Commit a7cfc759 authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall

[dev.ssa] cmd/compile/internal/ssa: handle returns correctly

Make sure that return blocks take a store as their control.  Without
this, code was getting inserted between the return and exit blocks.

Use AEND to mark the end of code.  The live variable analysis gets
confused when routines end like:
    JMP earlier
because the RET is unreachable.  The RET was incorrectly added to the
last basic block, rendering the JMP invisible to the CFG builder.

Change-Id: I91b32c8b37075347243ff039b4e4385856fba7cd
Reviewed-on: default avatarJosh Bleecher Snyder <>
parent 1c2975c3
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ func newcfg(firstp *obj.Prog) []*BasicBlock {
bb := newblock(firstp)
cfg = append(cfg, bb)
for p := firstp; p != nil; p = p.Link {
for p := firstp; p != nil && p.As != obj.AEND; p = p.Link {
if p.To.Type == obj.TYPE_BRANCH {
if p.To.Val == nil {
......@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ func newcfg(firstp *obj.Prog) []*BasicBlock {
// contained instructions until a label is reached. Add edges
// for branches and fall-through instructions.
for _, bb := range cfg {
for p := bb.last; p != nil; p = p.Link {
for p := bb.last; p != nil && p.As != obj.AEND; p = p.Link {
if p.Opt != nil && p != bb.last {
......@@ -462,6 +462,8 @@ func newcfg(firstp *obj.Prog) []*BasicBlock {
// Stop before an unreachable RET, to avoid creating
// unreachable control flow nodes.
if p.Link != nil && p.Link.As == obj.ARET && p.Link.Mode == 1 {
// TODO: remove after SSA is done. SSA does not
// generate any unreachable RET instructions.
......@@ -116,8 +116,11 @@ func buildssa(fn *Node) (ssafn *ssa.Func, usessa bool) {
// fallthrough to exit
if b := s.endBlock(); b != nil {
if s.curBlock != nil {
m := s.mem()
b := s.endBlock()
b.Kind = ssa.BlockRet
b.Control = m
......@@ -575,8 +578,10 @@ func (s *state) stmt(n *Node) {
m := s.mem()
b := s.endBlock()
b.Kind = ssa.BlockRet
b.Control = m
......@@ -2631,8 +2636,6 @@ func genssa(f *ssa.Func, ptxt *obj.Prog, gcargs, gclocals *Sym) {
p.To.Val = s.deferTarget
Pc.As = obj.ARET // overwrite AEND
if logProgs {
for p := ptxt; p != nil; p = p.Link {
var s string
......@@ -63,8 +63,11 @@ func checkFunc(f *Func) {
if len(b.Succs) != 1 {
f.Fatalf("ret block %s len(Succs)==%d, want 1", b, len(b.Succs))
if b.Control != nil {
f.Fatalf("ret block %s has non-nil control %s", b, b.Control.LongString())
if b.Control == nil {
f.Fatalf("ret block %s has nil control %s", b)
if !b.Control.Type.IsMemory() {
f.Fatalf("ret block %s has non-memory control value %s", b, b.Control.LongString())
if b.Succs[0].Kind != BlockExit {
f.Fatalf("ret block %s has successor %s, not Exit", b, b.Succs[0].Kind)
......@@ -369,9 +369,11 @@ var genericOps = []opData{
// kind control successors
// ------------------------------------------
// Exit return mem []
// Ret return mem [exit]
// Plain nil [next]
// If a boolean Value [then, else]
// Call mem [nopanic, panic] (control opcode should be OpCall or OpStaticCall)
// Call mem [nopanic, exit] (control opcode should be OpCall or OpStaticCall)
// First nil [always,never]
var genericBlocks = []blockData{
{name: "Exit"}, // no successors. There should only be 1 of these.
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