Commit 99c30211 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/scanner: recognize //line and /*line directives incl. columns

This change updates go/scanner to recognize the extended line
directives that are now also handled by cmd/compile:

//line filename:line
//line filename:line:column
/*line filename:line*/
/*line filename:line:column*/

As before, //-style line directives must start in column 1.
/*-style line directives may be placed anywhere in the code.
In both cases, the specified position applies to the character
immediately following the comment; for line comments that is
the first character on the next line (after the newline of the

The go/token API is extended by a new method

File.AddLineColumnInfo(offset int, filename string, line, column int)

which extends the existing

File.AddLineInfo(offset int, filename string, line int)

by adding a column parameter.

Adjusted token.Position computation is changed to take into account
column information if provided via a line directive: A (line-directive)
relative position will have a non-zero column iff the line directive
specified a column; if the position is on the same line as the line
directive, the column is relative to the specified column (otherwise
it is relative to the line beginning). See also #24183.

Finally, Position.String() has been adjusted to not print a column
value if the column is unknown (== 0).

Fixes #24143.

Change-Id: I5518c825ad94443365c049a95677407b46ba55a1
Reviewed-on: default avatarMatthew Dempsky <>
parent 20046020
......@@ -141,46 +141,26 @@ func (s *Scanner) error(offs int, msg string) {
var prefix = []byte("//line ")
func (s *Scanner) interpretLineComment(text []byte) {
if bytes.HasPrefix(text, prefix) {
// get filename and line number, if any
if i := bytes.LastIndex(text, []byte{':'}); i > 0 {
if line, err := strconv.Atoi(string(text[i+1:])); err == nil && line > 0 {
// valid //line filename:line comment
filename := string(bytes.TrimSpace(text[len(prefix):i]))
if filename != "" {
filename = filepath.Clean(filename)
if !filepath.IsAbs(filename) {
// make filename relative to current directory
filename = filepath.Join(s.dir, filename)
// update scanner position
s.file.AddLineInfo(s.lineOffset+len(text)+1, filename, line) // +len(text)+1 since comment applies to next line
func (s *Scanner) scanComment() string {
// initial '/' already consumed; == '/' || == '*'
offs := s.offset - 1 // position of initial '/'
hasCR := false
next := -1 // position immediately following the comment; < 0 means invalid comment
numCR := 0
if == '/' {
//-style comment
// (the final '\n' is not considered part of the comment)
for != '\n' && >= 0 {
if == '\r' {
hasCR = true
if offs == s.lineOffset {
// comment starts at the beginning of the current line
// if we are at '\n', the position following the comment is afterwards
next = s.offset
if == '\n' {
goto exit
......@@ -190,11 +170,12 @@ func (s *Scanner) scanComment() string {
for >= 0 {
ch :=
if ch == '\r' {
hasCR = true
if ch == '*' && == '/' {
next = s.offset
goto exit
......@@ -203,13 +184,116 @@ func (s *Scanner) scanComment() string {
lit := s.src[offs:s.offset]
if hasCR {
// On Windows, a (//-comment) line may end in "\r\n".
// Remove the final '\r' before analyzing the text for
// line directives (matching the compiler). Remove any
// other '\r' afterwards (matching the pre-existing be-
// havior of the scanner).
if numCR > 0 && len(lit) >= 2 && lit[1] == '/' && lit[len(lit)-1] == '\r' {
lit = lit[:len(lit)-1]
// interpret line directives
// (//line directives must start at the beginning of the current line)
if next >= 0 /* implies valid comment */ && (lit[1] == '*' || offs == s.lineOffset) && bytes.HasPrefix(lit[2:], prefix) {
s.updateLineInfo(next, offs, lit)
if numCR > 0 {
lit = stripCR(lit, lit[1] == '*')
return string(lit)
var prefix = []byte("line ")
// updateLineInfo parses the incoming comment text at offset offs
// as a line directive. If successful, it updates the line info table
// for the position next per the line directive.
func (s *Scanner) updateLineInfo(next, offs int, text []byte) {
// the existing code used to ignore incorrect line/column values
// TODO(gri) adjust once we agree on the directive syntax (issue #24183)
reportErrors := false
// extract comment text
if text[1] == '*' {
text = text[:len(text)-2] // lop off trailing "*/"
text = text[7:] // lop off leading "//line " or "/*line "
offs += 7
i, n, ok := trailingDigits(text)
if i == 0 {
return // ignore (not a line directive)
// i > 0
if !ok {
// text has a suffix :xxx but xxx is not a number
if reportErrors {
s.error(offs+i, "invalid line number: "+string(text[i:]))
var line, col int
i2, n2, ok2 := trailingDigits(text[:i-1])
if ok2 {
//line filename:line:col
i, i2 = i2, i
line, col = n2, n
if col == 0 {
if reportErrors {
s.error(offs+i2, "invalid column number: "+string(text[i2:]))
text = text[:i2-1] // lop off ":col"
} else {
//line filename:line
line = n
if line == 0 {
if reportErrors {
s.error(offs+i, "invalid line number: "+string(text[i:]))
// the existing code used to trim whitespace around filenames
// TODO(gri) adjust once we agree on the directive syntax (issue #24183)
filename := string(bytes.TrimSpace(text[:i-1])) // lop off ":line", and trim white space
// If we have a column (//line filename:line:col form),
// an empty filename means to use the previous filename.
if filename != "" {
filename = filepath.Clean(filename)
if !filepath.IsAbs(filename) {
// make filename relative to current directory
filename = filepath.Join(s.dir, filename)
} else if ok2 {
// use existing filename
filename = s.file.Position(s.file.Pos(offs)).Filename
s.file.AddLineColumnInfo(next, filename, line, col)
func trailingDigits(text []byte) (int, int, bool) {
i := bytes.LastIndexByte(text, ':') // look from right (Windows filenames may contain ':')
if i < 0 {
return 0, 0, false // no ":"
// i >= 0
n, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(text[i+1:]), 10, 0)
return i + 1, int(n), err == nil
func (s *Scanner) findLineEnd() bool {
// initial '/' already consumed
......@@ -503,39 +503,52 @@ func TestSemis(t *testing.T) {
type segment struct {
srcline string // a line of source text
filename string // filename for current token
line int // line number for current token
srcline string // a line of source text
filename string // filename for current token
line, column int // line number for current token
var segments = []segment{
// exactly one token per line since the test consumes one token per segment
{" line1", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), 1},
{"\nline2", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), 2},
{"\nline3 //line File1.go:100", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), 3}, // bad line comment, ignored
{"\nline4", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), 4},
{"\n//line File1.go:100\n line100", filepath.Join("dir", "File1.go"), 100},
{"\n//line \t :42\n line1", "", 42},
{"\n//line File2.go:200\n line200", filepath.Join("dir", "File2.go"), 200},
{"\n//line foo\t:42\n line42", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 42},
{"\n //line foo:42\n line44", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 44}, // bad line comment, ignored
{"\n//line foo 42\n line46", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 46}, // bad line comment, ignored
{"\n//line foo:42 extra text\n line48", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 48}, // bad line comment, ignored
{"\n//line ./foo:42\n line42", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 42},
{"\n//line a/b/c/File1.go:100\n line100", filepath.Join("dir", "a", "b", "c", "File1.go"), 100},
{" line1", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineDirectives"), 1, 3},
{"\nline2", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineDirectives"), 2, 1},
{"\nline3 //line File1.go:100", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineDirectives"), 3, 1}, // bad line comment, ignored
{"\nline4", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineDirectives"), 4, 1},
{"\n//line File1.go:100\n line100", filepath.Join("dir", "File1.go"), 100, 0},
{"\n//line \t :42\n line1", "", 42, 0},
{"\n//line File2.go:200\n line200", filepath.Join("dir", "File2.go"), 200, 0},
{"\n//line foo\t:42\n line42", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 42, 0},
{"\n //line foo:42\n line44", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 44, 0}, // bad line comment, ignored
{"\n//line foo 42\n line46", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 46, 0}, // bad line comment, ignored
{"\n//line foo:42 extra text\n line48", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 48, 0}, // bad line comment, ignored
{"\n//line ./foo:42\n line42", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 42, 0},
{"\n//line a/b/c/File1.go:100\n line100", filepath.Join("dir", "a", "b", "c", "File1.go"), 100, 0},
// tests for new line directive syntax
{"\n//line :100\na1", "", 100, 0}, // missing filename means empty filename
{"\n//line bar:100\nb1", filepath.Join("dir", "bar"), 100, 0},
{"\n//line :100:10\nc1", filepath.Join("dir", "bar"), 100, 10}, // missing filename means current filename
{"\n//line foo:100:10\nd1", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 100, 10},
{"\n/*line :100*/a2", "", 100, 0}, // missing filename means empty filename
{"\n/*line bar:100*/b2", filepath.Join("dir", "bar"), 100, 0},
{"\n/*line :100:10*/c2", filepath.Join("dir", "bar"), 100, 10}, // missing filename means current filename
{"\n/*line foo:100:10*/d2", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 100, 10},
{"\n/*line foo:100:10*/ e2", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 100, 14}, // line-directive relative column
{"\n/*line foo:100:10*/\n\nf2", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 102, 1}, // absolute column since on new line
var unixsegments = []segment{
{"\n//line /bar:42\n line42", "/bar", 42},
{"\n//line /bar:42\n line42", "/bar", 42, 0},
var winsegments = []segment{
{"\n//line c:\\bar:42\n line42", "c:\\bar", 42},
{"\n//line c:\\dir\\File1.go:100\n line100", "c:\\dir\\File1.go", 100},
{"\n//line c:\\bar:42\n line42", "c:\\bar", 42, 0},
{"\n//line c:\\dir\\File1.go:100\n line100", "c:\\dir\\File1.go", 100, 0},
// Verify that comments of the form "//line filename:line" are interpreted correctly.
func TestLineComments(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that line directives are interpreted correctly.
func TestLineDirectives(t *testing.T) {
segs := segments
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
segs = append(segs, winsegments...)
......@@ -551,8 +564,8 @@ func TestLineComments(t *testing.T) {
// verify scan
var S Scanner
file := fset.AddFile(filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), fset.Base(), len(src))
S.Init(file, []byte(src), nil, dontInsertSemis)
file := fset.AddFile(filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineDirectives"), fset.Base(), len(src))
S.Init(file, []byte(src), func(pos token.Position, msg string) { t.Error(Error{pos, msg}) }, dontInsertSemis)
for _, s := range segs {
p, _, lit := S.Scan()
pos := file.Position(p)
......@@ -560,7 +573,7 @@ func TestLineComments(t *testing.T) {
Filename: s.filename,
Offset: pos.Offset,
Line: s.line,
Column: pos.Column,
Column: s.column,
......@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ func (pos *Position) IsValid() bool { return pos.Line > 0 }
// String returns a string in one of several forms:
// file:line:column valid position with file name
// file:line valid position with file name but no column (column == 0)
// line:column valid position without file name
// line valid position without file name and no column (column == 0)
// file invalid position with file name
// - invalid position without file name
......@@ -40,7 +42,10 @@ func (pos Position) String() string {
if s != "" {
s += ":"
s += fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", pos.Line, pos.Column)
s += fmt.Sprintf("%d", pos.Line)
if pos.Column != 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf(":%d", pos.Column)
if s == "" {
s = "-"
......@@ -204,28 +209,36 @@ func (f *File) SetLinesForContent(content []byte) {
// A lineInfo object describes alternative file and line number
// information (such as provided via a //line comment in a .go
// file) for a given file offset.
// A lineInfo object describes alternative file, line, and column
// number information (such as provided via a //line directive)
// for a given file offset.
type lineInfo struct {
// fields are exported to make them accessible to gob
Offset int
Filename string
Line int
Offset int
Filename string
Line, Column int
// AddLineInfo adds alternative file and line number information for
// a given file offset. The offset must be larger than the offset for
// the previously added alternative line info and smaller than the
// file size; otherwise the information is ignored.
// AddLineInfo is typically used to register alternative position
// information for //line filename:line comments in source files.
// AddLineInfo is like AddLineColumnInfo with a column = 1 argument.
// It is here for backward-compatibility for code prior to Go 1.11.
func (f *File) AddLineInfo(offset int, filename string, line int) {
f.AddLineColumnInfo(offset, filename, line, 1)
// AddLineColumnInfo adds alternative file, line, and column number
// information for a given file offset. The offset must be larger
// than the offset for the previously added alternative line info
// and smaller than the file size; otherwise the information is
// ignored.
// AddLineColumnInfo is typically used to register alternative position
// information for line directives such as //line filename:line:column.
func (f *File) AddLineColumnInfo(offset int, filename string, line, column int) {
if i := len(f.infos); i == 0 || f.infos[i-1].Offset < offset && offset < f.size {
f.infos = append(f.infos, lineInfo{offset, filename, line})
f.infos = append(f.infos, lineInfo{offset, filename, line, column})
......@@ -275,12 +288,25 @@ func (f *File) unpack(offset int, adjusted bool) (filename string, line, column
line, column = i+1, offset-f.lines[i]+1
if adjusted && len(f.infos) > 0 {
// almost no files have extra line infos
// few files have extra line infos
if i := searchLineInfos(f.infos, offset); i >= 0 {
alt := &f.infos[i]
filename = alt.Filename
if i := searchInts(f.lines, alt.Offset); i >= 0 {
line += alt.Line - i - 1
// i+1 is the line at which the alternative position was recorded
d := line - (i + 1) // line distance from alternative position base
line = alt.Line + d
if alt.Column == 0 {
// alternative column is unknown => relative column is unknown
// (the current specification for line directives requires
// this to apply until the next PosBase/line directive,
// not just until the new newline)
column = 0
} else if d == 0 {
// the alternative position base is on the current line
// => column is relative to alternative column
column = alt.Column + (offset - alt.Offset)
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