Commit ad9c6f77 authored by Austin Clements's avatar Austin Clements

Rudimentary command shell for Ogle. Hack to prevent linker

from inlining newprocreadylocked.  Fix type bridge's handling
of basic types.  Include interpreter's Thread in bridged
native function calls.

; load . "6.out"
Started 6.out
; BpSet("main·merge")
; ContWait()
breakpoint at 0x400800
=>   400800 main·merge /home/austin/src-go1/usr/austin/ptrace/test/sort.go:19
; bt
=>   400800 main·merge /home/austin/src-go1/usr/austin/ptrace/test/sort.go:19
     400b6a main·mergeSort+0x1be /home/austin/src-go1/usr/austin/ptrace/test/sort.go:34
     448313 goexit /home/austin/src-go1/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:133
; main.merge.a

; load . "pid:25753"
Attached to 25753
; bt
=>   479ddf syscall·Syscall+0x24 /home/austin/src-go1/src/pkg/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s:24
     47c011 syscall·Read+0x5d /home/austin/src-go1/src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go:368
     4119e5 os·*File·Read+0x5f /home/austin/src-go1/src/pkg/os/file.go:122
     427bf3 bufio·*Reader·fill+0x116 /home/austin/src-go1/src/pkg/bufio/bufio.go:105
     428361 bufio·*Reader·ReadSlice+0x195 /home/austin/src-go1/src/pkg/bufio/bufio.go:244
     40204a ogle·Main+0x94 /home/austin/src-go1/usr/austin/ogle/cmd.go:226
     40080f main·main+0xf /home/austin/src-go1/usr/austin/ogle/main.go:6
     41c4b8 mainstart+0xf /home/austin/src-go1/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.s:55
     41531f goexit /home/austin/src-go1/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:133

DELTA=433  (420 added, 2 deleted, 11 changed)
parent 20583b58
......@@ -265,12 +265,18 @@ readylocked(G *g)
static void
// Same as readylocked but a different symbol so that
// debuggers can set a breakpoint here and catch all
// new goroutines.
static void
newprocreadylocked(G *g)
nop(); // avoid inlining in 6l
......@@ -117,8 +117,10 @@ func TypeFromNative(t reflect.Type) Type {
if nt != nil {
et = nt;
if _, ok := et.(*NamedType); !ok {
et = nt;
nativeTypes[et] = t;
......@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ func TypeOfNative(v interface {}) Type {
type nativeFunc struct {
fn func([]Value, []Value);
fn func(*Thread, []Value, []Value);
in, out int;
......@@ -147,14 +149,14 @@ func (f *nativeFunc) NewFrame() *Frame {
func (f *nativeFunc) Call(t *Thread) {
f.fn(t.f.Vars[], t.f.Vars[]);
f.fn(t, t.f.Vars[], t.f.Vars[]);
// FuncFromNative creates an interpreter function from a native
// function that takes its in and out arguments as slices of
// interpreter Value's. While somewhat inconvenient, this avoids
// value marshalling.
func FuncFromNative(fn func([]Value, []Value), t *FuncType) FuncValue {
func FuncFromNative(fn func(*Thread, []Value, []Value), t *FuncType) FuncValue {
return &funcV{&nativeFunc{fn, len(t.In), len(t.Out)}};
......@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ func FuncFromNative(fn func([]Value, []Value), t *FuncType) FuncValue {
// function type from a function pointer using reflection. Typically,
// the type will be given as a nil pointer to a function with the
// desired signature.
func FuncFromNativeTyped(fn func([]Value, []Value), t interface{}) (*FuncType, FuncValue) {
func FuncFromNativeTyped(fn func(*Thread, []Value, []Value), t interface{}) (*FuncType, FuncValue) {
ft := TypeOfNative(t).(*FuncType);
return ft, FuncFromNative(fn, ft);
# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.$(GOARCH)
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
main.6: main.go
$(GC) -I_obj $<
ogle: main.6 package
$(LD) -L_obj -o $@ $<
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ogle
import (
var world *eval.World;
var curProc *Process
func Main() {
world = eval.NewWorld();
r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin);
for {
print("; ");
line, err := r.ReadSlice('\n');
if err != nil {
// Try line as a command
cmd, rest := getCmd(line);
if cmd != nil {
err := cmd.handler(rest);
if err != nil {
scanner.PrintError(os.Stderr, err);
// Try line as code
code, err := world.Compile(string(line));
if err != nil {
scanner.PrintError(os.Stderr, err);
v, err := code.Run();
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.String());
if v != nil {
// newScanner creates a new scanner that scans that given input bytes.
func newScanner(input []byte) (*scanner.Scanner, *scanner.ErrorVector) {
sc := new(scanner.Scanner);
ev := new(scanner.ErrorVector);
sc.Init("input", input, ev, 0);
return sc, ev;
* Commands
// A UsageError occurs when a command is called with illegal arguments.
type UsageError string;
func (e UsageError) String() string {
return string(e);
// A cmd represents a single command with a handler.
type cmd struct {
cmd string;
handler func([]byte) os.Error;
var cmds = []cmd {
cmd{"load", cmdLoad},
cmd{"bt", cmdBt},
// getCmd attempts to parse an input line as a registered command. If
// successful, it returns the command and the bytes remaining after
// the command, which should be passed to the command.
func getCmd(line []byte) (*cmd, []byte) {
sc, ev := newScanner(line);
pos, tok, lit := sc.Scan();
if sc.ErrorCount != 0 || tok != token.IDENT {
return nil, nil;
slit := string(lit);
for i := range cmds {
if cmds[i].cmd == slit {
return &cmds[i], line[pos.Offset + len(lit):len(line)];
return nil, nil;
// cmdLoad starts or attaches to a process. Its form is similar to
// import:
// load [sym] "path" [;]
// sym specifies the name to give to the process. If not given, the
// name is derived from the path of the process. If ".", then the
// packages from the remote process are defined into the current
// namespace. If given, this symbol is defined as a package
// containing the process' packages.
// path gives the path of the process to start or attach to. If it is
// "pid:<num>", then attach to the given PID. Otherwise, treat it as
// a file path and space-separated arguments and start a new process.
// load always sets the current process to the loaded process.
func cmdLoad(args []byte) os.Error {
ident, path, err := parseLoad(args);
if err != nil {
return err;
if curProc != nil {
return UsageError("multiple processes not implemented");
if ident != "." {
return UsageError("process identifiers not implemented");
// Parse argument and start or attach to process
var fname string;
var proc ptrace.Process;
if len(path) >= 4 && path[0:4] == "pid:" {
pid, err := strconv.Atoi(path[4:len(path)]);
if err != nil {
return err;
fname, err = os.Readlink(fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/exe", pid));
if err != nil {
return err;
proc, err = ptrace.Attach(pid);
if err != nil {
return err;
println("Attached to", pid);
} else {
parts := strings.Split(path, " ", 0);
if len(parts) == 0 {
fname = "";
} else {
fname = parts[0];
proc, err = ptrace.ForkExec(fname, parts, os.Environ(), "", []*os.File{os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr});
if err != nil {
return err;
println("Started", path);
// TODO(austin) If we fail after this point, kill proc
// before detaching.
// Get symbols
f, err := os.Open(fname, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return err;
defer f.Close();
elf, err := sym.NewElf(f);
if err != nil {
return err;
curProc, err = NewProcessElf(proc, elf);
if err != nil {
return err;
// Prepare new process
err = curProc.populateWorld(world);
if err != nil {
return err;
return nil;
func parseLoad(args []byte) (ident string, path string, err os.Error) {
err = UsageError("Usage: load [sym] \"path\"");
sc, ev := newScanner(args);
var toks [4]token.Token;
var lits [4][]byte;
for i := range toks {
var pos token.Position;
pos, toks[i], lits[i] = sc.Scan();
if sc.ErrorCount != 0 {
err = ev.GetError(scanner.NoMultiples);
i := 0;
switch toks[i] {
case token.PERIOD, token.IDENT:
ident = string(lits[i]);
if toks[i] != token.STRING {
path, uerr := strconv.Unquote(string(lits[i]));
if uerr != nil {
err = uerr;
if toks[i] == token.SEMICOLON {
if toks[i] != token.EOF {
return ident, path, nil;
// cmdBt prints a backtrace for the current goroutine. It takes no
// arguments.
func cmdBt(args []byte) os.Error {
err := parseNoArgs(args, "Usage: bt");
if err != nil {
return err;
if curProc == nil || curProc.curGoroutine == nil {
return NoCurrentGoroutine{};
f := curProc.curGoroutine.frame;
if f == nil {
fmt.Println("No frames on stack");
return nil;
for f.Inner() != nil {
f = f.Inner();
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
if f == curProc.curGoroutine.frame {
fmt.Printf("=> ");
} else {
fmt.Printf(" ");
fmt.Printf("%8x %v\n", f.pc, f);
f, err = f.Outer();
if err != nil {
return err;
if f == nil {
return nil;
return nil;
func parseNoArgs(args []byte, usage string) os.Error {
sc, ev := newScanner(args);
pos, tok, lit := sc.Scan();
if sc.ErrorCount != 0 {
return ev.GetError(scanner.NoMultiples);
if tok != token.EOF {
return UsageError(usage);
return nil;
* Functions
// defineFuncs populates world with the built-in functions.
func defineFuncs() {
t, v := eval.FuncFromNativeTyped(fnOut, fnOutSig);
world.DefineConst("Out", t, v);
t, v = eval.FuncFromNativeTyped(fnContWait, fnContWaitSig);
world.DefineConst("ContWait", t, v);
t, v = eval.FuncFromNativeTyped(fnBpSet, fnBpSetSig);
world.DefineConst("BpSet", t, v);
// printCurFrame prints the current stack frame, as it would appear in
// a backtrace.
func printCurFrame() {
if curProc == nil || curProc.curGoroutine == nil {
f := curProc.curGoroutine.frame;
if f == nil {
fmt.Printf("=> %8x %v\n", f.pc, f);
// fnOut moves the current frame to the caller of the current frame.
func fnOutSig() {}
func fnOut(t *eval.Thread, args []eval.Value, res []eval.Value) {
if curProc == nil {
err := curProc.Out();
if err != nil {
// TODO(austin) Only in the command form
// fnContWait continues the current process and waits for a stopping event.
func fnContWaitSig() {}
func fnContWait(t *eval.Thread, args []eval.Value, res []eval.Value) {
if curProc == nil {
err := curProc.ContWait();
if err != nil {
// TODO(austin) Only in the command form
ev := curProc.Event();
if ev != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", ev);
// fnBpSet sets a breakpoint at the entry to the named function.
func fnBpSetSig(string) {}
func fnBpSet(t *eval.Thread, args []eval.Value, res []eval.Value) {
// TODO(austin) This probably shouldn't take a symbol name.
// Perhaps it should take an interface that provides PC's.
// Functions and instructions can implement that interface and
// we can have something to translate file:line pairs.
if curProc == nil {
name := args[0].(eval.StringValue).Get(t);
s := curProc.syms.SymFromName(name);
if s == nil {
t.Abort(UsageError("symbol " + name + " not defined"));
fn, ok := s.(*sym.TextSym);
if !ok {
t.Abort(UsageError("symbol " + name + " is not a function"));
......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ func (t *Goroutine) resetFrame() (err os.Error) {
// Out selects the caller frame of the current frame.
func (t *Goroutine) Out() os.Error {
// TODO(austin) Outer can abort
f, err := t.frame.Outer();
if f != nil {
t.frame = f;
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "ogle"
func main() {
......@@ -149,12 +149,18 @@ func NewProcess(proc ptrace.Process, arch Arch, syms *sym.GoSymTable) (*Process,
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
// Create internal breakpoints to catch new and exited goroutines
p.OnBreakpoint(ptrace.Word(p.sys.newprocreadylocked.Entry())).(*breakpointHook).addHandler(readylockedBP, true);
p.OnBreakpoint(ptrace.Word(p.sys.goexit.Entry())).(*breakpointHook).addHandler(goexitBP, true);
// Select current frames
for _, g := range p.goroutines {
return p, nil;
......@@ -243,9 +249,9 @@ func (p *Process) selectSomeGoroutine() {
// Once we have friendly goroutine ID's, there might be a more
// reasonable behavior for this.
p.curGoroutine = nil;
for _, t := range p.goroutines {
if !t.isG0() {
p.curGoroutine = t;
for _, g := range p.goroutines {
if !g.isG0() && g.frame != nil {
p.curGoroutine = g;
......@@ -486,8 +492,8 @@ func (p *Process) ContWait() os.Error {
if err != nil {
return err;
for _, t := range p.goroutines {
for _, g := range p.goroutines {
p.pending, err = p.causesToEvents();
if err != nil {
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