Commit 9a61c041 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/printer: some internal cleanups

Cleanups introduced originally by now abandoned .

Includes additional test cases for 'if' and 'for'

No formatting changes.

parent 2a982e8e
......@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ func (p *printer) expr1(expr ast.Expr, prec1, depth int) {
case *ast.FuncLit:
p.funcBody(x.Body, p.distance(x.Type.Pos(), p.pos), true)
p.adjBlock(p.distanceFrom(x.Type.Pos()), blank, x.Body)
case *ast.ParenExpr:
if _, hasParens := x.X.(*ast.ParenExpr); hasParens {
......@@ -916,11 +916,11 @@ func (p *printer) stmtList(list []ast.Stmt, nindent int, nextIsRBrace bool) {
// block prints an *ast.BlockStmt; it always spans at least two lines.
func (p *printer) block(s *ast.BlockStmt, nindent int) {
p.print(s.Pos(), token.LBRACE)
p.stmtList(s.List, nindent, true)
p.linebreak(p.lineFor(s.Rbrace), 1, ignore, true)
p.print(s.Rbrace, token.RBRACE)
func (p *printer) block(b *ast.BlockStmt, nindent int) {
p.print(b.Lbrace, token.LBRACE)
p.stmtList(b.List, nindent, true)
p.linebreak(p.lineFor(b.Rbrace), 1, ignore, true)
p.print(b.Rbrace, token.RBRACE)
func isTypeName(x ast.Expr) bool {
......@@ -1425,19 +1425,19 @@ func (p *printer) nodeSize(n ast.Node, maxSize int) (size int) {
func (p *printer) isOneLineFunc(b *ast.BlockStmt, headerSize int) bool {
// bodySize is like nodeSize but it is specialized for *ast.BlockStmt's.
func (p *printer) bodySize(b *ast.BlockStmt, maxSize int) int {
pos1 := b.Pos()
pos2 := b.Rbrace
if pos1.IsValid() && pos2.IsValid() && p.lineFor(pos1) != p.lineFor(pos2) {
// opening and closing brace are on different lines - don't make it a one-liner
return false
return infinity
if len(b.List) > 5 || p.commentBefore(p.posFor(pos2)) {
// too many statements or there is a comment inside - don't make it a one-liner
return false
return infinity
// otherwise, estimate body size
const maxSize = 100
bodySize := 0
for i, s := range b.List {
if i > 0 {
......@@ -1445,19 +1445,23 @@ func (p *printer) isOneLineFunc(b *ast.BlockStmt, headerSize int) bool {
bodySize += p.nodeSize(s, maxSize)
return headerSize+bodySize <= maxSize
return bodySize
func (p *printer) funcBody(b *ast.BlockStmt, headerSize int, isLit bool) {
// adjBlock prints an "adjacent" block (e.g., a for-loop or function body) following
// a header (e.g., a for-loop control clause or function signature) of given headerSize.
// If the header's and block's size are "small enough" and the block is "simple enough",
// the block is printed on the current line, without line breaks, spaced from the header
// by sep. Otherwise the block's opening "{" is printed on the current line, followed by
// lines for the block's statements and its closing "}".
func (p *printer) adjBlock(headerSize int, sep whiteSpace, b *ast.BlockStmt) {
if b == nil {
if p.isOneLineFunc(b, headerSize) {
sep := vtab
if isLit {
sep = blank
const maxSize = 100
if headerSize+p.bodySize(b, maxSize) <= maxSize {
p.print(sep, b.Lbrace, token.LBRACE)
if len(b.List) > 0 {
......@@ -1473,17 +1477,20 @@ func (p *printer) funcBody(b *ast.BlockStmt, headerSize int, isLit bool) {
if sep != ignore {
p.print(blank) // always use blank
p.block(b, 1)
// distance returns the column difference between from and to if both
// are on the same line; if they are on different lines (or unknown)
// the result is infinity.
func (p *printer) distance(from0 token.Pos, to token.Position) int {
from := p.posFor(from0)
if from.IsValid() && to.IsValid() && from.Line == to.Line {
return to.Column - from.Column
// distanceFrom returns the column difference between from and p.pos (the current
// estimated position) if both are on the same line; if they are on different lines
// (or unknown) the result is infinity.
func (p *printer) distanceFrom(from token.Pos) int {
if from.IsValid() && p.pos.IsValid() {
if f := p.posFor(from); f.Line == p.pos.Line {
return p.pos.Column - f.Column
return infinity
......@@ -1497,7 +1504,7 @@ func (p *printer) funcDecl(d *ast.FuncDecl) {
p.signature(d.Type.Params, d.Type.Results)
p.funcBody(d.Body, p.distance(d.Pos(), p.pos), false)
p.adjBlock(p.distanceFrom(d.Pos()), vtab, d.Body)
func (p *printer) decl(decl ast.Decl) {
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ func _() {
// Formatting of for-statement headers.
// Formatting of for-statement headers for single-line for-loops.
func _() {
for {
......@@ -279,6 +279,86 @@ func _() {
} // no parens printed
// Formatting of for-statement headers for multi-line for-loops.
func _() {
for {
for expr {
for expr {
} // no parens printed
for {
} // no semicolons printed
for x := expr; ; {
for expr {
} // no semicolons printed
for expr {
} // no semicolons and parens printed
for ; ; expr = false {
for x := expr; expr; {
for x := expr; ; expr = false {
for ; expr; expr = false {
for x := expr; expr; expr = false {
for x := range []int{} {
for x := range []int{} {
} // no parens printed
// Formatting of selected short single- and multi-line statements.
func _() {
if cond {
if cond {
} // multiple lines
if cond {
} else {
} // else clause always requires multiple lines
for {
for i := 0; i < len(a); 1++ {
for i := 0; i < len(a); 1++ {
a[i] = i
for i := 0; i < len(a); 1++ {
a[i] = i
} // multiple lines
for i := range a {
for i := range a {
a[i] = i
for i := range a {
a[i] = i
} // multiple lines
go func() {
for {
a <- <-b
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
err = fmt.Sprintf("error: %s", x.msg)
// Don't remove mandatory parentheses around composite literals in control clauses.
func _() {
// strip parentheses - no composite literals or composite literals don't start with a type name
......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ func _() {
// Formatting of for-statement headers.
// Formatting of for-statement headers for single-line for-loops.
func _() {
for expr {}
......@@ -235,14 +235,70 @@ func _() {
for; ; expr = false {}
for x :=expr; expr; {use(x)}
for x := expr;; expr=false {use(x)}
for;expr;expr =false {
for;expr;expr =false {}
for x := expr;expr;expr = false { use(x) }
for x := range []int{} { use(x) }
for x := range (([]int{})) { use(x) } // no parens printed
// Formatting of for-statement headers for multi-line for-loops.
func _() {
for expr {
for (expr) {
} // no parens printed
} // no semicolons printed
for x :=expr;; {use( x)
for; expr;{
} // no semicolons printed
for; ((expr));{
} // no semicolons and parens printed
for; ; expr = false {
for x :=expr; expr; {use(x)
for x := expr;; expr=false {use(x)
for;expr;expr =false {
for x := expr;expr;expr = false {
for x := range []int{} {
use(x) }
for x := range (([]int{})) {
use(x) } // no parens printed
// Formatting of selected short single- and multi-line statements.
func _() {
if cond {}
if cond {
} // multiple lines
if cond {} else {} // else clause always requires multiple lines
for {}
for i := 0; i < len(a); 1++ {}
for i := 0; i < len(a); 1++ { a[i] = i }
for i := 0; i < len(a); 1++ { a[i] = i
} // multiple lines
for i := range a {}
for i := range a { a[i] = i }
for i := range a { a[i] = i
} // multiple lines
go func() { for { a <- <-b } }()
defer func() { if x := recover(); x != nil { err = fmt.Sprintf("error: %s", x.msg) } }()
// Don't remove mandatory parentheses around composite literals in control clauses.
func _() {
// strip parentheses - no composite literals or composite literals don't start with a type name
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