Commit 9f647288 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/gc: avoid runtime code generation for closures

Change ARM context register to R7, to get out of the way
of the register allocator during the compilation of the
prologue statements (it wants to use R0 as a temporary).

Step 2 of

parent d57fcbf0
......@@ -78,13 +78,14 @@ ginscall(Node *f, int proc)
gins(AUNDEF, N, N);
nodreg(&r, types[tptr], 0);
nodreg(&r, types[tptr], 7);
nodreg(&r1, types[tptr], 1);
gmove(f, &r);
r.op = OINDREG;
gmove(&r, &r1);
r1.op = OINDREG;
gins(ABL, N, &r1);
gins(ABL, &r, &r1);
case 3: // normal call of c function pointer
......@@ -1208,6 +1208,8 @@ checkoffset(Addr *a, int canemitcode)
naddr(Node *n, Addr *a, int canemitcode)
Prog *p;
a->type = D_NONE;
a->name = D_NONE;
a->reg = NREG;
......@@ -1277,6 +1279,25 @@ naddr(Node *n, Addr *a, int canemitcode)
a->name = D_PARAM;
a->node = n->left->orig;
fatal("naddr OCLOSUREVAR cannot emit code");
p = gins(AMOVW, N, N);
p->from.type = D_OREG;
p->from.reg = 7;
p->from.offset = n->xoffset;
p->to.type = D_REG;
p->to.reg = 1;
a->type = D_REG;
a->reg = 1;
a->sym = S;
case OCFUNC:
naddr(n->left, a, canemitcode);
a->sym = n->left->sym;
case ONAME:
a->etype = 0;
......@@ -1174,6 +1174,8 @@ copyu(Prog *p, Adr *v, Adr *s)
if(v->type == D_FREG)
if(v->reg <= FREGEXT && v->reg > exfregoffset)
return 2;
if(p->from.type == D_REG && v->type == D_REG && p->from.reg == v->reg)
return 2;
if(s != A) {
if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1))
......@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ ginscall(Node *f, int proc)
gmove(f, &reg);
reg.op = OINDREG;
gmove(&reg, &r1);
gins(ACALL, N, &r1);
reg.op = OREGISTER;
gins(ACALL, &reg, &r1);
case 3: // normal call of c function pointer
......@@ -1097,6 +1097,8 @@ checkoffset(Addr *a, int canemitcode)
naddr(Node *n, Addr *a, int canemitcode)
Prog *p;
a->scale = 0;
a->index = D_NONE;
a->type = D_NONE;
......@@ -1158,6 +1160,22 @@ naddr(Node *n, Addr *a, int canemitcode)
a->type = D_PARAM;
a->node = n->left->orig;
fatal("naddr OCLOSUREVAR cannot emit code");
p = gins(AMOVQ, N, N);
p->from.type = D_DX+D_INDIR;
p->from.offset = n->xoffset;
p->to.type = D_BX;
a->type = D_BX;
a->sym = S;
case OCFUNC:
naddr(n->left, a, canemitcode);
a->sym = n->left->sym;
case ONAME:
a->etype = 0;
......@@ -1169,6 +1169,8 @@ copyu(Prog *p, Adr *v, Adr *s)
return 2;
if(REGARG >= 0 && v->type == (uchar)REGARG)
return 2;
if(v->type == p->from.type)
return 2;
if(s != A) {
if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1))
......@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ ginscall(Node *f, int proc)
gmove(f, &reg);
reg.op = OINDREG;
gmove(&reg, &r1);
gins(ACALL, N, &r1);
reg.op = OREGISTER;
gins(ACALL, &reg, &r1);
case 3: // normal call of c function pointer
......@@ -2200,6 +2200,8 @@ checkoffset(Addr *a, int canemitcode)
naddr(Node *n, Addr *a, int canemitcode)
Prog *p;
a->scale = 0;
a->index = D_NONE;
a->type = D_NONE;
......@@ -2235,6 +2237,22 @@ naddr(Node *n, Addr *a, int canemitcode)
a->node = n->left->orig;
fatal("naddr OCLOSUREVAR cannot emit code");
p = gins(AMOVL, N, N);
p->from.type = D_DX+D_INDIR;
p->from.offset = n->xoffset;
p->to.type = D_BX;
a->type = D_BX;
a->sym = S;
case OCFUNC:
naddr(n->left, a, canemitcode);
a->sym = n->left->sym;
case ONAME:
a->etype = 0;
a->width = 0;
......@@ -895,6 +895,8 @@ copyu(Prog *p, Adr *v, Adr *s)
return 2;
if(REGARG >= 0 && v->type == (uchar)REGARG)
return 2;
if(v->type == p->from.type)
return 2;
if(s != A) {
if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1))
......@@ -133,19 +133,35 @@ typecheckclosure(Node *func, int top)
static Node*
makeclosure(Node *func, int nowrap)
Node *xtype, *v, *addr, *xfunc;
NodeList *l;
Node *xtype, *v, *addr, *xfunc, *cv;
NodeList *l, *body;
static int closgen;
char *p;
int offset;
* wrap body in external function
* with extra closure parameters.
* that begins by reading closure parameters.
xtype = nod(OTFUNC, N, N);
xtype->list = func->list;
xtype->rlist = func->rlist;
// each closure variable has a corresponding
// address parameter.
// create the function
xfunc = nod(ODCLFUNC, N, N);
snprint(namebuf, sizeof namebuf, "func·%.3d", ++closgen);
xfunc->nname = newname(lookup(namebuf));
xfunc->nname->sym->flags |= SymExported; // disable export
xfunc->nname->ntype = xtype;
xfunc->nname->defn = xfunc;
declare(xfunc->nname, PFUNC);
xfunc->nname->funcdepth = func->funcdepth;
xfunc->funcdepth = func->funcdepth;
// declare variables holding addresses taken from closure
// and initialize in entry prologue.
body = nil;
offset = widthptr;
for(l=func->cvars; l; l=l->next) {
v = l->n;
if(v->op == 0)
......@@ -155,39 +171,29 @@ makeclosure(Node *func, int nowrap)
addr->sym = lookup(p);
addr->ntype = nod(OIND, typenod(v->type), N);
addr->class = PPARAM;
addr->class = PAUTO;
addr->addable = 1;
addr->ullman = 1;
addr->used = 1;
addr->curfn = xfunc;
xfunc->dcl = list(xfunc->dcl, addr);
v->heapaddr = addr;
xtype->list = list(xtype->list, nod(ODCLFIELD, addr, addr->ntype));
cv = nod(OCLOSUREVAR, N, N);
cv->type = ptrto(v->type);
cv->xoffset = offset;
body = list(body, nod(OAS, addr, cv));
offset += widthptr;
typechecklist(body, Etop);
xfunc->enter = body;
// then a dummy arg where the closure's caller pc sits
if (!nowrap)
xtype->list = list(xtype->list, nod(ODCLFIELD, N, typenod(types[TUINTPTR])));
// then the function arguments
xtype->list = concat(xtype->list, func->list);
xtype->rlist = concat(xtype->rlist, func->rlist);
// create the function
xfunc = nod(ODCLFUNC, N, N);
snprint(namebuf, sizeof namebuf, "func·%.3d", ++closgen);
xfunc->nname = newname(lookup(namebuf));
xfunc->nname->sym->flags |= SymExported; // disable export
xfunc->nname->ntype = xtype;
xfunc->nname->defn = xfunc;
declare(xfunc->nname, PFUNC);
xfunc->nname->funcdepth = func->funcdepth;
xfunc->funcdepth = func->funcdepth;
xfunc->nbody = func->nbody;
xfunc->dcl = func->dcl;
xfunc->dcl = concat(func->dcl, xfunc->dcl);
if(xfunc->nbody == nil)
fatal("empty body - won't generate any code");
typecheck(&xfunc, Etop);
xfunc->closure = func;
func->closure = xfunc;
......@@ -201,51 +207,51 @@ makeclosure(Node *func, int nowrap)
walkclosure(Node *func, NodeList **init)
Node *clos, *typ;
NodeList *l;
char buf[20];
int narg;
Node *xtype, *xfunc, *call, *clos;
NodeList *l, *in;
// no closure vars, don't bother wrapping
// If no closure vars, don't bother wrapping.
if(func->cvars == nil)
return func->closure->nname;
* wrap body in external function
* with extra closure parameters.
// create the function
xfunc = func->closure;
xtype = xfunc->nname->ntype;
// Create closure in the form of a composite literal.
// supposing the closure captures an int i and a string s
// and has one float64 argument and no results,
// the generated code looks like:
// clos = &struct{F uintptr; A0 *int; A1 *string}{func·001, &i, &s}
// The use of the struct provides type information to the garbage
// collector so that it can walk the closure. We could use (in this case)
// [3]unsafe.Pointer instead, but that would leave the gc in the dark.
// The information appears in the binary in the form of type descriptors;
// the struct is unnamed so that closures in multiple packages with the
// same struct type can share the descriptor.
// prepare call of sys.closure that turns external func into func literal value.
clos = syslook("closure", 1);
clos->type = T;
clos->ntype = nod(OTFUNC, N, N);
in = list1(nod(ODCLFIELD, N, typenod(types[TINT]))); // siz
in = list(in, nod(ODCLFIELD, N, xtype));
narg = 0;
typ = nod(OTSTRUCT, N, N);
typ->list = list1(nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(lookup("F")), typenod(types[TUINTPTR])));
for(l=func->cvars; l; l=l->next) {
if(l->n->op == 0)
in = list(in, nod(ODCLFIELD, N, l->n->heapaddr->ntype));
snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "A%d", narg++);
typ->list = list(typ->list, nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(lookup(buf)), l->n->heapaddr->ntype));
clos->ntype->list = in;
clos->ntype->rlist = list1(nod(ODCLFIELD, N, typenod(func->type)));
typecheck(&clos, Erv);
call = nod(OCALL, clos, N);
if(narg*widthptr > 100)
yyerror("closure needs too many variables; runtime will reject it");
in = list1(nodintconst(narg*widthptr));
in = list(in, xfunc->nname);
in = concat(in, func->enter);
call->list = in;
clos = nod(OCOMPLIT, N, nod(OIND, typ, N));
clos->right->implicit = 1;
clos->list = concat(list1(nod(OCFUNC, func->closure->nname, N)), func->enter);
// Force type conversion from *struct to the func type.
clos = nod(OCONVNOP, clos, N);
clos->type = func->type;
typecheck(&clos, Erv);
walkexpr(&clos, init);
typecheck(&call, Erv);
walkexpr(&call, init);
return call;
return clos;
// Special case for closures that get called in place.
......@@ -561,6 +561,8 @@ enum
OINLCALL, // intermediary representation of an inlined call.
OEFACE, // itable and data words of an empty-interface value.
OITAB, // itable word of an interface value.
OCLOSUREVAR, // variable reference at beginning of closure function
OCFUNC, // reference to c function pointer (not go func value)
// arch-specific registers
OREGISTER, // a register, such as AX.
......@@ -139,6 +139,10 @@ racewalknode(Node **np, NodeList **init, int wr, int skip)
racewalknode(&n->left, init, 1, 0);
racewalknode(&n->right, init, 0, 0);
goto ret;
case OCFUNC:
// can't matter
goto ret;
case OBLOCK:
if(n->list == nil)
......@@ -119,8 +119,6 @@ func block()
func makeslice(typ *byte, nel int64, cap int64) (ary []any)
func growslice(typ *byte, old []any, n int64) (ary []any)
func closure() // has args, but compiler fills in
func memequal(eq *bool, size uintptr, x, y *any)
func memequal8(eq *bool, size uintptr, x, y *any)
func memequal16(eq *bool, size uintptr, x, y *any)
......@@ -1533,6 +1533,21 @@ reswitch:
fatal("OITAB of %T", t);
n->type = ptrto(types[TUINTPTR]);
goto ret;
ok |= Erv;
goto ret;
case OCFUNC:
ok |= Erv;
typecheck(&n->left, Erv);
n->type = types[TUINTPTR];
goto ret;
ok |= Erv;
typecheck(&n->left, Erv);
goto ret;
* statements
......@@ -536,6 +536,11 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
n->addable = 1;
goto ret;
case OCFUNC:
n->addable = 1;
goto ret;
case ONAME:
if(!(n->class & PHEAP) && n->class != PPARAMREF)
n->addable = 1;
......@@ -556,10 +561,12 @@ walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init)
if(n->list && n->list->n->op == OAS)
goto ret;
if(n->left->op == OCLOSURE) {
walkcallclosure(n, init);
t = n->left->type;
walkexpr(&n->left, init);
walkexprlist(n->list, init);
......@@ -1340,7 +1347,7 @@ ascompatee(int op, NodeList *nl, NodeList *nr, NodeList **init)
// cannot happen: caller checked that lists had same length
if(ll || lr)
yyerror("error in shape across %+H %O %+H", nl, op, nr);
yyerror("error in shape across %+H %O %+H / %d %d [%s]", nl, op, nr, count(nl), count(nr), curfn->nname->sym->name);
return nn;
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ TEXT runtime·gogo(SB), 7, $-4
MOVW gobuf_sp(R1), SP // restore SP
MOVW gobuf_pc(R1), PC
// void gogocall(Gobuf*, void (*fn)(void), uintptr r0)
// void gogocall(Gobuf*, void (*fn)(void), uintptr r7)
// restore state from Gobuf but then call fn.
// (call fn, returning to state in Gobuf)
// using frame size $-4 means do not save LR on stack.
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ TEXT runtime·gogocall(SB), 7, $-4
MOVW cgo_save_gm(SB), R0
CMP $0, R0 // if in Cgo, we have to save g and m
BL.NE (R0) // this call will clobber R0
MOVW 8(FP), R0 // context
MOVW 8(FP), R7 // context
MOVW gobuf_sp(R3), SP // restore SP
MOVW gobuf_pc(R3), LR
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ TEXT runtime·gogocallfn(SB), 7, $-4
BL.NE (R0) // this call will clobber R0
MOVW gobuf_sp(R3), SP // restore SP
MOVW gobuf_pc(R3), LR
MOVW 0(R1), PC
// void mcall(void (*fn)(G*))
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ TEXT runtime·morestack(SB),7,$-4
BL.EQ runtime·abort(SB)
// Save in m.
MOVW R0, m_cret(m) // function context
MOVW R7, m_cret(m) // function context
MOVW R1, m_moreframesize(m)
MOVW R2, m_moreargsize(m)
......@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ TEXT runtime·lessstack(SB), 7, $-4
TEXT runtime·jmpdefer(SB), 7, $0
MOVW $-4(LR), LR // BL deferreturn
MOVW fn+0(FP), R0
MOVW fn+0(FP), R7
MOVW argp+4(FP), SP
MOVW $-4(SP), SP // SP is 4 below argp, due to saved LR
MOVW 0(R0), R1
MOVW 0(R7), R1
B (R1)
// Dummy function to use in saved gobuf.PC,
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "runtime.h"
#pragma textflag 7
// func closure(siz int32,
// fn func(arg0, arg1, arg2 *ptr, callerpc uintptr, xxx) yyy,
// arg0, arg1, arg2 *ptr) (func(xxx) yyy)
runtime·closure(int32 siz, byte *fn, byte *arg0)
byte *p, *q, **ret;
int32 i, n;
int32 pcrel;
if(siz < 0 || siz%4 != 0)
runtime·throw("bad closure size");
fn = *(byte**)fn;
ret = (byte**)((byte*)&arg0 + siz);
if(siz > 100) {
// TODO(rsc): implement stack growth preamble?
runtime·throw("closure too big");
// compute size of new fn.
// must match code laid out below.
n = 6+5+2+1; // SUBL MOVL MOVL CLD
if(siz <= 4*4)
n += 1*siz/4; // MOVSL MOVSL...
n += 6+2; // MOVL REP MOVSL
n += 5; // CALL
n += 6+1; // ADDL RET
// store args aligned after code, so gc can find them.
n += siz;
n += 4 - n%4;
p = runtime·mal(4+n);
*ret = p;
*(byte**)p = p+4;
p += 4;
q = p + n - siz;
if(siz > 0) {
runtime·memmove(q, (byte*)&arg0, siz);
// SUBL $siz, SP
*p++ = 0x81;
*p++ = 0xec;
*(uint32*)p = siz;
p += 4;
// MOVL $q, SI
*p++ = 0xbe;
*(byte**)p = q;
p += 4;
*p++ = 0x89;
*p++ = 0xe7;
// CLD
*p++ = 0xfc;
if(siz <= 4*4) {
for(i=0; i<siz; i+=4) {
*p++ = 0xa5;
} else {
// MOVL $(siz/4), CX [32-bit immediate siz/4]
*p++ = 0xc7;
*p++ = 0xc1;
*(uint32*)p = siz/4;
p += 4;
*p++ = 0xf3;
*p++ = 0xa5;
// call fn
pcrel = fn - (p+5);
// direct call with pc-relative offset
// CALL fn
*p++ = 0xe8;
*(int32*)p = pcrel;
p += 4;
// ADDL $siz, SP
*p++ = 0x81;
*p++ = 0xc4;
*(uint32*)p = siz;
p += 4;
// RET
*p++ = 0xc3;
if(p > q)
runtime·throw("bad math in sys.closure");
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "runtime.h"
#pragma textflag 7
// func closure(siz int32,
// fn func(arg0, arg1, arg2 *ptr, callerpc uintptr, xxx) yyy,
// arg0, arg1, arg2 *ptr) (func(xxx) yyy)
runtime·closure(int32 siz, byte *fn, byte *arg0)
byte *p, *q, **ret;
int32 i, n;
int64 pcrel;
if(siz < 0 || siz%8 != 0)
runtime·throw("bad closure size");
fn = *(byte**)fn;
ret = (byte**)((byte*)&arg0 + siz);
if(siz > 100) {
// TODO(rsc): implement stack growth preamble?
runtime·throw("closure too big");
// compute size of new fn.
// must match code laid out below.
n = 7+10+3; // SUBQ MOVQ MOVQ
if(siz <= 4*8)
n += 2*siz/8; // MOVSQ MOVSQ...
n += 7+3; // MOVQ REP MOVSQ
n += 12; // CALL worst case; sometimes only 5
n += 7+1; // ADDQ RET
// store args aligned after code, so gc can find them.
n += siz;
n += 8 - n%8;
p = runtime·mal(8+n);
*ret = p;
*(byte**)p = (p+8);
p += 8;
q = p + n - siz;
if(siz > 0) {
runtime·memmove(q, (byte*)&arg0, siz);
// SUBQ $siz, SP
*p++ = 0x48;
*p++ = 0x81;
*p++ = 0xec;
*(uint32*)p = siz;
p += 4;
// MOVQ $q, SI
*p++ = 0x48;
*p++ = 0xbe;
*(byte**)p = q;
p += 8;
*p++ = 0x48;
*p++ = 0x89;
*p++ = 0xe7;
if(siz <= 4*8) {
for(i=0; i<siz; i+=8) {
*p++ = 0x48;
*p++ = 0xa5;
} else {
// MOVQ $(siz/8), CX [32-bit immediate siz/8]
*p++ = 0x48;
*p++ = 0xc7;
*p++ = 0xc1;
*(uint32*)p = siz/8;
p += 4;
*p++ = 0xf3;
*p++ = 0x48;
*p++ = 0xa5;
// call fn
pcrel = fn - (p+5);
if((int32)pcrel == pcrel) {
// can use direct call with pc-relative offset
// CALL fn
*p++ = 0xe8;
*(int32*)p = pcrel;
p += 4;
} else {
// MOVQ $fn, CX [64-bit immediate fn]
*p++ = 0x48;
*p++ = 0xb9;
*(byte**)p = fn;
p += 8;
*p++ = 0xff;
*p++ = 0xd1;
// ADDQ $siz, SP
*p++ = 0x48;
*p++ = 0x81;
*p++ = 0xc4;
*(uint32*)p = siz;
p += 4;
// RET
*p++ = 0xc3;
if(p > q)
runtime·throw("bad math in sys.closure");
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "runtime.h"
There are two bits of magic:
- The signature of the compiler generated function uses two stack frames
as arguments (callerpc separates these frames)
- size determines how many arguments runtime.closure actually has
starting at arg0.
Example closure with 3 captured variables:
func closure(siz int32,
fn func(arg0, arg1, arg2 *ptr, callerpc uintptr, xxx) yyy,
arg0, arg1, arg2 *ptr) (func(xxx) yyy)
Code generated:
src R0
dst R1
end R3
tmp R4
frame = siz+4
//skip loop for 0 size closures
MOVW.W R14,-frame(R13)
MOVW $vars(PC), R0
MOVW $4(SP), R1
MOVW $siz(R0), R3
loop: MOVW.P 4(R0), R4
MOVW.P R4, 4(R1)
CMP R0, R3
BNE loop
MOVW 8(PC), R0
BL (R0) // 2 words
MOVW.P frame(R13),R15
fptr: WORD *fn
vars: WORD arg0
WORD arg1
WORD arg2
extern void runtime·cacheflush(byte* start, byte* end);
#pragma textflag 7
runtime·closure(int32 siz, byte *fn, byte *arg0)
byte *p, *q, **ret;
uint32 *pc;
int32 n;
if(siz < 0 || siz%4 != 0)
runtime·throw("bad closure size");
fn = *(byte**)fn;
ret = (byte**)((byte*)&arg0 + siz);
if(siz > 100) {
// TODO(kaib): implement stack growth preamble?
runtime·throw("closure too big");
// size of new fn.
// must match code laid out below.
if (siz > 0)
n = 6 * 4 + 7 * 4;
n = 6 * 4;
// store args aligned after code, so gc can find them.
n += siz;
p = runtime·mal(4+n);
*ret = p;
*(byte**)p = p+4;
p += 4;
q = p + n - siz;
pc = (uint32*)p;
// MOVW.W R14,-frame(R13)
*pc++ = 0xe52de000 | (siz + 4);
if(siz > 0) {
runtime·memmove(q, (byte*)&arg0, siz);
// MOVW $vars(PC), R0
*pc = 0xe28f0000 | (int32)(q - (byte*)pc - 8);
// MOVW $4(SP), R1
*pc++ = 0xe28d1004;
// MOVW $siz(R0), R3
*pc++ = 0xe2803000 | siz;
// MOVW.P 4(R0), R4
*pc++ = 0xe4904004;
// MOVW.P R4, 4(R1)
*pc++ = 0xe4814004;
// CMP R0, R3
*pc++ = 0xe1530000;
// BNE loop
*pc++ = 0x1afffffb;
// MOVW fptr(PC), R0
*pc = 0xe59f0008 | (int32)((q - 4) -(byte*) pc - 8);
// BL (R0)
*pc++ = 0xe28fe000;
*pc++ = 0xe280f000;
// MOVW.P frame(R13),R15
*pc++ = 0xe49df000 | (siz + 4);
// WORD *fn
*pc++ = (uint32)fn;
p = (byte*)pc;
if(p > q)
runtime·throw("bad math in sys.closure");
runtime·cacheflush(*ret, q+siz);
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