Commit 9d517ba3 authored by Austin Clements's avatar Austin Clements

Implement runtime errors, divide-by-zero checking, nil pointer

checking, bounds checking, and map key checking.

DELTA=202  (108 added, 72 deleted, 22 changed)
parent 636cdc76
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.$(GOARCH)
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package eval
import (
// TODO(austin) This is not thread-safe. We could include the abort
// channel in the Frame structure, but then the Value methods need to
// take the Frame. However, passing something to the Value methods
// might be necessary to generate back traces.
var abortChan = make(chan os.Error)
// Abort aborts the current computation. If this is called within the
// extent of a Try call, this immediately returns to the Try with the
// given error. If not, then this panic's.
func Abort(e os.Error) {
if abortChan == nil {
panic("Abort: " + e.String());
abortChan <- e;
// Try executes a computation with the ability to Abort.
func Try(f func()) os.Error {
abortChan = make(chan os.Error);
go func() {
abortChan <- nil;
res := <-abortChan;
abortChan = nil;
return res;
type DivByZero struct {}
func (DivByZero) String() string {
return "divide by zero";
type NilPointer struct {}
func (NilPointer) String() string {
return "nil pointer dereference";
type IndexOutOfBounds struct {
Idx, Len int64;
func (e IndexOutOfBounds) String() string {
if e.Idx < 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("negative index: %d", e.Idx);
return fmt.Sprintf("index %d exceeds length %d", e.Idx, e.Len);
type KeyNotFound struct {
Key interface {};
func (e KeyNotFound) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("key %s not found in map", e.Key);
......@@ -990,8 +990,12 @@ func (a *exprInfo) compileIndexExpr(l, r *expr) *expr {
switch _ := r.t.lit().(type) {
case *idealIntType:
val := r.asIdealInt()();
if val.IsNeg() || (maxIndex != -1 && val.Cmp(bignum.Int(maxIndex)) >= 0) {
a.diag("array index out of bounds");
if val.IsNeg() {
a.diag("negative index: %s", val);
return nil;
if maxIndex != -1 && val.Cmp(bignum.Int(maxIndex)) >= 0 {
a.diag("index %s exceeds length %d", val, maxIndex);
return nil;
r = r.convertTo(IntType);
......@@ -1022,36 +1026,45 @@ func (a *exprInfo) compileIndexExpr(l, r *expr) *expr {
// Compile
switch lt := l.t.lit().(type) {
case *ArrayType:
// TODO(austin) Bounds check
expr.genIndexArray(l, r);
lf := l.asArray();
rf := r.asInt();
expr.evalAddr = func(f *Frame) Value {
return lf(f).Elem(rf(f));
bound := lt.Len;
expr.genValue(func(f *Frame) Value {
l, r := lf(f), rf(f);
if r < 0 || r >= bound {
Abort(IndexOutOfBounds{r, bound});
return l.Elem(r);
case *SliceType:
// TODO(austin) Bounds check
// TODO(austin) Can this be done with genValue?
expr.genIndexSlice(l, r);
lf := l.asSlice();
rf := r.asInt();
expr.evalAddr = func(f *Frame) Value {
return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f));
expr.genValue(func(f *Frame) Value {
l, r := lf(f), rf(f);
if l.Base == nil {
if r < 0 || r >= l.Len {
Abort(IndexOutOfBounds{r, l.Len});
return l.Base.Elem(r);
case *stringType:
// TODO(austin) Bounds check
lf := l.asString();
rf := r.asInt();
// TODO(austin) This pulls over the whole string in a
// remote setting, instead of just the one character.
expr.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 {
return uint64(lf(f)[rf(f)]);
l, r := lf(f), rf(f);
if r < 0 || r >= int64(len(l)) {
Abort(IndexOutOfBounds{r, int64(len(l))});
return uint64(l[r]);
case *MapType:
// TODO(austin) Bounds check
lf := l.asMap();
rf := r.asInterface();
expr.genValue(func(f *Frame) Value {
......@@ -1059,8 +1072,7 @@ func (a *exprInfo) compileIndexExpr(l, r *expr) *expr {
k := rf(f);
e := m.Elem(k);
if e == nil {
// TODO(austin) Use an exception
panic("key ", k, " not found in map");
return e;
......@@ -1068,6 +1080,7 @@ func (a *exprInfo) compileIndexExpr(l, r *expr) *expr {
// aren't addressable.
expr.evalAddr = nil;
expr.evalMapValue = func(f *Frame) (Map, interface{}) {
// TODO(austin) Key check?
return lf(f), rf(f);
......@@ -1153,8 +1166,14 @@ func (a *exprInfo) compileStarExpr(v *expr) *expr {
switch vt := v.t.lit().(type) {
case *PtrType:
expr := a.newExpr(vt.Elem, "indirect expression");
// TODO(austin) Deal with nil pointers
vf := v.asPtr();
expr.genValue(func(f *Frame) Value {
v := vf(f);
if v == nil {
return v;
return expr;
......@@ -1496,6 +1515,18 @@ func (a *exprInfo) compileBinaryExpr(op token.Token, l, r *expr) *expr {
binOpDescs[op] = desc;
// Check for ideal divide by zero
switch op {
case token.QUO, token.REM:
if r.t.isIdeal() {
if (r.t.isInteger() && r.asIdealInt()().IsZero()) ||
(r.t.isFloat() && r.asIdealFloat()().IsZero()) {
a.diag("divide by zero");
return nil;
// Compile
expr := a.newExpr(t, desc);
switch op {
......@@ -1509,13 +1540,11 @@ func (a *exprInfo) compileBinaryExpr(op token.Token, l, r *expr) *expr {
expr.genBinOpMul(l, r);
case token.QUO:
// TODO(austin) What if divisor is zero?
// TODO(austin) Clear higher bits that may have
// accumulated in our temporary.
expr.genBinOpQuo(l, r);
case token.REM:
// TODO(austin) What if divisor is zero?
// TODO(austin) Clear higher bits that may have
// accumulated in our temporary.
expr.genBinOpRem(l, r);
......@@ -1697,10 +1726,10 @@ type Expr struct {
f func(f *Frame, out Value);
func (expr *Expr) Eval(f *Frame) Value {
func (expr *Expr) Eval(f *Frame) (Value, os.Error) {
v := expr.t.Zero();
expr.f(f, v);
return v;
err := Try(func() {expr.f(f, v)});
return v, err;
func CompileExpr(scope *Scope, expr ast.Expr) (*Expr, os.Error) {
......@@ -1820,68 +1849,6 @@ func (a *expr) genIdentOp(level int, index int) {
func (a *expr) genIndexArray(l, r *expr) {
lf := l.asArray();
rf := r.asInt();
switch _ := a.t.lit().(type) {
case *boolType:
a.evalBool = func(f *Frame) bool { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(BoolValue).Get() };
case *uintType:
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(UintValue).Get() };
case *intType:
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(IntValue).Get() };
case *floatType:
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(FloatValue).Get() };
case *stringType:
a.evalString = func(f *Frame) string { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(StringValue).Get() };
case *ArrayType:
a.evalArray = func(f *Frame) ArrayValue { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(ArrayValue).Get() };
case *StructType:
a.evalStruct = func(f *Frame) StructValue { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(StructValue).Get() };
case *PtrType:
a.evalPtr = func(f *Frame) Value { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(PtrValue).Get() };
case *FuncType:
a.evalFunc = func(f *Frame) Func { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(FuncValue).Get() };
case *SliceType:
a.evalSlice = func(f *Frame) Slice { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(SliceValue).Get() };
case *MapType:
a.evalMap = func(f *Frame) Map { return lf(f).Elem(rf(f)).(MapValue).Get() };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *expr) genIndexSlice(l, r *expr) {
lf := l.asSlice();
rf := r.asInt();
switch _ := a.t.lit().(type) {
case *boolType:
a.evalBool = func(f *Frame) bool { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(BoolValue).Get() };
case *uintType:
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(UintValue).Get() };
case *intType:
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(IntValue).Get() };
case *floatType:
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(FloatValue).Get() };
case *stringType:
a.evalString = func(f *Frame) string { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(StringValue).Get() };
case *ArrayType:
a.evalArray = func(f *Frame) ArrayValue { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(ArrayValue).Get() };
case *StructType:
a.evalStruct = func(f *Frame) StructValue { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(StructValue).Get() };
case *PtrType:
a.evalPtr = func(f *Frame) Value { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(PtrValue).Get() };
case *FuncType:
a.evalFunc = func(f *Frame) Func { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(FuncValue).Get() };
case *SliceType:
a.evalSlice = func(f *Frame) Slice { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(SliceValue).Get() };
case *MapType:
a.evalMap = func(f *Frame) Map { return lf(f).Base.Elem(rf(f)).(MapValue).Get() };
log.Crashf("unexpected result type %v at %v", a.t, a.pos);
func (a *expr) genFuncCall(call func(f *Frame) []Value) {
a.exec = func(f *Frame) { call(f) };
switch _ := a.t.lit().(type) {
......@@ -2091,11 +2058,11 @@ func (a *expr) genBinOpQuo(l, r *expr) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) / rf(f) };
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { l, r := lf(f), rf(f); if r == 0 { Abort(DivByZero{}) }; return l / r };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) / rf(f) };
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { l, r := lf(f), rf(f); if r == 0 { Abort(DivByZero{}) }; return l / r };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
......@@ -2104,7 +2071,7 @@ func (a *expr) genBinOpQuo(l, r *expr) {
case *floatType:
lf := l.asFloat();
rf := r.asFloat();
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { return lf(f) / rf(f) };
a.evalFloat = func(f *Frame) float64 { l, r := lf(f), rf(f); if r == 0 { Abort(DivByZero{}) }; return l / r };
case *idealFloatType:
lf := l.asIdealFloat();
rf := r.asIdealFloat();
......@@ -2120,11 +2087,11 @@ func (a *expr) genBinOpRem(l, r *expr) {
case *uintType:
lf := l.asUint();
rf := r.asUint();
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { return lf(f) % rf(f) };
a.evalUint = func(f *Frame) uint64 { l, r := lf(f), rf(f); if r == 0 { Abort(DivByZero{}) }; return l % r };
case *intType:
lf := l.asInt();
rf := r.asInt();
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { return lf(f) % rf(f) };
a.evalInt = func(f *Frame) int64 { l, r := lf(f), rf(f); if r == 0 { Abort(DivByZero{}) }; return l % r };
case *idealIntType:
lf := l.asIdealInt();
rf := r.asIdealInt();
......@@ -1281,8 +1281,8 @@ type Stmt struct {
f func (f *Frame);
func (s *Stmt) Exec(f *Frame) {
func (s *Stmt) Exec(f *Frame) os.Error {
return Try(func() {s.f(f)});
func CompileStmts(scope *Scope, stmts []ast.Stmt) (*Stmt, os.Error) {
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