Commit b4802dd5 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

Created new directory lib/lang:

- move scanner to into lib/lang
- added test
- adjusted various make and build files

DELTA=1731  (973 added, 753 deleted, 5 changed)
parent 955638e2
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ DIRS=\
......@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ http.dirinstall: bufio.install io.dirinstall net.dirinstall os.dirinstall string
io.dirinstall: os.dirinstall syscall.dirinstall sync.dirinstall
json.dirinstall: container/array.dirinstall fmt.dirinstall io.dirinstall math.dirinstall \
strconv.dirinstall strings.install utf8.install
lang.dirinstall: strconv.dirinstall utf8.install unicode.dirinstall
# TODO(rsc): net is not supposed to depend on fmt or strings or strconv
net.dirinstall: fmt.dirinstall once.install os.dirinstall strconv.dirinstall strings.install
os.dirinstall: syscall.dirinstall once.install
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ package scanner
// Sample use:
// import "token"
// import "scanner"
// import "token"
// import "scanner"
// func tokenize(src []byte) {
// var s scanner.Scanner;
// s.Init(src, nil, false);
// s.Init(src, nil /* no error handler */, false /* ignore comments */);
// for {
// pos, tok, lit := s.Scan();
// if tok == Scanner.EOF {
......@@ -31,41 +31,44 @@ import (
// An implementation of an ErrorHandler must be provided to the Scanner.
// If a syntax error is encountered, Error() is called with the exact
// token position (the byte position of the token in the source) and the
// error message.
type ErrorHandler interface {
Error(pos int, msg string);
type Scanner struct {
// setup
// immutable state
src []byte; // source
err ErrorHandler;
scan_comments bool;
err ErrorHandler; // error reporting
scan_comments bool; // if set, comments are reported as tokens
// scanning
// scanning state
pos int; // current reading position
ch int; // one char look-ahead
chpos int; // position of ch
func is_letter(ch int) bool {
func isLetter(ch int) bool {
'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' || // common case
ch == '_' || unicode.IsLetter(ch);
'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ||
'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ||
ch == '_' ||
ch >= 0x80 && unicode.IsLetter(ch);
func digit_val(ch int) int {
// TODO spec permits other Unicode digits as well
if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' {
return ch - '0';
if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'f' {
return ch - 'a' + 10;
if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'F' {
return ch - 'A' + 10;
func digitVal(ch int) int {
switch {
case '0' <= ch && ch <= '9': return ch - '0';
case 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'f': return ch - 'a' + 10;
case 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'F': return ch - 'A' + 10;
return 16; // larger than any legal digit val
......@@ -75,10 +78,10 @@ func digit_val(ch int) int {
// < 0 means end-of-file.
func (S *Scanner) next() {
if S.pos < len(S.src) {
// assume ascii
// assume ASCII
r, w := int(S.src[S.pos]), 1;
if r >= 0x80 {
// not ascii
// not ASCII
r, w = utf8.DecodeRune(S.src[S.pos : len(S.src)]);
} = r;
......@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ func (S *Scanner) expect(ch int) {
if != ch {
S.error(S.chpos, "expected " + charString(ch) + ", found " + charString(;
}; // make always progress; // always make progress
......@@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ func (S *Scanner) scanComment() []byte {
// '\n' terminates comment but we do not include
// it in the comment (otherwise we don't see the
// start of a newline in skipWhitespace()).
goto exit;
return S.src[pos : S.chpos];
......@@ -178,21 +181,19 @@ func (S *Scanner) scanComment() []byte {;
if ch == '*' && == '/' {;
goto exit;
return S.src[pos : S.chpos];
S.error(pos, "comment not terminated");
return S.src[pos : S.chpos];
func (S *Scanner) scanIdentifier() (tok int, lit []byte) {
pos := S.chpos;
for is_letter( || digit_val( < 10 {
for isLetter( || digitVal( < 10 {;
lit = S.src[pos : S.chpos];
......@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ func (S *Scanner) scanIdentifier() (tok int, lit []byte) {
func (S *Scanner) scanMantissa(base int) {
for digit_val( < base {
for digitVal( < base {;
......@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ func (S *Scanner) scanNumber(seen_decimal_point bool) (tok int, lit []byte) {
} else {
// octal int or float
if digit_val( < 10 || == '.' || == 'e' || == 'E' {
if digitVal( < 10 || == '.' || == 'e' || == 'E' {
// float
tok = token.FLOAT;
goto mantissa;
......@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ exit:
func (S *Scanner) scanDigits(n int, base int) {
for digit_val( < base {
for digitVal( < base {;
......@@ -351,7 +352,13 @@ func (S *Scanner) scanRawString() []byte {
func (S *Scanner) select2(tok0, tok1 int) int {
// Helper functions for scanning multi-byte tokens such as >> += >>= .
// Different routines recognize different length tok_i based on matches
// of ch_i. If a token ends in '=', the result is tok1 or tok3
// respectively. Otherwise, the result is tok0 if there was no other
// matching character, or tok2 if the matching character was ch2.
func (S *Scanner) switch2(tok0, tok1 int) int {
if == '=' {;
return tok1;
......@@ -360,7 +367,7 @@ func (S *Scanner) select2(tok0, tok1 int) int {
func (S *Scanner) select3(tok0, tok1, ch2, tok2 int) int {
func (S *Scanner) switch3(tok0, tok1, ch2, tok2 int) int {
if == '=' {;
return tok1;
......@@ -373,7 +380,7 @@ func (S *Scanner) select3(tok0, tok1, ch2, tok2 int) int {
func (S *Scanner) select4(tok0, tok1, ch2, tok2, tok3 int) int {
func (S *Scanner) switch4(tok0, tok1, ch2, tok2, tok3 int) int {
if == '=' {;
return tok1;
......@@ -392,28 +399,30 @@ func (S *Scanner) select4(tok0, tok1, ch2, tok2, tok3 int) int {
// Scans the next token. Returns the token byte position in the source,
// its token value, and the corresponding literal text if the token is
// an identifier or basic type literals (token.IsLiteral(tok) == true).
// an identifier or basic type literal (token.IsLiteral(tok) == true).
func (S *Scanner) Scan() (pos, tok int, lit []byte) {
pos, tok = S.chpos, token.ILLEGAL;
switch ch :=; {
case is_letter(ch): tok, lit = S.scanIdentifier();
case digit_val(ch) < 10: tok, lit = S.scanNumber(false);
case isLetter(ch):
tok, lit = S.scanIdentifier();
case digitVal(ch) < 10:
tok, lit = S.scanNumber(false);
default:; // always make progress
switch ch {
case -1: tok = token.EOF;
case -1 : tok = token.EOF;
case '\n': tok, lit = token.COMMENT, []byte{'\n'};
case '"': tok, lit = token.STRING, S.scanString();
case '"' : tok, lit = token.STRING, S.scanString();
case '\'': tok, lit = token.CHAR, S.scanChar();
case '`': tok, lit = token.STRING, S.scanRawString();
case ':': tok = S.select2(token.COLON, token.DEFINE);
case '.':
if digit_val( < 10 {
case '`' : tok, lit = token.STRING, S.scanRawString();
case ':' : tok = S.switch2(token.COLON, token.DEFINE);
case '.' :
if digitVal( < 10 {
tok, lit = S.scanNumber(true);
} else if == '.' {;
......@@ -432,34 +441,33 @@ loop:
case ']': tok = token.RBRACK;
case '{': tok = token.LBRACE;
case '}': tok = token.RBRACE;
case '+': tok = S.select3(token.ADD, token.ADD_ASSIGN, '+', token.INC);
case '-': tok = S.select3(token.SUB, token.SUB_ASSIGN, '-', token.DEC);
case '*': tok = S.select2(token.MUL, token.MUL_ASSIGN);
case '+': tok = S.switch3(token.ADD, token.ADD_ASSIGN, '+', token.INC);
case '-': tok = S.switch3(token.SUB, token.SUB_ASSIGN, '-', token.DEC);
case '*': tok = S.switch2(token.MUL, token.MUL_ASSIGN);
case '/':
if == '/' || == '*' {
tok, lit = token.COMMENT, S.scanComment();
if !S.scan_comments {
goto loop;
goto scan_again;
} else {
tok = S.select2(token.QUO, token.QUO_ASSIGN);
tok = S.switch2(token.QUO, token.QUO_ASSIGN);
case '%': tok = S.select2(token.REM, token.REM_ASSIGN);
case '^': tok = S.select2(token.XOR, token.XOR_ASSIGN);
case '%': tok = S.switch2(token.REM, token.REM_ASSIGN);
case '^': tok = S.switch2(token.XOR, token.XOR_ASSIGN);
case '<':
if == '-' {;
tok = token.ARROW;
} else {
tok = S.select4(token.LSS, token.LEQ, '<', token.SHL, token.SHL_ASSIGN);
tok = S.switch4(token.LSS, token.LEQ, '<', token.SHL, token.SHL_ASSIGN);
case '>': tok = S.select4(token.GTR, token.GEQ, '>', token.SHR, token.SHR_ASSIGN);
case '=': tok = S.select2(token.ASSIGN, token.EQL);
case '!': tok = S.select2(token.NOT, token.NEQ);
case '&': tok = S.select3(token.AND, token.AND_ASSIGN, '&', token.LAND);
case '|': tok = S.select3(token.OR, token.OR_ASSIGN, '|', token.LOR);
S.error(pos, "illegal character " + charString(ch));
case '>': tok = S.switch4(token.GTR, token.GEQ, '>', token.SHR, token.SHR_ASSIGN);
case '=': tok = S.switch2(token.ASSIGN, token.EQL);
case '!': tok = S.switch2(token.NOT, token.NEQ);
case '&': tok = S.switch3(token.AND, token.AND_ASSIGN, '&', token.LAND);
case '|': tok = S.switch3(token.OR, token.OR_ASSIGN, '|', token.LOR);
default: S.error(pos, "illegal character " + charString(ch));
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package scanner
import (
const /* class */ (
special = iota;
func tokenclass(tok int) int {
switch {
case token.IsLiteral(tok): return literal;
case token.IsOperator(tok): return operator;
case token.IsKeyword(tok): return keyword;
return special;
type elt struct {
pos int;
tok int;
lit string;
class int;
var tokens = [...]elt{
// Special tokens
elt{ 0, token.COMMENT, "/* a comment */", special },
elt{ 0, token.COMMENT, "\n", special },
// Identifiers and basic type literals
elt{ 0, token.IDENT, "foobar", literal },
elt{ 0, token.INT, "0", literal },
elt{ 0, token.INT, "01234567", literal },
elt{ 0, token.INT, "0xcafebabe", literal },
elt{ 0, token.FLOAT, "0.", literal },
elt{ 0, token.FLOAT, ".0", literal },
elt{ 0, token.FLOAT, "3.14159265", literal },
elt{ 0, token.FLOAT, "1e0", literal },
elt{ 0, token.FLOAT, "1e+100", literal },
elt{ 0, token.FLOAT, "1e-100", literal },
elt{ 0, token.FLOAT, "2.71828e-1000", literal },
elt{ 0, token.CHAR, "'a'", literal },
elt{ 0, token.STRING, "`foobar`", literal },
// Operators and delimitors
elt{ 0, token.ADD, "+", operator },
elt{ 0, token.SUB, "-", operator },
elt{ 0, token.MUL, "*", operator },
elt{ 0, token.QUO, "/", operator },
elt{ 0, token.REM, "%", operator },
elt{ 0, token.AND, "&", operator },
elt{ 0, token.OR, "|", operator },
elt{ 0, token.XOR, "^", operator },
elt{ 0, token.SHL, "<<", operator },
elt{ 0, token.SHR, ">>", operator },
elt{ 0, token.ADD_ASSIGN, "+=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.SUB_ASSIGN, "-=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.MUL_ASSIGN, "*=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.QUO_ASSIGN, "/=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.REM_ASSIGN, "%=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.AND_ASSIGN, "&=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.OR_ASSIGN, "|=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.XOR_ASSIGN, "^=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.SHL_ASSIGN, "<<=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.SHR_ASSIGN, ">>=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.LAND, "&&", operator },
elt{ 0, token.LOR, "||", operator },
elt{ 0, token.ARROW, "<-", operator },
elt{ 0, token.INC, "++", operator },
elt{ 0, token.DEC, "--", operator },
elt{ 0, token.EQL, "==", operator },
elt{ 0, token.LSS, "<", operator },
elt{ 0, token.GTR, ">", operator },
elt{ 0, token.ASSIGN, "=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.NOT, "!", operator },
elt{ 0, token.NEQ, "!=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.LEQ, "<=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.GEQ, ">=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.DEFINE, ":=", operator },
elt{ 0, token.ELLIPSIS, "...", operator },
elt{ 0, token.LPAREN, "(", operator },
elt{ 0, token.LBRACK, "[", operator },
elt{ 0, token.LBRACE, "{", operator },
elt{ 0, token.COMMA, ",", operator },
elt{ 0, token.PERIOD, ".", operator },
elt{ 0, token.RPAREN, ")", operator },
elt{ 0, token.RBRACK, "]", operator },
elt{ 0, token.RBRACE, "}", operator },
elt{ 0, token.SEMICOLON, ";", operator },
elt{ 0, token.COLON, ":", operator },
// Keywords
elt{ 0, token.BREAK, "break", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.CASE, "case", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.CHAN, "chan", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.CONST, "const", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.CONTINUE, "continue", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.DEFAULT, "default", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.DEFER, "defer", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.ELSE, "else", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.FALLTHROUGH, "fallthrough", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.FOR, "for", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.FUNC, "func", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.GO, "go", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.GOTO, "goto", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.IF, "if", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.IMPORT, "import", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.INTERFACE, "interface", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.MAP, "map", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.PACKAGE, "package", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.RANGE, "range", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.RETURN, "return", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.SELECT, "select", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.STRUCT, "struct", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.SWITCH, "switch", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.TYPE, "type", keyword },
elt{ 0, token.VAR, "var", keyword },
func init() {
// set pos fields
pos := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(tokens); i++ {
tokens[i].pos = pos;
pos += len(tokens[i].lit) + 1; // + 1 for space in between
type TestErrorHandler struct {
t *testing.T
func (h *TestErrorHandler) Error(pos int, msg string) {
h.t.Errorf("Error() called (pos = %d, msg = %s)", pos, msg);
func Test(t *testing.T) {
// make source
var src string;
for i, e := range tokens {
src += e.lit + " ";
// set up scanner
var s scanner.Scanner;
s.Init(io.StringBytes(src), &TestErrorHandler{t}, true);
// verify scan
for i, e := range tokens {
pos, tok, lit := s.Scan();
if pos != e.pos {
t.Errorf("bad position for %s: got %d, expected %d", e.lit, pos, e.pos);
if tok != e.tok {
t.Errorf("bad token for %s: got %s, expected %s", e.lit, token.TokenString(tok), token.TokenString(e.tok));
if token.IsLiteral(e.tok) && string(lit) != e.lit {
t.Errorf("bad literal for %s: got %s, expected %s", e.lit, string(lit), e.lit);
if tokenclass(tok) != e.class {
t.Errorf("bad class for %s: got %d, expected %d", e.lit, tokenclass(tok), e.class);
pos, tok, lit := s.Scan();
if tok != token.EOF {
t.Errorf("bad token at eof: got %s, expected EOF", token.TokenString(tok));
if tokenclass(tok) != special {
t.Errorf("bad class at eof: got %d, expected %d", tokenclass(tok), special);
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package token
// Defines Go tokens and basic token operations.
import "strconv";
import "strconv"
const (
// Special tokens
......@@ -116,115 +116,127 @@ const (
// At the moment we have no array literal syntax that lets us describe
// the index for each element - use a map for now to make sure they are
// in sync.
var tokens = map [int] string {
EOF : "EOF",
INT : "INT",
ADD : "+",
SUB : "-",
MUL : "*",
QUO : "/",
REM : "%",
AND : "&",
OR : "|",
XOR : "^",
SHL : "<<",
SHR : ">>",
ADD_ASSIGN : "+=",
SUB_ASSIGN : "-=",
MUL_ASSIGN : "+=",
QUO_ASSIGN : "/=",
REM_ASSIGN : "%=",
AND_ASSIGN : "&=",
OR_ASSIGN : "|=",
XOR_ASSIGN : "^=",
SHL_ASSIGN : "<<=",
SHR_ASSIGN : ">>=",
LAND : "&&",
LOR : "||",
ARROW : "<-",
INC : "++",
DEC : "--",
EQL : "==",
LSS : "<",
GTR : ">",
ASSIGN : "=",
NOT : "!",
NEQ : "!=",
LEQ : "<=",
GEQ : ">=",
DEFINE : ":=",
ELLIPSIS : "...",
LPAREN : "(",
LBRACK : "[",
LBRACE : "{",
COMMA : ",",
PERIOD : ".",
RPAREN : ")",
RBRACK : "]",
RBRACE : "}",
COLON : ":",
BREAK : "break",
CASE : "case",
CHAN : "chan",
CONST : "const",
CONTINUE : "continue",
DEFAULT : "default",
DEFER : "defer",
ELSE : "else",
FALLTHROUGH : "fallthrough",
FOR : "for",
FUNC : "func",
GO : "go",
GOTO : "goto",
IF : "if",
IMPORT : "import",
INTERFACE : "interface",
MAP : "map",
PACKAGE : "package",
RANGE : "range",
RETURN : "return",
SELECT : "select",
STRUCT : "struct",
SWITCH : "switch",
TYPE : "type",
VAR : "var",
func TokenString(tok int) string {
switch tok {
case ILLEGAL: return "ILLEGAL";
case EOF: return "EOF";
case COMMENT: return "COMMENT";
case IDENT: return "IDENT";
case INT: return "INT";
case FLOAT: return "FLOAT";
case CHAR: return "CHAR";
case STRING: return "STRING";
case ADD: return "+";
case SUB: return "-";
case MUL: return "*";
case QUO: return "/";
case REM: return "%";
case AND: return "&";
case OR: return "|";
case XOR: return "^";
case SHL: return "<<";
case SHR: return ">>";
case ADD_ASSIGN: return "+=";
case SUB_ASSIGN: return "-=";
case MUL_ASSIGN: return "+=";
case QUO_ASSIGN: return "/=";
case REM_ASSIGN: return "%=";
case AND_ASSIGN: return "&=";
case OR_ASSIGN: return "|=";
case XOR_ASSIGN: return "^=";
case SHL_ASSIGN: return "<<=";
case SHR_ASSIGN: return ">>=";
case LAND: return "&&";
case LOR: return "||";
case ARROW: return "<-";
case INC: return "++";
case DEC: return "--";
case EQL: return "==";
case LSS: return "<";
case GTR: return ">";
case ASSIGN: return "=";
case NOT: return "!";
case NEQ: return "!=";
case LEQ: return "<=";
case GEQ: return ">=";
case DEFINE: return ":=";
case ELLIPSIS: return "...";
case LPAREN: return "(";
case LBRACK: return "[";
case LBRACE: return "{";
case COMMA: return ",";
case PERIOD: return ".";
case RPAREN: return ")";
case RBRACK: return "]";
case RBRACE: return "}";
case SEMICOLON: return ";";
case COLON: return ":";
case BREAK: return "break";
case CASE: return "case";
case CHAN: return "chan";
case CONST: return "const";
case CONTINUE: return "continue";
case DEFAULT: return "default";
case DEFER: return "defer";
case ELSE: return "else";
case FALLTHROUGH: return "fallthrough";
case FOR: return "for";
case FUNC: return "func";
case GO: return "go";
case GOTO: return "goto";
case IF: return "if";
case IMPORT: return "import";
case INTERFACE: return "interface";
case MAP: return "map";
case PACKAGE: return "package";
case RANGE: return "range";
case RETURN: return "return";
case SELECT: return "select";
case STRUCT: return "struct";
case SWITCH: return "switch";
case TYPE: return "type";
case VAR: return "var";
if str, exists := tokens[tok]; exists {
return str;
return "token(" + strconv.Itoa(tok) + ")";
// A set of constants for precedence-based expression parsing.
// Non-operators have lowest precedence, followed by operators
// starting with precedence 0 up to unary operators and finally
// the highest precedence used for tokens used in selectors, etc.
const (
LowestPrec = -1;
LowestPrec = -1; // non-operators
UnaryPrec = 7;
HighestPrec = 8;
// Returns precedence of a token. Returns LowestPrec
// if the token is not an operator.
func Precedence(tok int) int {
switch tok {
case COLON:
......@@ -251,16 +263,15 @@ var keywords map [string] int;
func init() {
keywords = make(map [string] int);
for i := keyword_beg + 1; i < keyword_end; i++ {
keywords[TokenString(i)] = i;
keywords[tokens[i]] = i;
// Map an identifier to its keyword token or IDENT (if not a keyword).
func Lookup(ident []byte) int {
// TODO should not have to convert every ident into a string
// for lookup - but at the moment maps of []byte don't
// seem to work - gri 3/3/09
// TODO Maps with []byte key are illegal because []byte does not
// support == . Should find a more efficient solution eventually.
if tok, is_keyword := keywords[string(ident)]; is_keyword {
return tok;
......@@ -275,7 +286,6 @@ func IsLiteral(tok int) bool {
return literal_beg < tok && tok < literal_end;
// Operators and delimiters
func IsOperator(tok int) bool {
return operator_beg < tok && tok < operator_end;
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ maketest \
......@@ -32,21 +32,19 @@ gds.6: utils.6 platform.6 compilation.6 printer.6
pretty.6: platform.6 printer.6 compilation.6
compilation.6: platform.6 token.6 scanner.6 parser.6 ast.6 typechecker.6
compilation.6: builder.6 platform.6 parser.6 ast.6 typechecker.6
typechecker.6: ast.6 token.6
typechecker.6: ast.6
scanner.6: token.6 utils.6
ast.6: token.6 symboltable.6
ast.6: symboltable.6
parser.6: token.6 scanner.6 ast.6 symboltable.6
parser.6: ast.6 builder.6 symboltable.6
platform.6: utils.6
printer.6: utils.6 token.6 ast.6 symboltable.6
printer.6: utils.6 ast.6 symboltable.6
%.6: %.go
$(G) $(F) $<
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