Commit a7bb3936 authored by Dmitry Vyukov's avatar Dmitry Vyukov

cmd/gc: don't emit write barriers for *tmp if tmp=&PAUTO

This is another case where we can say that the address refers to stack.
We create such temps for OSTRUCTLIT initialization.

This eliminates a handful of write barriers today.
But this come up a prerequisite for another change (capturing vars by value),
otherwise we emit writebarriers in writebarrier itself when
capture writebarrier arguments by value.

Change-Id: Ibba93acd0f5431c5a4c3d90ef1e622cb9a7ff50e
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent 9a36beb2
......@@ -1666,6 +1666,9 @@ reswitch:
case OAS:
ok |= Etop;
// Code that creates temps does not bother to set defn, so do it here.
if(n->left->op == ONAME && strncmp(n->left->sym->name, "autotmp_", 8) == 0)
n->left->defn = n;
goto ret;
case OAS2:
......@@ -1920,9 +1920,19 @@ callnew(Type *t)
static int
isstack(Node *n)
Node *defn;
while(n->op == ODOT || n->op == OPAREN || n->op == OCONVNOP || n->op == OINDEX && isfixedarray(n->left->type))
n = n->left;
// If n is *autotmp and autotmp = &foo, replace n with foo.
// We introduce such temps when initializing struct literals.
if(n->op == OIND && n->left->op == ONAME && strncmp(n->left->sym->name, "autotmp_", 8) == 0) {
defn = n->left->defn;
if(defn != N && defn->op == OAS && defn->right->op == OADDR)
n = defn->right->left;
switch(n->op) {
// OINDREG only ends up in walk if it's indirect of SP.
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