Commit 9d2a697f authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

codereview: fetch metadata using JSON API, not XML scraping

Fixes hg clpatch.

R=golang-dev, r, r
parent fbb4be32
......@@ -45,10 +45,23 @@ import stat
import subprocess
import threading
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
# The standard 'json' package is new in Python 2.6.
# Before that it was an external package named simplejson.
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from elementtree import ElementTree as ET
# Standard location in 2.6 and beyond.
import json
except Exception, e:
# Conventional name for earlier package.
import simplejson as json
# Was also bundled with django, which is commonly installed.
from django.utils import simplejson as json
# We give up.
raise e
hgversion = util.version()
......@@ -502,14 +515,16 @@ def LoadCL(ui, repo, name, web=True):
cl = CL(name)
if web:
f = GetSettings(name)
return None, "cannot load CL %s from code review server: %s" % (name, ExceptionDetail())
if 'reviewers' not in f:
set_status("getting issue metadata from web")
d = JSONGet(ui, "/api/" + name + "?messages=true")
if d is None:
return None, "cannot load CL %s from server" % (name,)
if 'owner_email' not in d or 'issue' not in d or str(d['issue']) != name:
return None, "malformed response loading CL data from code review server"
cl.reviewer = SplitCommaSpace(f['reviewers']) = SplitCommaSpace(f['cc'])
cl.dict = d
cl.reviewer = d.get('reviewers', []) = d.get('cc', [])
if cl.local and cl.copied_from and cl.desc:
# local copy of CL written by someone else
# and we saved a description. use that one,
......@@ -517,9 +532,10 @@ def LoadCL(ui, repo, name, web=True):
# before doing hg submit.
cl.desc = f['description']
cl.desc = d.get('description', "")
cl.url = server_url_base + name
cl.web = True
cl.private = d.get('private', False) != False
set_status("loaded CL " + name)
return cl, ''
......@@ -1330,7 +1346,9 @@ def clpatch_or_undo(ui, repo, clname, opts, mode):
# if version does not match the patch version,
# try to update the patch line numbers.
if id != vers:
if vers != "" and id != vers:
if vers not in repo:
return "local repository is out of date; sync to get %s" % (vers)
patch, err = portPatch(repo, patch, vers, id)
if err != "":
return "codereview issue %s is out of date: %s (%s->%s)" % (clname, err, vers, id)
......@@ -2000,100 +2018,84 @@ class FormParser(HTMLParser):
if self.curdata is not None:
self.curdata += data
# XML parser
def XMLGet(ui, path):
def JSONGet(ui, path):
data = MySend(path, force_auth=False);
data = MySend(path, force_auth=False)
typecheck(data, str)
d = coerce_to_utf8(json.loads(data))
ui.warn("XMLGet %s: %s\n" % (path, ExceptionDetail()))
ui.warn("JSONGet %s: %s\n" % (path, ExceptionDetail()))
return None
return ET.XML(data)
return d
def coerce_to_utf8(x):
if type(x) in [str, int, float, bool, type(None)]:
elif type(x) is unicode:
x = x.encode("utf-8")
elif type(x) is list:
for i in range(len(x)):
x[i] = coerce_to_utf8(x[i])
elif type(x) is dict:
for k in x:
x[k] = coerce_to_utf8(x[k])
raise util.Abort("unknown type " + str(type(x)) + " in coerce_to_utf8")
if type(x) is str:
x = x.replace('\r\n', '\n')
return x
def IsRietveldSubmitted(ui, clname, hex):
feed = XMLGet(ui, "/rss/issue/" + clname)
if feed is None:
dict = JSONGet(ui, "/api/" + clname + "?messages=true")
if dict is None:
return False
for sum in feed.findall("{}entry/{}summary"):
text = sum.text.strip()
for msg in dict.get("messages", []):
text = msg.get("text", "")
m = re.match('\*\*\* Submitted as [^*]*?([0-9a-f]+) \*\*\*', text)
if m is not None and len( >= 8 and hex.startswith(
return True
return False
def IsRietveldMailed(ui, clname):
feed = XMLGet(ui, "/rss/issue/" + clname)
if feed is None:
return False
for sum in feed.findall("{}entry/{}summary"):
text = sum.text.strip()
if re.match("I'd like you to review this change", text):
def IsRietveldMailed(cl):
for msg in cl.dict.get("messages", []):
if msg.get("text", "").find("I'd like you to review this change") >= 0:
return True
return False
def DownloadCL(ui, repo, clname):
set_status("downloading CL " + clname)
cl, err = LoadCL(ui, repo, clname)
cl, err = LoadCL(ui, repo, clname, web=True)
if err != "":
return None, None, None, "error loading CL %s: %s" % (clname, err)
# Grab RSS feed to learn about CL
feed = XMLGet(ui, "/rss/issue/" + clname)
if feed is None:
return None, None, None, "cannot download CL"
# Find most recent diff
diff = None
prefix = 'http://' + server + '/'
diffs = cl.dict.get("patchsets", [])
if not diffs:
return None, None, None, "CL has no patch sets"
patchid = diffs[-1]
patchset = JSONGet(ui, "/api/" + clname + "/" + str(patchid))
if patchset is None:
return None, None, None, "error loading CL patchset %s/%d" % (clname, patchid)
if patchset.get("patchset", 0) != patchid:
return None, None, None, "malformed patchset information"
vers = ""
for entry in feed.findall("{}entry"):
thisVers = ""
for title in entry.findall("{}title"):
m ='diff -r ([0-9a-f]+) ', title.text)
if m:
thisVers =
if thisVers == "":
for link in entry.findall("{}link"):
if link.get('rel') != 'alternate':
text = link.get('href')
if not text.startswith(prefix) or not text.endswith('.diff'):
diff = text[len(prefix)-1:]
vers = thisVers
if diff is None:
return None, None, None, "CL has no diff"
diffdata = MySend(diff, force_auth=False)
# Find author - first entry will be author who created CL.
nick = None
for author in feed.findall("{}entry/{}author/{}name"):
nick = author.text.strip()
if not nick:
return None, None, None, "CL has no author"
# The author is just a nickname: get the real email address.
# want URL-encoded nick, but without a=, and rietveld rejects + for %20.
url = "/user_popup/" + urllib.urlencode({"a": nick})[2:].replace("+", "%20")
data = MySend(url, force_auth=False)
ui.warn("error looking up %s: %s\n" % (nick, ExceptionDetail()))
cl.copied_from = nick+"@needtofix"
return cl, vers, diffdata, ""
match = re.match(r"<b>(.*) \((.*)\)</b>", data)
if not match:
return None, None, "error looking up %s: cannot parse result %s" % (nick, repr(data))
if != nick and != nick:
return None, None, "error looking up %s: got info for %s, %s" % (nick,,
email =
msg = patchset.get("message", "").split()
if len(msg) >= 3 and msg[0] == "diff" and msg[1] == "-r":
vers = msg[2]
diff = "/download/issue" + clname + "_" + str(patchid) + ".diff"
diffdata = MySend(diff, force_auth=False)
# Print warning if email is not in CONTRIBUTORS file.
email = cl.dict.get("owner_email", "")
if not email:
return None, None, None, "cannot find owner for %s" % (clname)
him = FindContributor(ui, repo, email)
me = FindContributor(ui, repo, None)
if him == me:
cl.mailed = IsRietveldMailed(ui, clname)
cl.mailed = IsRietveldMailed(cl)
cl.copied_from = email
......@@ -2192,25 +2194,6 @@ def GetForm(url):
m[k.encode("utf-8")] = v.replace("\r\n", "\n").encode("utf-8")
return m
# Fetch the settings for the CL, like reviewer and CC list, by
# scraping the Rietveld editing forms.
def GetSettings(issue):
set_status("getting issue metadata from web")
# The /issue/edit page has everything but only the
# CL owner is allowed to fetch it (and submit it).
f = None
f = GetForm("/" + issue + "/edit")
if not f or 'reviewers' not in f:
# Maybe we're not the CL owner. Fall back to the
# /publish page, which has the reviewer and CC lists,
# and then fetch the description separately.
f = GetForm("/" + issue + "/publish")
f['description'] = MySend("/"+issue+"/description", force_auth=False)
return f
def EditDesc(issue, subject=None, desc=None, reviewers=None, cc=None, closed=False, private=False):
set_status("uploading change to description")
form_fields = GetForm("/" + issue + "/edit")
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