Commit d4a95e78 authored by Alexandru Moșoi's avatar Alexandru Moșoi Committed by Keith Randall

[dev.ssa] cmd/compile/internal/ssa: simplify comparisons with constants

* Simplify comparisons of form a + const1 == const2 or a + const1 != const2.
* Canonicalize Eq, Neq, Add, Sub to have a constant as first argument.
Needed for the above new rules and helps constant folding.

Change-Id: I8078702a5daa706da57106073a3e9f640a67f486
Reviewed-on: default avatarKeith Randall <>
parent c58c20f3
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// cmp_ssa.go tests compare simplification operations.
package main
import "fmt"
var failed = false
func eq_ssa(a int64) bool {
return 4+a == 10
func neq_ssa(a int64) bool {
return 10 != a+4
func testCmp() {
if wanted, got := true, eq_ssa(6); wanted != got {
fmt.Printf("eq_ssa: expected %v, got %v\n", wanted, got)
failed = true
if wanted, got := false, eq_ssa(7); wanted != got {
fmt.Printf("eq_ssa: expected %v, got %v\n", wanted, got)
failed = true
if wanted, got := false, neq_ssa(6); wanted != got {
fmt.Printf("neq_ssa: expected %v, got %v\n", wanted, got)
failed = true
if wanted, got := true, neq_ssa(7); wanted != got {
fmt.Printf("neq_ssa: expected %v, got %v\n", wanted, got)
failed = true
func main() {
if failed {
......@@ -48,6 +48,37 @@
(Neq16 x x) -> (ConstBool [0])
(Neq8 x x) -> (ConstBool [0])
(Eq64 (Const64 <t> [c]) (Add64 (Const64 <t> [d]) x)) -> (Eq64 (Const64 <t> [c-d]) x)
(Eq32 (Const32 <t> [c]) (Add32 (Const32 <t> [d]) x)) -> (Eq32 (Const32 <t> [c-d]) x)
(Eq16 (Const16 <t> [c]) (Add16 (Const16 <t> [d]) x)) -> (Eq16 (Const16 <t> [c-d]) x)
(Eq8 (Const8 <t> [c]) (Add8 (Const8 <t> [d]) x)) -> (Eq8 (Const8 <t> [c-d]) x)
(Neq64 (Const64 <t> [c]) (Add64 (Const64 <t> [d]) x)) -> (Neq64 (Const64 <t> [c-d]) x)
(Neq32 (Const32 <t> [c]) (Add32 (Const32 <t> [d]) x)) -> (Neq32 (Const32 <t> [c-d]) x)
(Neq16 (Const16 <t> [c]) (Add16 (Const16 <t> [d]) x)) -> (Neq16 (Const16 <t> [c-d]) x)
(Neq8 (Const8 <t> [c]) (Add8 (Const8 <t> [d]) x)) -> (Neq8 (Const8 <t> [c-d]) x)
// canonicalize: swap arguments for commutative opertions when one argument is a constant.
(Eq64 x (Const64 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst64 -> (Eq64 (Const64 <t> [c]) x)
(Eq32 x (Const32 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst32 -> (Eq32 (Const32 <t> [c]) x)
(Eq16 x (Const16 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst16 -> (Eq16 (Const16 <t> [c]) x)
(Eq8 x (Const8 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst8 -> (Eq8 (Const8 <t> [c]) x)
(Neq64 x (Const64 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst64 -> (Neq64 (Const64 <t> [c]) x)
(Neq32 x (Const32 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst32 -> (Neq32 (Const32 <t> [c]) x)
(Neq16 x (Const16 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst16 -> (Neq16 (Const16 <t> [c]) x)
(Neq8 x (Const8 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst8 -> (Neq8 (Const8 <t> [c]) x)
(Add64 x (Const64 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst64 -> (Add64 (Const64 <t> [c]) x)
(Add32 x (Const32 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst32 -> (Add32 (Const32 <t> [c]) x)
(Add16 x (Const16 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst16 -> (Add16 (Const16 <t> [c]) x)
(Add8 x (Const8 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst8 -> (Add8 (Const8 <t> [c]) x)
(Sub64 x (Const64 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst64 -> (Add64 (Const64 <t> [-c]) x)
(Sub32 x (Const32 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst32 -> (Add32 (Const32 <t> [-c]) x)
(Sub16 x (Const16 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst16 -> (Add16 (Const16 <t> [-c]) x)
(Sub8 x (Const8 <t> [c])) && x.Op != OpConst8 -> (Add8 (Const8 <t> [-c]) x)
// constant comparisons
(Eq64 (Const64 [c]) (Const64 [d])) -> (ConstBool [b2i(int64(c) == int64(d))])
(Eq32 (Const32 [c]) (Const32 [d])) -> (ConstBool [b2i(int32(c) == int32(d))])
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