Commit d43f2e37 authored by Keith Randall's avatar Keith Randall

[dev.ssa] cmd/compile: introduce storeconst ops

Introduce opcodes that store a constant value.
AuxInt now needs to hold both the value to be stored and the
constant offset at which to store it.  Introduce a StoreConst
type to help encode/decode these parts to/from an AuxInt.

Change-Id: I1631883abe035cff4b16368683e1eb3d2ccb674d
Reviewed-on: default avatarJosh Bleecher Snyder <>
parent cd01c0be
......@@ -3747,6 +3747,24 @@ func (s *genState) genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
p.To.Scale = 4
p.To.Index = regnum(v.Args[1])
addAux(&p.To, v)
case ssa.OpAMD64MOVQstoreconst, ssa.OpAMD64MOVLstoreconst, ssa.OpAMD64MOVWstoreconst, ssa.OpAMD64MOVBstoreconst:
p := Prog(v.Op.Asm())
p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
sc := ssa.StoreConst(v.AuxInt)
i := sc.Val()
switch v.Op {
case ssa.OpAMD64MOVBstoreconst:
i = int64(int8(i))
case ssa.OpAMD64MOVWstoreconst:
i = int64(int16(i))
case ssa.OpAMD64MOVLstoreconst:
i = int64(int32(i))
case ssa.OpAMD64MOVQstoreconst:
p.From.Offset = i
p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_MEM
p.To.Reg = regnum(v.Args[0])
addAux2(&p.To, v, sc.Off())
......@@ -3990,6 +4008,11 @@ func (s *genState) genValue(v *ssa.Value) {
if w.Args[0] == v.Args[0] && w.Aux == nil && w.AuxInt >= 0 && w.AuxInt < minZeroPage {
case ssa.OpAMD64MOVQstoreconst, ssa.OpAMD64MOVLstoreconst, ssa.OpAMD64MOVWstoreconst, ssa.OpAMD64MOVBstoreconst:
off := ssa.StoreConst(v.AuxInt).Off()
if w.Args[0] == v.Args[0] && w.Aux == nil && off >= 0 && off < minZeroPage {
if w.Type.IsMemory() {
// We can't delay the nil check past the next store.
......@@ -4202,11 +4225,14 @@ func (s *genState) deferReturn() {
// addAux adds the offset in the aux fields (AuxInt and Aux) of v to a.
func addAux(a *obj.Addr, v *ssa.Value) {
addAux2(a, v, v.AuxInt)
func addAux2(a *obj.Addr, v *ssa.Value, offset int64) {
if a.Type != obj.TYPE_MEM {
v.Fatalf("bad addAux addr %s", a)
// add integer offset
a.Offset += v.AuxInt
a.Offset += offset
// If no additional symbol offset, we're done.
if v.Aux == nil {
......@@ -557,6 +557,26 @@
(MOVSDstore [off1] {sym} (ADDQconst [off2] ptr) val mem) -> (MOVSDstore [addOff(off1, off2)] {sym} ptr val mem)
(MOVOstore [off1] {sym} (ADDQconst [off2] ptr) val mem) -> (MOVOstore [addOff(off1, off2)] {sym} ptr val mem)
// Fold constants into stores.
(MOVQstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOVQconst [c]) mem) && validStoreConst(c,off) ->
(MOVQstoreconst [makeStoreConst(c,off)] {sym} ptr mem)
(MOVLstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOVLconst [c]) mem) && validStoreConstOff(off) ->
(MOVLstoreconst [makeStoreConst(int64(int32(c)),off)] {sym} ptr mem)
(MOVWstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOVWconst [c]) mem) && validStoreConstOff(off) ->
(MOVWstoreconst [makeStoreConst(int64(int16(c)),off)] {sym} ptr mem)
(MOVBstore [off] {sym} ptr (MOVBconst [c]) mem) && validStoreConstOff(off) ->
(MOVBstoreconst [makeStoreConst(int64(int8(c)),off)] {sym} ptr mem)
// Fold address offsets into constant stores.
(MOVQstoreconst [sc] {s} (ADDQconst [off] ptr) mem) && StoreConst(sc).canAdd(off) ->
(MOVQstoreconst [StoreConst(sc).add(off)] {s} ptr mem)
(MOVLstoreconst [sc] {s} (ADDQconst [off] ptr) mem) && StoreConst(sc).canAdd(off) ->
(MOVLstoreconst [StoreConst(sc).add(off)] {s} ptr mem)
(MOVWstoreconst [sc] {s} (ADDQconst [off] ptr) mem) && StoreConst(sc).canAdd(off) ->
(MOVWstoreconst [StoreConst(sc).add(off)] {s} ptr mem)
(MOVBstoreconst [sc] {s} (ADDQconst [off] ptr) mem) && StoreConst(sc).canAdd(off) ->
(MOVBstoreconst [StoreConst(sc).add(off)] {s} ptr mem)
// We need to fold LEAQ into the MOVx ops so that the live variable analysis knows
// what variables are being read/written by the ops.
(MOVQload [off1] {sym1} (LEAQ [off2] {sym2} base) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1, sym2) ->
......@@ -589,6 +609,15 @@
(MOVOstore [off1] {sym1} (LEAQ [off2] {sym2} base) val mem) && canMergeSym(sym1, sym2) ->
(MOVOstore [addOff(off1,off2)] {mergeSym(sym1,sym2)} base val mem)
(MOVQstoreconst [sc] {sym1} (LEAQ [off] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1, sym2) && StoreConst(sc).canAdd(off) ->
(MOVQstoreconst [StoreConst(sc).add(off)] {mergeSym(sym1, sym2)} ptr mem)
(MOVLstoreconst [sc] {sym1} (LEAQ [off] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1, sym2) && StoreConst(sc).canAdd(off) ->
(MOVLstoreconst [StoreConst(sc).add(off)] {mergeSym(sym1, sym2)} ptr mem)
(MOVWstoreconst [sc] {sym1} (LEAQ [off] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1, sym2) && StoreConst(sc).canAdd(off) ->
(MOVWstoreconst [StoreConst(sc).add(off)] {mergeSym(sym1, sym2)} ptr mem)
(MOVBstoreconst [sc] {sym1} (LEAQ [off] {sym2} ptr) mem) && canMergeSym(sym1, sym2) && StoreConst(sc).canAdd(off) ->
(MOVBstoreconst [StoreConst(sc).add(off)] {mergeSym(sym1, sym2)} ptr mem)
// indexed loads and stores
(MOVQloadidx8 [off1] {sym} (ADDQconst [off2] ptr) idx mem) -> (MOVQloadidx8 [addOff(off1, off2)] {sym} ptr idx mem)
(MOVQstoreidx8 [off1] {sym} (ADDQconst [off2] ptr) idx val mem) -> (MOVQstoreidx8 [addOff(off1, off2)] {sym} ptr idx val mem)
......@@ -616,42 +645,42 @@
// lower Zero instructions with word sizes
(Zero [0] _ mem) -> mem
(Zero [1] destptr mem) -> (MOVBstore destptr (MOVBconst [0]) mem)
(Zero [2] destptr mem) -> (MOVWstore destptr (MOVWconst [0]) mem)
(Zero [4] destptr mem) -> (MOVLstore destptr (MOVLconst [0]) mem)
(Zero [8] destptr mem) -> (MOVQstore destptr (MOVQconst [0]) mem)
(Zero [1] destptr mem) -> (MOVBstoreconst [0] destptr mem)
(Zero [2] destptr mem) -> (MOVWstoreconst [0] destptr mem)
(Zero [4] destptr mem) -> (MOVLstoreconst [0] destptr mem)
(Zero [8] destptr mem) -> (MOVQstoreconst [0] destptr mem)
(Zero [3] destptr mem) ->
(MOVBstore (ADDQconst [2] destptr) (MOVBconst [0])
(MOVWstore destptr (MOVWconst [0]) mem))
(MOVBstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,2)] destptr
(MOVWstoreconst [0] destptr mem))
(Zero [5] destptr mem) ->
(MOVBstore (ADDQconst [4] destptr) (MOVBconst [0])
(MOVLstore destptr (MOVLconst [0]) mem))
(MOVBstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,4)] destptr
(MOVLstoreconst [0] destptr mem))
(Zero [6] destptr mem) ->
(MOVWstore (ADDQconst [4] destptr) (MOVWconst [0])
(MOVLstore destptr (MOVLconst [0]) mem))
(MOVWstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,4)] destptr
(MOVLstoreconst [0] destptr mem))
(Zero [7] destptr mem) ->
(MOVLstore (ADDQconst [3] destptr) (MOVLconst [0])
(MOVLstore destptr (MOVLconst [0]) mem))
(MOVLstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,3)] destptr
(MOVLstoreconst [0] destptr mem))
// Strip off any fractional word zeroing.
(Zero [size] destptr mem) && size%8 != 0 && size > 8 ->
(Zero [size-size%8] (ADDQconst destptr [size%8])
(MOVQstore destptr (MOVQconst [0]) mem))
(MOVQstoreconst [0] destptr mem))
// Zero small numbers of words directly.
(Zero [16] destptr mem) ->
(MOVQstore (ADDQconst [8] destptr) (MOVQconst [0])
(MOVQstore destptr (MOVQconst [0]) mem))
(MOVQstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,8)] destptr
(MOVQstoreconst [0] destptr mem))
(Zero [24] destptr mem) ->
(MOVQstore (ADDQconst [16] destptr) (MOVQconst [0])
(MOVQstore (ADDQconst [8] destptr) (MOVQconst [0])
(MOVQstore destptr (MOVQconst [0]) mem)))
(MOVQstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,16)] destptr
(MOVQstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,8)] destptr
(MOVQstoreconst [0] destptr mem)))
(Zero [32] destptr mem) ->
(MOVQstore (ADDQconst [24] destptr) (MOVQconst [0])
(MOVQstore (ADDQconst [16] destptr) (MOVQconst [0])
(MOVQstore (ADDQconst [8] destptr) (MOVQconst [0])
(MOVQstore destptr (MOVQconst [0]) mem))))
(MOVQstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,24)] destptr
(MOVQstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,16)] destptr
(MOVQstoreconst [makeStoreConst(0,8)] destptr
(MOVQstoreconst [0] destptr mem))))
// Medium zeroing uses a duff device.
(Zero [size] destptr mem) && size <= 1024 && size%8 == 0 && size%16 != 0 ->
......@@ -116,8 +116,9 @@ func init() {
gpload = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, 0}, outputs: gponly}
gploadidx = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, gpsp, 0}, outputs: gponly}
gpstore = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, gpsp, 0}}
gpstoreidx = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, gpsp, gpsp, 0}}
gpstore = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, gpsp, 0}}
gpstoreconst = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, 0}}
gpstoreidx = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, gpsp, gpsp, 0}}
fp01 = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{}, outputs: fponly}
fp21 = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp, fp}, outputs: fponly}
......@@ -382,6 +383,14 @@ func init() {
{name: "MOVOload", reg: fpload, asm: "MOVUPS", typ: "Int128"}, // load 16 bytes from arg0+auxint+aux. arg1=mem
{name: "MOVOstore", reg: fpstore, asm: "MOVUPS", typ: "Mem"}, // store 16 bytes in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
// For storeconst ops, the AuxInt field encodes both
// the value to store and an address offset of the store.
// Cast AuxInt to a StoreConst to extract Val and Off fields.
{name: "MOVBstoreconst", reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVB", typ: "Mem"}, // store low byte of StoreConst(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+StoreConst(AuxInt).Off()+aux. arg1=mem
{name: "MOVWstoreconst", reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVW", typ: "Mem"}, // store low 2 bytes of ...
{name: "MOVLstoreconst", reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVL", typ: "Mem"}, // store low 4 bytes of ...
{name: "MOVQstoreconst", reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVQ", typ: "Mem"}, // store 8 bytes of ...
// arg0 = (duff-adjusted) pointer to start of memory to zero
// arg1 = value to store (will always be zero)
// arg2 = mem
......@@ -29,3 +29,58 @@ type regInfo struct {
clobbers regMask
outputs []regMask // NOTE: values can only have 1 output for now.
// A StoreConst is used by the MOVXstoreconst opcodes. It holds
// both the value to store and an offset from the store pointer.
// A StoreConst is intended to be encoded into an AuxInt field.
// The zero StoreConst encodes a value of 0 and an offset of 0.
// The high 32 bits hold a value to be stored.
// The low 32 bits hold a pointer offset.
type StoreConst int64
func (sc StoreConst) Val() int64 {
return int64(sc) >> 32
func (sc StoreConst) Off() int64 {
return int64(int32(sc))
func (sc StoreConst) Int64() int64 {
return int64(sc)
// validStoreConstOff reports whether the offset can be used
// as an argument to makeStoreConst.
func validStoreConstOff(off int64) bool {
return off == int64(int32(off))
// validStoreConst reports whether we can fit the value and offset into
// a StoreConst value.
func validStoreConst(val, off int64) bool {
if val != int64(int32(val)) {
return false
if !validStoreConstOff(off) {
return false
return true
// encode encodes a StoreConst into an int64 suitable for storing in an AuxInt field.
func makeStoreConst(val, off int64) int64 {
if !validStoreConst(val, off) {
panic("invalid makeStoreConst")
return StoreConst(val<<32 + int64(uint32(off))).Int64()
func (sc StoreConst) canAdd(off int64) bool {
newoff := sc.Off() + off
return newoff == int64(int32(newoff))
func (sc StoreConst) add(off int64) int64 {
if !sc.canAdd(off) {
panic("invalid StoreConst.add")
return makeStoreConst(sc.Val(), sc.Off()+off)
......@@ -264,6 +264,10 @@ const (
......@@ -3064,6 +3068,42 @@ var opcodeTable = [...]opInfo{
name: "MOVBstoreconst",
asm: x86.AMOVB,
reg: regInfo{
inputs: []inputInfo{
{0, 4295032831}, // .AX .CX .DX .BX .SP .BP .SI .DI .R8 .R9 .R10 .R11 .R12 .R13 .R14 .R15 .SB
name: "MOVWstoreconst",
asm: x86.AMOVW,
reg: regInfo{
inputs: []inputInfo{
{0, 4295032831}, // .AX .CX .DX .BX .SP .BP .SI .DI .R8 .R9 .R10 .R11 .R12 .R13 .R14 .R15 .SB
name: "MOVLstoreconst",
asm: x86.AMOVL,
reg: regInfo{
inputs: []inputInfo{
{0, 4295032831}, // .AX .CX .DX .BX .SP .BP .SI .DI .R8 .R9 .R10 .R11 .R12 .R13 .R14 .R15 .SB
name: "MOVQstoreconst",
asm: x86.AMOVQ,
reg: regInfo{
inputs: []inputInfo{
{0, 4295032831}, // .AX .CX .DX .BX .SP .BP .SI .DI .R8 .R9 .R10 .R11 .R12 .R13 .R14 .R15 .SB
name: "DUFFZERO",
reg: regInfo{
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