Commit ab34d15f authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

add ken's tests.

update run to work with multiple directories

parent 384c5bed
=========== char_lit.go
=========== ./char_lit.go
char_lit.go:5: syntax error
char_lit.go:17: unknown escape sequence: \
char_lit.go:19: unknown escape sequence: "
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== float_lit.go
=========== ./float_lit.go
float_lit.go:5: syntax error
float_lit.go:28: overflow in float constant
float_lit.go:56: overflow in float constant
float_lit.go:60: overflow in float constant
float_lit.go:64: overflow in float constant
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== for.go
=========== ./for.go
for.go:45: fatal error: optoas: no entry MOD-<int32>INT32
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== func.go
=========== hashmap.go
=========== ./func.go
=========== ./hashmap.go
hashmap.go:46: fatal error: optoas: no entry LSH-<uint32>UINT32
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== helloworld.go
=========== ./helloworld.go
hello, world
=========== if.go
=========== int_lit.go
=========== ./if.go
=========== ./int_lit.go
int_lit.go:5: syntax error
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== iota.go
=========== literal.go
=========== sieve.go
=========== ./iota.go
=========== ./literal.go
=========== ./sieve.go
sieve.go:8: fatal error: walktype: switch 1 unknown op SEND l(8)
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== string_lit.go
=========== ./string_lit.go
string_lit.go:5: syntax error
string_lit.go:12: unknown escape sequence: \
string_lit.go:12: unknown escape sequence: '
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== switch.go
=========== test0.go
=========== ./switch.go
=========== ./test0.go
test0.go:23: addtyp: renaming Point/<Point>{<x><int32>INT32;<y><int32>INT32;} to Point2/<Point2>FORW
test0.go:48: illegal types for operand
(<float32>FLOAT32) AS (<int32>INT32)
......@@ -47,5 +47,43 @@ test0.go:54: function call must be single valued (0)
test0.go:54: illegal types for operand
(<Point2>{}) AS ({})
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== turing.go
=========== ./turing.go
Hello World!
=========== ken/for.go
=========== ken/interfun.go
=========== ken/intervar.go
print 1 bio 2 file 3 -- abc
=========== ken/label.go
=========== ken/litfun.go
=========== ken/mfunc.go
ken/mfunc.go:13: function call must be single valued (2)
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== ken/ptrfun.go
=========== ken/ptrvar.go
=========== ken/rob1.go
=========== ken/rob2.go
=========== ken/robfor.go
ken/robfor.go:45: fatal error: optoas: no entry MOD-<int32>INT32
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== ken/robfunc.go
ken/robfunc.go:74: function call must be single valued (2)
ken/robfunc.go:79: function call must be single valued (2)
ken/robfunc.go:84: function call must be single valued (2)
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== ken/robif.go
=========== ken/robiota.go
=========== ken/robliteral.go
=========== ken/robswitch.go
=========== ken/simparray.go
=========== ken/simpbool.go
=========== ken/simpconv.go
=========== ken/simpfun.go
=========== ken/simpprint.go
hello world
=========== ken/simpswitch.go
=========== ken/simpvar.go
=========== ken/string.go
=========== ken/strvar.go
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
var t,i int;
for i=0; i<100; i=i+1 {
t = t+i;
if t != 50*99 { panic t; }
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
type S struct
a,b int;
type I1 interface
f ()int;
type I2 interface
g,f ()int;
(this *S) f()int
return this.a;
(this *S) g()int
return this.b;
var i1 I1;
var i2 I2;
var g *S;
s := new(S);
s.a = 5;
s.b = 6;
// call structure
if s.f() != 5 { panic 11; }
if s.g() != 6 { panic 12; }
i1 = s; // convert S to I1
i2 = i1; // convert I1 to I2
// call interface
if i1.f() != 5 { panic 21; }
if i2.f() != 5 { panic 22; }
if i2.g() != 6 { panic 23; }
g = i1; // convert I1 to S
if g != s { panic 31; }
g = i2; // convert I2 to S
if g != s { panic 32; }
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
type Iputs interface
puts func(s string);
// ---------
type Print struct
whoami int;
put Iputs;
func (p *Print)
print " print ", p.whoami;
// ---------
type Bio struct
whoami int;
put Iputs;
func (b *Bio)
puts(s string)
print " bio ", b.whoami;
// ---------
type File struct
whoami int;
put Iputs;
func (f *File)
puts(s string)
print " file ", f.whoami, " -- ", s;
p := new(Print);
b := new(Bio);
f := new(File);
p.whoami = 1;
p.put = b;
b.whoami = 2;
b.put = f;
f.whoami = 3;
print "\n";
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
i := 0;
if false {
goto gogoloop;
if false {
goto gogoloop;
if false {
goto gogoloop;
goto gogoloop;
// backward declared
i = i+1;
if i < 100 {
goto loop;
print i;
print "\n";
goto loop;
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
x := func(a int)int {
x := func(a int)int {
x := func(a int)int {
return a+5;
return x(a)+7;
return x(a)+11;
if x(3) != 3+5+7+11 { panic x(3); }
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func simple(ia,ib,ic int) (oa,ob int);
var x,y int;
x,y = simple(10,20,30);
if x+y != 65 { panic x+y; }
simple(ia,ib,ic int) (oa,ob int)
return ia+5, ib+ic;
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
type C struct
a int;
x *func(p *C)int;
func g(p *C)int;
(this *C) f()int
return this.a;
var v int;
var c *C;
c = new(C);
c.a = 6;
c.x = &g;
v = g(c);
if v != 6 { panic v; }
v = c.x(c);
if v != 6 { panic v; }
v = c.f();
if v != 6 { panic v; }
g(p *C)int
var v int;
v = p.a;
if v != 6 { panic v; }
return p.a;
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
type x2 struct { a,b,c int; d int; };
var g1 x2;
var g2 struct { a,b,c int; d x2; };
var x int;
var s1 *x2;
var s2 *struct { a,b,c int; d x2; };
s1 = &g1;
s2 = &g2;
s1.a = 1;
s1.b = 2;
s1.c = 3;
s1.d = 5;
s2.a = 7;
s2.b = 11;
s2.c = 13;
s2.d.a = 17;
s2.d.b = 19;
s2.d.c = 23;
s2.d.d = 20;
if(s2.d.c != 23) { panic 1; }
if(g2.d.c != 23) { panic 2; }
x = s1.a +
s1.b +
s1.c +
s1.d +
s2.a +
s2.b +
s2.c +
s2.d.a +
s2.d.b +
s2.d.c +
if(x != 121) { panic x; }
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
type Item interface
Print_BUG func();
type ListItem struct
item Item;
next *ListItem;
type List struct
head *ListItem;
func (list *List)
list.head = nil;
func (list *List)
Insert(i Item)
item := new(ListItem);
item.item = i; = list.head;
list.head = item;
func (list *List)
i := list.head;
for i != nil {
i =;
// Something to put in a list
type Integer struct
val int;
func (this *Integer)
Init_BUG(i int) *Integer
this.val = i;
return this;
func (this *Integer)
print this.val;
main() int32
list := new(List);
for i := 0; i < 10; i = i + 1 {
integer := new(Integer);
return 0;
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
const nilchar = 0;
type Atom struct {
str string;
integer int;
next *Slist; /* in hash bucket */
type List struct {
car *Slist;
type Slist struct {
isatom bool;
isstring bool;
//union {
atom Atom;
list List;
//} u;
func (this *Slist) Print();
func (this *Slist) Car() *Slist {
func (this *Slist) Cdr() *Slist {
return this.list.cdr;
func (this *Slist) String() string {
return this.atom.str;
func (this *Slist) Integer() int {
return this.atom.integer;
func (slist *Slist) Free() {
if slist == nil {
if slist.isatom {
// free(slist.String());
} else {
// free(slist);
func OpenFile();
func Parse() *Slist;
//Slist* atom(byte *s, int i);
var token int;
var peekc int = -1;
var lineno int32 = 1;
var input string;
var inputindex int = 0;
var tokenbuf [100]byte;
const EOF int = -1;
func main() int32
var list *Slist;
for ;; {
list = Parse();
if list == nil {
return 0;
func (slist *Slist) PrintOne(doparen bool)
if slist == nil {
if slist.isatom {
if slist.isstring {
print slist.String();
} else {
print slist.Integer();
} else {
if doparen {
print "(" ;
if slist.Cdr() != nil {
print " ";
if doparen {
print ")";
func (slist *Slist) Print()
print "\n";
func Get() int
var c int;
if peekc >= 0 {
c = peekc;
peekc = -1;
} else {
c = convert(int, input[inputindex]);
inputindex = inputindex + 1; // BUG should be incr one expr
if c == '\n' {
lineno = lineno + 1;
if c == nilchar {
inputindex = inputindex - 1;
c = EOF;
return c;
func WhiteSpace(c int) bool
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n';
func NextToken()
var i, c int;
var backslash bool;
tokenbuf[0] = nilchar; // clear previous token
c = Get();
for WhiteSpace(c) {
c = Get();
switch c {
case EOF:
token = EOF;
case '(':
case ')':
token = c;
for i = 0; i < 100 - 1; { // sizeof tokenbuf - 1
tokenbuf[i] = convert(byte, c);
i = i + 1;
c = Get();
if c == EOF {
if WhiteSpace(c) || c == ')' {
peekc = c;
if i >= 100 - 1 { // sizeof tokenbuf - 1
panic "atom too long\n";
tokenbuf[i] = nilchar;
if '0' <= tokenbuf[0] && tokenbuf[0] <= '9' {
token = '0';
} else {
token = 'A';
func Expect(c int)
if token != c {
print "parse error: expected ", c, "\n";
panic "parse";
// Parse a non-parenthesized list up to a closing paren or EOF
func ParseList() *Slist
var slist, retval *Slist;
slist = new(Slist); = nil;
slist.list.cdr = nil;
slist.isatom = false;
slist.isstring = false;
retval = slist;
for ;; { = Parse();
if token == ')' { // empty cdr
if token == EOF { // empty cdr BUG SHOULD USE ||
slist.list.cdr = new(Slist);
slist = slist.list.cdr;
return retval;
func atom(i int) *Slist // BUG: uses tokenbuf; should take argument
var h, length int;
var slist, tail *Slist;
slist = new(Slist);
if token == '0' {
slist.atom.integer = i;
slist.isstring = false;
} else {
slist.atom.str = "hello";
slist.isstring = true;
slist.isatom = true;
return slist;
func atoi() int // BUG: uses tokenbuf; should take argument
var v int = 0;
for i := 0; '0' <= tokenbuf[i] && tokenbuf[i] <= '9'; i = i + 1 {
v = 10 * v + convert(int, tokenbuf[i] - '0');
return v;
func Parse() *Slist
var slist *Slist;
if token == EOF || token == ')' {
return nil;
if token == '(' {
slist = ParseList();
return slist;
} else {
// Atom
switch token {
case EOF:
return nil;
case '0':
slist = atom(atoi());
case '"':
case 'A':
slist = atom(0);
slist = nil;
print "unknown token"; //, token, tokenbuf;
return slist;
return nil;
func OpenFile()
input = "(defn foo (add 12 34))\n\x00";
inputindex = 0;
peekc = -1; // BUG
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func assertequal(is, shouldbe int, msg string) {
if is != shouldbe {
print "assertion fail" + msg + "\n";
panic 1;
func main() {
var i, sum int;
i = 0;
for {
i = i + 1;
if i > 5 {
assertequal(i, 6, "break");
sum = 0;
for i := 0; i <= 10; i++ {
sum = sum + i;
assertequal(sum, 55, "all three");
sum = 0;
for i := 0; i <= 10; {
sum = sum + i;
assertequal(sum, 55, "only two");
sum = 0;
for sum < 100 {
sum = sum + 9;
assertequal(sum, 99 + 9, "only one");
sum = 0;
for i := 0; i <= 10; i++ {
if i % 2 == 0 {
sum = sum + i;
assertequal(sum, 1+3+5+7+9, "continue");
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func assertequal(is, shouldbe int, msg string) {
if is != shouldbe {
print "assertion fail" + msg + "\n";
panic 1;
func f1() {
func f2(a int) {
func f3(a, b int) int {
return a+b;
func f4(a, b int, c float) int {
return (a+b)/2 + int(c);
func f5(a int) int {
return 5;
func f6(a int) (r int) {
return 6;
func f7(a int) (int, float) {
return 7, 7.0;
func f8(a int) (a int, b float) {
return 8, 8.0;
type T struct {
x, y int;
func (t *T) m10(a int, b float) int {
return (t.x+a) * (t.y+int(b));
func f9(a int) (i int, f float) {
// BUG funny return value
i := 9;
f := float(9);
return i, f;
// return;
func main() {
r3 := f3(1, 2);
assertequal(r3, 3, "3");
r4 := f4(0, 2, 3.0);
assertequal(r4, 4, "4");
r5 := f5(1);
assertequal(r5, 5, "5");
r6 := f6(1);
assertequal(r6, 6, "6");
var r7 int;
var s7 float;
r7, s7 = f7(1);
assertequal(r7, 7, "r7");
assertequal(int(s7), 7, "s7");
var r8 int;
var s8 float;
r8, s8 = f8(1);
assertequal(r8, 8, "r8");
assertequal(int(s8), 8, "s8");
var r9 int;
var s9 float;
r9, s9 = f9(1);
assertequal(r9, 9, "r9");
assertequal(int(s9), 9, "s9");
var t *T = new(T);
t.x = 1;
t.y = 2;
r10 := t.m10(1, 3.0);
assertequal(r10, 10, "10");
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func assertequal(is, shouldbe int, msg string) {
if is != shouldbe {
print "assertion fail" + msg + "\n";
panic 1;
func main() {
i5 := 5;
i7 := 7;
var count int;
count = 0;
if true {
count = count + 1;
assertequal(count, 1, "if true");
count = 0;
if false {
count = count + 1;
assertequal(count, 0, "if false");
count = 0;
if one := 1; true {
count = count + one;
assertequal(count, 1, "if true one");
count = 0;
if one := 1; false {
count = count + 1;
assertequal(count, 0, "if false one");
count = 0;
if {
count = count + 1;
assertequal(count, 1, "if empty");
count = 0;
if one := 1; {
count = count + one;
assertequal(count, 1, "if empty one");
count = 0;
if i5 < i7 {
count = count + 1;
assertequal(count, 1, "if cond");
count = 0;
if true {
count = count + 1;
} else
count = count - 1;
assertequal(count, 1, "if else true");
count = 0;
if false {
count = count + 1;
} else
count = count - 1;
assertequal(count, -1, "if else false");
count = 0;
if t:=1; false {
count = count + 1;
t := 7;
} else
count = count - t;
assertequal(count, -1, "if else false var");
count = 0;
t := 1;
if false {
count = count + 1;
t := 7;
} else
count = count - t;
assertequal(count, -1, "if else false var outside");
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
package main
func assert(cond bool, msg string) {
if !cond {
print "assertion fail: " + msg + "\n";
panic 1;
const (
x int = iota;
y = iota;
z = 1 << iota;
f float = 2 * iota;
g float = 4.5 * float(iota);
func main() {
assert(x == 0, "x");
assert(y == 1, "y");
assert(z == 4, "z");
assert(f == 6.0, "f");
assert(g == 18.0, "g");
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
package main
func assert(cond bool, msg string) {
if !cond {
print "assertion fail: " + msg + "\n";
//panic 1; this file has errors; print them all
func main() {
// bool
var t bool = true;
var f bool = false;
assert(t == !f, "bool");
// int8
var i00 int8 = 0;
var i01 int8 = 1;
var i02 int8 = -1;
var i03 int8 = 127;
var i04 int8 = -127;
var i05 int8 = -128;
var i06 int8 = +127;
assert(i01 == i00 + 1, "i01");
assert(i02 == -i01, "i02");
assert(i03 == -i04, "i03");
assert(-(i05+1) == i06, "i05");
// int16
var i10 int16 = 0;
var i11 int16 = 1;
var i12 int16 = -1;
var i13 int16 = 32767;
var i14 int16 = -32767;
var i15 int16 = -32768;
var i16 int16 = +32767;
assert(i11 == i10 + 1, "i11");
assert(i12 == -i11, "i12");
assert(i13 == -i14, "i13");
assert(-(i15+1) == i16, "i15");
// int32
var i20 int32 = 0;
var i21 int32 = 1;
var i22 int32 = -1;
var i23 int32 = 2147483647;
var i24 int32 = -2147483647;
var i25 int32 = -2147483648;
var i26 int32 = +2147483647;
assert(i21 == i20 + 1, "i21");
assert(i22 == -i21, "i22");
assert(i23 == -i24, "i23");
assert(-(i25+1) == i26, "i25");
assert(i23 == (1 << 31) - 1, "i23 size");
// int64
var i30 int64 = 0;
var i31 int64 = 1;
var i32 int64 = -1;
var i33 int64 = 9223372036854775807; // BUG? not sure these really work
var i34 int64 = -9223372036854775807;
var i35 int64 = -9223372036854775808;
var i36 int64 = +9223372036854775807;
assert(i31 == i30 + 1, "i31");
assert(i32 == -i31, "i32");
assert(i33 == -i34, "i33");
assert(-(i35+1) == i36, "i35");
assert(i33 == (1<<63) - 1, "i33 size");
// uint8
var u00 uint8 = 0;
var u01 uint8 = 1;
var u02 uint8 = 255;
var u03 uint8 = +255;
assert(u01 == u00 + 1, "u01");
assert(u02 == u03, "u02");
assert(u03 == (1<<8) - 1, "u03 size");
// uint16
var u10 uint16 = 0;
var u11 uint16 = 1;
var u12 uint16 = 65535;
var u13 uint16 = +65535;
assert(u11 == u10 + 1, "u11");
assert(u12 == u13, "u12");
// uint32
var u20 uint32 = 0;
var u21 uint32 = 1;
var u22 uint32 = 4294967295;
var u23 uint32 = +4294967295;
assert(u21 == u20 + 1, "u21");
assert(u22 == u23, "u22");
// uint64
var u30 uint64 = 0;
var u31 uint64 = 1;
var u32 uint64 = 18446744073709551615;
var u33 uint64 = +18446744073709551615;
// float
var f00 float = 3.14159;
var f01 float = -3.14159;
var f02 float = +3.14159;
var f03 float = 0.0;
var f04 float = .0;
var f05 float = 0.;
var f06 float = -0.0;
var f07 float = 1e10;
var f08 float = -1e10;
var f09 float = 1e-10;
var f10 float = 1e+10;
var f11 float = 1.e-10;
var f12 float = 1.e+10;
var f13 float = .1e-10;
var f14 float = .1e+10;
var f15 float = 1.1e-10;
var f16 float = 1.1e+10;
assert(f01 == -f00, "f01");
assert(f02 == -f01, "f02");
assert(f03 == f04, "f03");
assert(f04 == f05, "f04");
assert(f05 == f06, "f05");
assert(f07 == -f08, "f07");
assert(f09 == 1/f10, "f09");
assert(f11 == f09, "f11");
assert(f12 == f10, "f12");
assert(f13 == f09/10.0, "f13");
assert(f14 == f12/10.0, "f14");
assert(f15 == f16/1e20, "f15");
// character
var c0 uint8 = 'a';
var c1 uint8 = 'ä';
var c2 uint8 = '\a';
var c3 uint8 = '\b';
var c4 uint8 = '\f';
var c5 uint8 = '\n';
var c6 uint8 = '\r';
var c7 uint8 = '\t';
var c8 uint8 = '\v';
// var c9 uint8 = '本'; // correctly caught as error
var c9 uint16 = '本';
assert(c0 == 0x61, "c0");
assert(c1 == 0xe4, "c1");
assert(c2 == 0x07, "c2");
assert(c3 == 0x08, "c3");
assert(c4 == 0x0c, "c4");
assert(c5 == 0x0a, "c4");
assert(c6 == 0x0d, "c6");
assert(c7 == 0x09, "c7");
assert(c8 == 0x0b, "c8");
assert(c9 == 0x672c, "c9");
var c00 uint8 = '\000';
var c01 uint8 = '\007';
var c02 uint8 = '\177';
var c03 uint8 = '\377';
assert(c00 == 0, "c00");
assert(c01 == 7, "c01");
assert(c02 == 127, "c02");
assert(c03 == 255, "c03");
var cx0 uint8 = '\x00';
var cx1 uint8 = '\x0f';
var cx2 uint8 = '\xff';
assert(cx0 == 0, "cx0");
assert(cx1 == 15, "cx1");
assert(cx2 == 255, "cx2");
var cu0 uint16 = '\u1234';
var cu1 uint32 = '\U00101234';
assert(cu0 == 0x1234, "cu0");
assert(cu1 == 0x101234, "cu1");
// string
var s0 string = "";
var s1 string = "hellô";
assert(s1[0] == 'h', "s1-0");
assert(s1[4] == 0xc3, "s1-4");
assert(s1[5] == 0xb4, "s1-5");
var s2 string = "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v";
var s00 string = "\000";
var s01 string = "\007";
var s02 string = "\377";
assert(s00[0] == 0, "s00");
assert(s01[0] == 7, "s01");
assert(s02[0] == 255, "s02");
var x00 string = "\x00";
var x01 string = "\x0f";
var x02 string = "\xff";
assert(x00[0] == 0, "x00");
assert(x01[0] == 15, "x01");
assert(x02[0] == 255, "x02");
// these are all the same string
var sj0 string = "日本語";
var sj1 string = "\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e";
var sj2 string = "\U000065e5\U0000672c\U00008a9e";
var sj3 string = "\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e";
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
package main
func assert(cond bool, msg string) {
if !cond {
print "assertion fail: " + msg + "\n";
panic 1;
func main() {
i5 := 5;
i7 := 7;
switch true {
case i5 < 5: assert(false, "<");
case i5 == 5: assert(true, "!");
case i5 > 5: assert(false, ">");
switch {
case i5 < 5: assert(false, "<");
case i5 == 5: assert(true, "!");
case i5 > 5: assert(false, ">");
switch x := 5; true {
case i5 < x: assert(false, "<");
case i5 == x: assert(true, "!");
case i5 > x: assert(false, ">");
switch x := 5; {
case i5 < x: assert(false, "<");
case i5 == x: assert(true, "!");
case i5 > x: assert(false, ">");
switch i5 {
case 0: assert(false, "0");
case 1: assert(false, "1");
case 2: assert(false, "2");
case 3: assert(false, "3");
case 4: assert(false, "4");
case 5: assert(true, "5");
case 6: assert(false, "6");
case 7: assert(false, "7");
case 8: assert(false, "8");
case 9: assert(false, "9");
default: assert(false, "default");
switch i5 {
case 0,1,2,3,4: assert(false, "4");
case 5: assert(true, "5");
case 6,7,8,9: assert(false, "9");
default: assert(false, "default");
switch i5 {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4: assert(false, "4");
case 5: assert(true, "5");
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
default: assert(i5 == 5, "good");
switch i5 {
case 0: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 1: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 2: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 3: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 4: dummy := 0; assert(false, "4");
case 5: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 6: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 7: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 8: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 9: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
default: dummy := 0; assert(i5 == 5, "good");
fired := 0; // BUG: should be able to use 'false'
switch i5 {
case 0: dummy := 0; fallthrough; // tests scoping of cases
case 1: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 2: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 3: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 4: dummy := 0; assert(false, "4");
case 5: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 6: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 7: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 8: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
case 9: dummy := 0; fallthrough;
default: dummy := 0; fired = fired + 1; assert(i5 == 5, "good");
assert(fired > 0, "fired");
count := 0;
switch i5 {
case 0: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
case 1: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
case 2: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
case 3: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
case 4: count = count + 1; assert(false, "4");
case 5: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
case 6: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
case 7: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
case 8: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
case 9: count = count + 1; fallthrough;
default: assert(i5 == count, "good");
assert(fired > 0, "fired");
fired = 0;
switch i := i5 + 2; i {
case i7: fired = 1;
default: assert(false, "fail");
assert(fired == 1, "var");
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
var b[10] float;
var a[10] float;
for i:=short(5); i<10; i=i+1 {
a[i] = float(i);
s := float(0);
for i:=5; i<10; i=i+1 {
s = s + a[i];
if s != 35 { panic s; }
for i:=short(5); i<10; i=i+1 {
b[i] = float(i);
s := float(0);
for i:=5; i<10; i=i+1 {
s = s + b[i];
if s != 35 { panic s; }
b := new([100]int);
for i:=0; i<100; i=i+1 {
b[i] = i;
s := 0;
for i:=0; i<100; i=i+1 {
s = s+b[i];
if s != 4950 { panic s; }
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
type s struct
a bool;
b bool;
var a,b bool;
a = true;
b = false;
if !a { panic 1; }
if b { panic 2; }
if !!!a { panic 3; }
if !!b { panic 4; }
a = !b;
if !a { panic 5; }
if !!!a { panic 6; }
var x *s;
x = new(s);
x.a = true;
x.b = false;
if !x.a { panic 7; }
if x.b { panic 8; }
if !!!x.a { panic 9; }
if !!x.b { panic 10; }
x.a = !x.b;
if !x.a { panic 11; }
if !!!x.a { panic 12; }
* test &&
a = true;
b = true;
if !(a && b) { panic 21; }
if a && !b { panic 22; }
if !a && b { panic 23; }
if !a && !b { panic 24; }
a = false;
b = true;
if !(!a && b) { panic 31; }
if !a && !b { panic 32; }
if a && b { panic 33; }
if a && !b { panic 34; }
a = true;
b = false;
if !(a && !b) { panic 41; }
if a && b { panic 41; }
if !a && !b { panic 41; }
if !a && b { panic 44; }
a = false;
b = false;
if !(!a && !b) { panic 51; }
if !a && b { panic 52; }
if a && !b { panic 53; }
if a && b { panic 54; }
* test ||
a = true;
b = true;
if !(a || b) { panic 61; }
if !(a || !b) { panic 62; }
if !(!a || b) { panic 63; }
if !a || !b { panic 64; }
a = false;
b = true;
if !(!a || b) { panic 71; }
if !(!a || !b) { panic 72; }
if !(a || b) { panic 73; }
if a || !b { panic 74; }
a = true;
b = false;
if !(a || !b) { panic 81; }
if !(a || b) { panic 82; }
if !(!a || !b) { panic 83; }
if !a || b { panic 84; }
a = false;
b = false;
if !(!a || !b) { panic 91; }
if !(!a || b) { panic 92; }
if !(a || !b) { panic 93; }
if a || b { panic 94; }
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
s := vlong(0);
for i:=short(0); i<10; i=i+1 {
s = s + vlong(i);
if s != 45 { panic s; }
s := float(0);
for i:=0; i<10; i=i+1 {
s = s + float(i);
if s != 45 { panic s; }
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
func fun(ia,ib,ic int)int;
var x int;
x = fun(10,20,30);
if x != 60 { panic x; }
fun(ia,ib,ic int)int
var o int;
o = ia+ib+ic;
if o != 60 { panic o; }
return o;
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
print "hello world\n";
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
a := 3;
for i:=0; i<10; i=i+1 {
switch(i) {
case 5:
print "five";
case a,7:
print "a";
print i;
print "out", i;
print "\n";
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
var x,y int;
x = 15;
y = 20;
var x int;
x = 25;
y = 25;
x = x+y;
if(x != 40) { panic x; }
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
var c string;
a := `abc`;
b := `xyz`;
/* print a literal */
print `abc`;
/* print a variable */
print b, "-";
/* catenate literals */
print `abc` + `xyz`, "-";
/* catenate variables */
print a+b, "-";
/* compare literals */
if `abc` == `xyz` || `abc` != "abc" || `abc` > `xyz` {
panic "compare literals";
/* compare variables */
if a == b || a != a || a > b {
panic "compare variables";
/* cat */
c = a+b;
print c, "-";
/* catequal */
c = a;
c += b;
print c, "-";
/* clumsy evaluation */
c = b;
c = a + c;
print c, "-";
/* len */
if len(c) != 6 {
panic "len ", len(c);
/* index strings */
for i:=0; i<len(c); i=i+1 {
if c[i] != (a+b)[i] {
panic "index ", i, " ", c[i], " ", (a+b)[i];
/* slice strings */
print c[0:3], c[3:6];
print "\n";
/* create string with integer constant */
c = string('x');
if c != "x" {
panic "create int ", c;
/* create string with integer variable */
v := 'x';
c = string(v);
if c != "x" {
panic "create int ", c;
/* create string with byte array */
var z [3]byte;
z[0] = 'a';
z[1] = 'b';
z[2] = 'c';
c = string(z);
if c != "abc" {
panic "create array ", c;
/* create string with byte array pointer */
z := new([3]byte);
z[0] = 'a';
z[1] = 'b';
z[2] = 'c';
c = string(z);
if c != "abc" {
panic "create array pointer ", c;
// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
type x2 struct { a,b,c int; d int; };
var g1 x2;
var g2 struct { a,b,c int; d x2; };
var x int;
var s1 *x2;
var s2 *struct { a,b,c int; d x2; };
var s3 struct { a,b,c int; d x2; };
s1 = &g1;
s2 = &g2;
s1.a = 1;
s1.b = 2;
s1.c = 3;
s1.d = 5;
if(s1.c != 3) { panic s1.c; }
if(g1.c != 3) { panic g1.c; }
s2.a = 7;
s2.b = 11;
s2.c = 13;
s2.d.a = 17;
s2.d.b = 19;
s2.d.c = 23;
s2.d.d = 29;
if(s2.d.c != 23) { panic s2.d.c; }
if(g2.d.c != 23) { panic g2.d.c; }
x = s1.a +
s1.b +
s1.c +
s1.d +
s2.a +
s2.b +
s2.c +
s2.d.a +
s2.d.b +
s2.d.c +
if(x != 130) { panic x; }
// test an automatic struct
s3.a = 7;
s3.b = 11;
s3.c = 13;
s3.d.a = 17;
s3.d.b = 19;
s3.d.c = 23;
s3.d.d = 29;
if(s3.d.c != 23) { panic s3.d.c; }
x = s3.a +
s3.b +
s3.c +
s3.d.a +
s3.d.b +
s3.d.c +
if(x != 119) { panic x; }
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
case X"$GOARCH" in
export A=6
......@@ -18,15 +19,19 @@ export L=${A}l
for i in *.go
for dir in . ken
echo '===========' $i
export F=$(basename $i .go)
sed -n '1,/[^/]/p' $i | sed 's@//@@; $d' > /tmp/$USER.$$.gotest
if ! sh /tmp/$USER.$$.gotest
echo >&2 fail: $i
for i in $dir/*.go
echo '===========' $i
export F=$(basename $i .go)
export D=$dir
sed -n '1,/[^/]/p' $i | sed 's@//@@; $d' > /tmp/$USER.$$.gotest
if ! sh /tmp/$USER.$$.gotest
echo >&2 fail: $i
done | cat -v >run.out
case $failed in
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