Commit c5f810f0 authored by Ian Lance Taylor's avatar Ian Lance Taylor

reflect: remove extra word in comment

Change-Id: I06881fc447a5fae0067557c317f69a0427bed337
Reviewed-on: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent bc244008
......@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ func (v Value) Field(i int) Value {
// Either flagIndir is set and v.ptr points at struct,
// or flagIndir is not set and v.ptr is the actual struct data.
// In the former case, we want v.ptr + offset.
// In the latter case, we must be have field.offset = 0,
// In the latter case, we must have field.offset = 0,
// so v.ptr + field.offset is still okay.
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(v.ptr) + field.offset)
return Value{typ, ptr, fl}
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