sym *sf, Type *t, int local, int nointerface)
for(f=pa->method; f!=T; f=f->down) {
d = f;
if(f->etype != TFIELD)
fatal("addmethod: not TFIELD: %N", f);
fatal("addmethod: not TFIELD: %lT", f);
if(strcmp(sf->name, f->sym->name) != 0)
if(!eqtype(t, f->type))
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ mktag(int mask)
return tags[mask];
snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "esc:0x%x", mask);
s = strlit(buf);
s = newstrlit(buf);
if(mask < nelem(tags))
tags[mask] = s;
return s;
......@@ -1422,7 +1422,7 @@ int simsimtype(Type *t);
void smagic(Magic *m);
Type* sortinter(Type *t);
uint32 stringhash(char *p);
Strlit* strlit(char *s);
Strlit* newstrlit(char *s);
int structcount(Type *t);
Type* structfirst(Iter *s, Type **nn);
Type* structnext(Iter *s);
......@@ -128,12 +128,15 @@ catcher(void *v, char *s)
char *p;
char *p, *sep;
p = expstring();
if(strcmp(p, "X:none") == 0)
p = "";
print("%cg version %s%s%s\n", arch.thechar, getgoversion(), *p ? " " : "", p);
sep = "";
sep = " ";
print("%cg version %s%s%s\n", arch.thechar, getgoversion(), sep, p);
......@@ -167,42 +170,42 @@ gcmain(int argc, char *argv[])
ctxt->bso = &bstdout;
Binit(&bstdout, 1, OWRITE);
localpkg = mkpkg(strlit(""));
localpkg = mkpkg(newstrlit(""));
localpkg->prefix = "\"\"";
// pseudo-package, for scoping
builtinpkg = mkpkg(strlit("go.builtin"));
builtinpkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go.builtin"));
// pseudo-package, accessed by import "unsafe"
unsafepkg = mkpkg(strlit("unsafe"));
unsafepkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("unsafe"));
unsafepkg->name = "unsafe";
// real package, referred to by generated runtime calls
runtimepkg = mkpkg(strlit("runtime"));
runtimepkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("runtime"));
runtimepkg->name = "runtime";
// pseudo-packages used in symbol tables
gostringpkg = mkpkg(strlit("go.string"));
gostringpkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go.string"));
gostringpkg->name = "go.string";
gostringpkg->prefix = "go.string"; // not go%2estring
itabpkg = mkpkg(strlit("go.itab"));
itabpkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go.itab"));
itabpkg->name = "go.itab";
itabpkg->prefix = "go.itab"; // not go%2eitab
weaktypepkg = mkpkg(strlit("go.weak.type"));
weaktypepkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go.weak.type"));
weaktypepkg->name = "go.weak.type";
weaktypepkg->prefix = "go.weak.type"; // not go%2eweak%2etype
typelinkpkg = mkpkg(strlit("go.typelink"));
typelinkpkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go.typelink"));
typelinkpkg->name = "go.typelink";
typelinkpkg->prefix = "go.typelink"; // not go%2etypelink
trackpkg = mkpkg(strlit("go.track"));
trackpkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go.track"));
trackpkg->name = "go.track";
trackpkg->prefix = "go.track"; // not go%2etrack
typepkg = mkpkg(strlit("type"));
typepkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("type"));
typepkg->name = "type";
goroot = getgoroot();
......@@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ gcmain(int argc, char *argv[])
if(flag_race) {
racepkg = mkpkg(strlit("runtime/race"));
racepkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("runtime/race"));
racepkg->name = "race";
......@@ -620,7 +623,7 @@ findpkg(Strlit *name)
static void
importpkg = mkpkg(strlit("fake"));
importpkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("fake"));
cannedimports("fake.6", "$$\n");
......@@ -693,7 +696,7 @@ importfile(Val *f, int line)
strcat(cleanbuf, "/");
strcat(cleanbuf, path->s);
path = strlit(cleanbuf);
path = newstrlit(cleanbuf);
if(isbadimport(path)) {
......@@ -386,8 +386,11 @@ cmpstackvar(Node *a, Node *b)
int ap, bp;
if (a->class != b->class)
return (a->class == PAUTO) ? +1 : -1;
if (a->class != b->class) {
if(a->class == PAUTO)
return +1;
return -1;
if (a->class != PAUTO) {
if (a->xoffset < b->xoffset)
return -1;
......@@ -618,15 +618,15 @@ freecfg(Array *cfg)
BasicBlock *bb0;
Prog *p;
int32 i;
int32 len;
int32 n;
len = arraylength(cfg);
if(len > 0) {
n = arraylength(cfg);
if(n > 0) {
bb0 = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, 0);
for(p = bb0->first; p != P; p = p->link) {
p->opt = nil;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
bb = *(BasicBlock**)arrayget(cfg, i);
......@@ -1670,12 +1670,17 @@ enum
static uint32
hashbitmap(uint32 h, Bvec *bv)
uchar *p, *ep;
int i, n;
uint32 w;
p = (uchar*)bv->b;
ep = p + 4*((bv->n+31)/32);
while(p < ep)
h = (h*Hp) ^ *p++;
n = (bv->n+31)/32;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
w = bv->b[i];
h = (h*Hp) ^ (w&0xff);
h = (h*Hp) ^ ((w>>8)&0xff);
h = (h*Hp) ^ ((w>>16)&0xff);
h = (h*Hp) ^ ((w>>24)&0xff);
return h;
......@@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ isartificial(Node *n)
static int
callinstr(Node **np, NodeList **init, int wr, int skip)
char *name;
Node *f, *b, *n;
Type *t;
int class, hascalls;
......@@ -508,10 +509,16 @@ callinstr(Node **np, NodeList **init, int wr, int skip)
n = treecopy(n);
if(t->etype == TSTRUCT || isfixedarray(t)) {
f = mkcall(wr ? "racewriterange" : "racereadrange", T, init, uintptraddr(n),
} else
f = mkcall(wr ? "racewrite" : "raceread", T, init, uintptraddr(n));
name = "racereadrange";
name = "racewriterange";
f = mkcall(name, T, init, uintptraddr(n), nodintconst(t->width));
} else {
name = "raceread";
name = "racewrite";
f = mkcall(name, T, init, uintptraddr(n));
*init = list(*init, f);
return 1;
......@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ dimportpath(Pkg *p)
if(gopkg == nil) {
gopkg = mkpkg(strlit("go"));
gopkg = mkpkg(newstrlit("go"));
gopkg->name = "go";
nam = smprint("importpath.%s.", p->prefix);
......@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ dgopkgpath(Sym *s, int ot, Pkg *pkg)
static Sym *ns;
if(ns == nil)
ns = pkglookup("importpath.\"\".", mkpkg(strlit("go")));
ns = pkglookup("importpath.\"\".", mkpkg(newstrlit("go")));
return arch.dsymptr(s, ot, ns, 0);
......@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ dumptypestructs(void)
......@@ -1411,7 +1411,7 @@ gengcmask(Type *t, uint8 gcmask[16])
// Unfold the mask for the GC bitmap format:
// 4 bits per word, 2 high bits encode pointer info.
pos = (uint8*)gcmask;
pos = gcmask;
nptr = (t->width+widthptr-1)/widthptr;
half = 0;
// If number of words is odd, repeat the mask.
......@@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ brcom(int a)
case OLE: return OGT;
case OGE: return OLT;
fatal("brcom: no com for %A\n", a);
fatal("brcom: no com for %O\n", a);
return a;
......@@ -1998,7 +1998,7 @@ brrev(int a)
case OLE: return OGE;
case OGE: return OLE;
fatal("brcom: no rev for %A\n", a);
fatal("brcom: no rev for %O\n", a);
return a;
......@@ -2566,11 +2566,11 @@ genwrapper(Type *rcvr, Type *method, Sym *newnam, int iface)
// so no space cost to use them here.
l = nil;
v.ctype = CTSTR;
v.u.sval = strlit(rcvr->type->sym->pkg->name); // package name
v.u.sval = newstrlit(rcvr->type->sym->pkg->name); // package name
l = list(l, nodlit(v));
v.u.sval = strlit(rcvr->type->sym->name); // type name
v.u.sval = newstrlit(rcvr->type->sym->name); // type name
l = list(l, nodlit(v));
v.u.sval = strlit(method->sym->name);
v.u.sval = newstrlit(method->sym->name);
l = list(l, nodlit(v)); // method name
call = nod(OCALL, syslook("panicwrap", 0), N);
call->list = l;
......@@ -3723,7 +3723,7 @@ mkpkg(Strlit *path)
strlit(char *s)
newstrlit(char *s)
Strlit *t;
......@@ -2349,7 +2349,7 @@ toomany:
static void
fielddup(Node *n, Node *hash[], ulong nhash)
fielddup(Node *n, Node **hash, ulong nhash)
uint h;
char *s;
......@@ -2370,7 +2370,7 @@ fielddup(Node *n, Node *hash[], ulong nhash)
static void
keydup(Node *n, Node *hash[], ulong nhash)
keydup(Node *n, Node **hash, ulong nhash)
uint h;
ulong b;
......@@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ keydup(Node *n, Node *hash[], ulong nhash)
static void
indexdup(Node *n, Node *hash[], ulong nhash)
indexdup(Node *n, Node **hash, ulong nhash)
uint h;
Node *a;
......@@ -2552,7 +2552,7 @@ static void
typecheckcomplit(Node **np)
int bad, i, nerr;
int64 len;
int64 length;
Node *l, *n, *norig, *r, **hash;
NodeList *ll;
Type *t, *f;
......@@ -2606,7 +2606,7 @@ typecheckcomplit(Node **np)
case TARRAY:
nhash = inithash(n, &hash, autohash, nelem(autohash));
len = 0;
length = 0;
i = 0;
for(ll=n->list; ll; ll=ll->next) {
l = ll->n;
......@@ -2629,11 +2629,11 @@ typecheckcomplit(Node **np)
if(i >= 0)
indexdup(l->left, hash, nhash);
if(i > len) {
len = i;
if(t->bound >= 0 && len > t->bound) {
if(i > length) {
length = i;
if(t->bound >= 0 && length > t->bound) {
yyerror("array index %lld out of bounds [0:%lld]", len-1, t->bound);
yyerror("array index %lld out of bounds [0:%lld]", length-1, t->bound);
t->bound = -1; // no more errors
......@@ -2645,9 +2645,9 @@ typecheckcomplit(Node **np)
l->right = assignconv(r, t->type, "array element");
if(t->bound == -100)
t->bound = len;
t->bound = length;
if(t->bound < 0)
n->right = nodintconst(len);
n->right = nodintconst(length);
n->op = OARRAYLIT;
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
int32 lno;
Node *n, *fn, *n1, *n2;
Sym *sym;
char buf[100], *p;
char buf[100], *p, *from, *to;
n = *np;
......@@ -672,14 +672,17 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
n1 = nod(OADDR, n->left, N);
r = n->right; // i.(T)
strcpy(buf, "assertI2T");
from = "I";
to = "T";
buf[6] = 'E';
from = "E";
buf[8] = 'E';
to = "E";
else if(isinter(r->type))
buf[8] = 'I';
to = "I";
snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "assert%s2%s", from, to);
fn = syslook(buf, 1);
argtype(fn, r->left->type);
argtype(fn, r->type);
......@@ -850,13 +853,15 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
n1 = nod(OADDR, n->list->n, N);
n1->etype = 1; // addr does not escape
strcpy(buf, "assertI2T2");
from = "I";
to = "T";
buf[6] = 'E';
from = "E";
buf[8] = 'E';
to = "E";
else if(isinter(r->type))
buf[8] = 'I';
to = "I";
snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "assert%s2%s2", from, to);
fn = syslook(buf, 1);
argtype(fn, r->left->type);
......@@ -890,20 +895,15 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
// Build name of function: convI2E etc.
// Not all names are possible
// (e.g., we'll never generate convE2E or convE2I).
strcpy(buf, "conv");
p = buf+strlen(buf);
from = "T";
to = "I";
*p++ = 'E';
from = "E";
else if(isinter(n->left->type))
*p++ = 'I';
*p++ = 'T';
*p++ = '2';
from = "I";
*p++ = 'E';
*p++ = 'I';
*p = '\0';
to = "E";
snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "conv%s2%s", from, to);
fn = syslook(buf, 1);
ll = nil;
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