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Commit cca4ddb4 authored by Matthew Dempsky's avatar Matthew Dempsky

cmd/compile: add comments explaining how declarations/scopes work

Change-Id: I301760b015eb69ff12eee53473fdbf5e9f168413
Reviewed-on: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRobert Griesemer <>
parent d7c699d9
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import (
// Declaration stack & operations
func dflag() bool {
if Debug['d'] == 0 {
return false
......@@ -24,8 +26,21 @@ func dflag() bool {
return true
// declaration stack & operations
func dcopy(a *Sym, b *Sym) {
// dclstack maintains a stack of shadowed symbol declarations so that
// popdcl can restore their declarations when a block scope ends.
// The stack is maintained as a linked list, using Sym's Link field.
// In practice, the "stack" actually ends up forming a tree: goto and label
// statements record the current state of dclstack so that checkgoto can
// validate that a goto statement does not jump over any declarations or
// into a new block scope.
// Finally, the Syms in this list are not "real" Syms as they don't actually
// represent object names. Sym is just a convenient type for saving shadowed
// Sym definitions, and only a subset of its fields are actually used.
var dclstack *Sym
func dcopy(a, b *Sym) {
a.Pkg = b.Pkg
a.Name = b.Name
a.Def = b.Def
......@@ -41,6 +56,8 @@ func push() *Sym {
return d
// pushdcl pushes the current declaration for symbol s (if any) so that
// it can be shadowed by a new declaration within a nested block scope.
func pushdcl(s *Sym) *Sym {
d := push()
dcopy(d, s)
......@@ -50,6 +67,8 @@ func pushdcl(s *Sym) *Sym {
return d
// popdcl pops the innermost block scope and restores all symbol declarations
// to their previous state.
func popdcl() {
d := dclstack
for ; d != nil && d.Name != ""; d = d.Link {
......@@ -70,6 +89,7 @@ func popdcl() {
block = d.Block
// markdcl records the start of a new block scope for declarations.
func markdcl() {
d := push()
d.Name = "" // used as a mark in fifo
......@@ -104,6 +124,7 @@ func testdclstack() {
// redeclare emits a diagnostic about symbol s being redeclared somewhere.
func redeclare(s *Sym, where string) {
if s.Lastlineno == 0 {
var tmp string
......@@ -137,6 +158,8 @@ var vargen int
var declare_typegen int
// declare records that Node n declares symbol n.Sym in the specified
// declaration context.
func declare(n *Node, ctxt Class) {
if ctxt == PDISCARD {
......@@ -318,8 +341,7 @@ func constiter(vl []*Node, t *Node, cl []*Node) []*Node {
return vv
// this generates a new name node,
// typically for labels or other one-off names.
// newname returns a new ONAME Node associated with symbol s.
func newname(s *Sym) *Node {
if s == nil {
Fatalf("newname nil")
......@@ -364,17 +386,14 @@ func typenod(t *Type) *Node {
return t.Nod
// this will return an old name
// that has already been pushed on the
// declaration list. a diagnostic is
// generated if no name has been defined.
// oldname returns the Node that declares symbol s in the current scope.
// If no such Node currently exists, an ONONAME Node is returned instead.
func oldname(s *Sym) *Node {
n := s.Def
if n == nil {
// maybe a top-level name will come along
// to give this a definition later.
// walkdef will check s->def again once
// all the input source has been processed.
// Maybe a top-level declaration will come along later to
// define s. resolve will check s.Def again once all input
// source has been processed.
n = newname(s)
n.Name.Iota = iota_ // save current iota value in const declarations
......@@ -66,6 +66,14 @@ type Pkg struct {
Syms map[string]*Sym
// Sym represents an object name. Most commonly, this is a Go identifier naming
// an object declared within a package, but Syms are also used to name internal
// synthesized objects.
// As a special exception, field and method names that are exported use the Sym
// associated with localpkg instead of the package that declared them. This
// allows using Sym pointer equality to test for Go identifier uniqueness when
// handling selector expressions.
type Sym struct {
Flags SymFlags
Link *Sym
......@@ -111,8 +119,6 @@ const (
var dclstack *Sym
// Ctype describes the constant kind of an "ideal" (untyped) constant.
type Ctype int8
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