Commit a9af1841 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer
Browse files

bugs related to constat types

DELTA=10  (6 added, 4 deleted, 0 changed)
parent b59b551b
......@@ -36,4 +36,10 @@ func main() {
i = f3div2; // BUG: probably shouldn't compile
assert(i == c3div2, "i == c3div2 from f3div2");
assert(i != f3div2, "i != f3div2"); // BUG: certainly shouldn't fail
const g float64 = 1.0;
i = g; // BUG: shouldn't compile
const h float64 = 3.14;
i = h; // BUG: certainly shouldn't compile
......@@ -89,10 +89,6 @@ func floats() {
assert(i == f0, "i == f0");
i = fm1;
assert(i == fm1, "i == fm1");
i = f1;
assert(i == f1, "i == f1");
i = f1e3;
assert(i == f1e3, "i == f1e3");
// verify that all are assignable as floats
var f float64;
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