Commit e8a049b4 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

gofmt: modified algorithm for alignment of multi-line composite/list entries

- only manual changes are in src/pkg/go/printer/nodes.go
- use a heuristic to determine "outliers" such that not entire composites are
  forced to align with them
- improves several places that were not unligned before due too simple heuristic
- unalignes some cases that contain "outliers"
- gofmt -w src misc

Fixes #644.

R=rsc, r
parent 3e4e4ec7
......@@ -388,8 +388,8 @@ func TestRawStructs(t *testing.T) {
var derEncodedSelfSignedCert = Certificate{
TBSCertificate: TBSCertificate{
Version: 0,
SerialNumber: RawValue{Class: 0, Tag: 2, IsCompound: false, Bytes: []uint8{0x0, 0x8c, 0xc3, 0x37, 0x92, 0x10, 0xec, 0x2c, 0x98}},
Version: 0,
SerialNumber: RawValue{Class: 0, Tag: 2, IsCompound: false, Bytes: []uint8{0x0, 0x8c, 0xc3, 0x37, 0x92, 0x10, 0xec, 0x2c, 0x98}},
SignatureAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier{Algorithm: ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 5}},
Issuer: RDNSequence{
RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 6}, Value: "XX"}},
......@@ -784,14 +784,14 @@ func CreateCertificate(rand io.Reader, template, parent *Certificate, priv *rsa.
encodedPublicKey := asn1.BitString{BitLength: len(asn1PublicKey) * 8, Bytes: asn1PublicKey}
c := tbsCertificate{
Version: 3,
SerialNumber: asn1.RawValue{Bytes: template.SerialNumber, Tag: 2},
Version: 3,
SerialNumber: asn1.RawValue{Bytes: template.SerialNumber, Tag: 2},
SignatureAlgorithm: algorithmIdentifier{oidSHA1WithRSA},
Issuer: parent.Subject.toRDNSequence(),
Validity: validity{template.NotBefore, template.NotAfter},
Subject: template.Subject.toRDNSequence(),
PublicKey: publicKeyInfo{algorithmIdentifier{oidRSA}, encodedPublicKey},
Extensions: extensions,
PublicKey: publicKeyInfo{algorithmIdentifier{oidRSA}, encodedPublicKey},
Extensions: extensions,
tbsCertContents, err := asn1.MarshalToMemory(c)
......@@ -12,21 +12,21 @@ import (
var typedefTests = map[string]string{
"t_ptr_volatile_int": "*volatile int",
"t_ptr_const_char": "*const char",
"t_long": "long int",
"t_ushort": "short unsigned int",
"t_func_int_of_float_double": "func(float, double) int",
"t_ptr_func_int_of_float_double": "*func(float, double) int",
"t_ptr_volatile_int": "*volatile int",
"t_ptr_const_char": "*const char",
"t_long": "long int",
"t_ushort": "short unsigned int",
"t_func_int_of_float_double": "func(float, double) int",
"t_ptr_func_int_of_float_double": "*func(float, double) int",
"t_func_ptr_int_of_char_schar_uchar": "func(char, signed char, unsigned char) *int",
"t_func_void_of_char": "func(char) void",
"t_func_void_of_void": "func() void",
"t_func_void_of_ptr_char_dots": "func(*char, ...) void",
"t_my_struct": "struct my_struct {vi volatile int@0; x char@4 : 1@7; y int@4 : 4@27; array [40]long long int@8}",
"t_my_union": "union my_union {vi volatile int@0; x char@0 : 1@7; y int@0 : 4@28; array [40]long long int@0}",
"t_my_enum": "enum my_enum {e1=1; e2=2; e3=-5; e4=1000000000000000}",
"t_my_list": "struct list {val short int@0; next *t_my_list@8}",
"t_my_tree": "struct tree {left *struct tree@0; right *struct tree@8; val long long unsigned int@16}",
"t_func_void_of_char": "func(char) void",
"t_func_void_of_void": "func() void",
"t_func_void_of_ptr_char_dots": "func(*char, ...) void",
"t_my_struct": "struct my_struct {vi volatile int@0; x char@4 : 1@7; y int@4 : 4@27; array [40]long long int@8}",
"t_my_union": "union my_union {vi volatile int@0; x char@0 : 1@7; y int@0 : 4@28; array [40]long long int@0}",
"t_my_enum": "enum my_enum {e1=1; e2=2; e3=-5; e4=1000000000000000}",
"t_my_list": "struct list {val short int@0; next *t_my_list@8}",
"t_my_tree": "struct tree {left *struct tree@0; right *struct tree@8; val long long unsigned int@16}",
func elfData(t *testing.T, name string) *Data {
......@@ -1251,12 +1251,12 @@ func (a *compiler) compileFunc(b *block, decl *FuncDecl, body *ast.BlockStmt) fu
// Create block context
cb := newCodeBuf()
fc := &funcCompiler{
compiler: a,
fnType: decl.Type,
compiler: a,
fnType: decl.Type,
outVarsNamed: len(decl.OutNames) > 0 && decl.OutNames[0] != nil,
codeBuf: cb,
flow: newFlowBuf(cb),
labels: make(map[string]*label),
codeBuf: cb,
flow: newFlowBuf(cb),
labels: make(map[string]*label),
bc := &blockCompiler{
funcCompiler: fc,
......@@ -109,10 +109,15 @@ func (p *printer) identList(list []*ast.Ident, indent bool, multiLine *bool) {
// isOneLineExpr returns true if x is "small enough" to fit onto a single line.
func (p *printer) isOneLineExpr(x ast.Expr) bool {
const maxSize = 60 // aproximate value, excluding space for comments
return p.nodeSize(x, maxSize) <= maxSize
// Compute the key size of a key:value expression.
// Returns 0 if the expression doesn't fit onto a single line.
func (p *printer) keySize(pair *ast.KeyValueExpr) int {
const infinity = 1e6 // larger than any source line
if p.nodeSize(pair, infinity) <= infinity {
// entire expression fits on one line - return key size
return p.nodeSize(pair.Key, infinity)
return 0
......@@ -120,6 +125,10 @@ func (p *printer) isOneLineExpr(x ast.Expr) bool {
// source lines, the original line breaks are respected between
// expressions. Sets multiLine to true if the list spans multiple
// lines.
// TODO(gri) Consider rewriting this to be independent of []ast.Expr
// so that we can use the algorithm for any kind of list
// (e.g., pass list via a channel over which to range).
func (p *printer) exprList(prev token.Position, list []ast.Expr, depth int, mode exprListMode, multiLine *bool, next token.Position) {
if len(list) == 0 {
......@@ -165,30 +174,69 @@ func (p *printer) exprList(prev token.Position, list []ast.Expr, depth int, mode
ws = indent
oneLiner := false // true if the previous expression fit on a single line
prevBreak := -1 // index of last expression that was followed by a linebreak
// the first linebreak is always a formfeed since this section must not
// depend on any previous formatting
prevBreak := -1 // index of last expression that was followed by a linebreak
if prev.IsValid() && prev.Line < line && p.linebreak(line, 1, 2, ws, true) {
ws = ignore
*multiLine = true
prevBreak = 0
// initialize expression/key size: a zero value indicates expr/key doesn't fit on a single line
size := 0
// print all list elements
for i, x := range list {
prev := line
prevLine := line
line = x.Pos().Line
// determine if the next linebreak, if any, needs to use formfeed:
// in general, use the entire node size to make the decision; for
// key:value expressions, use the key size
// TODO(gri) for a better result, should probably incorporate both
// the key and the node size into the decision process
useFF := true
// determine size
prevSize := size
const infinity = 1e6 // larger than any source line
size = p.nodeSize(x, infinity)
pair, isPair := x.(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
if size <= infinity {
// x fits on a single line
if isPair {
size = p.nodeSize(pair.Key, infinity) // size <= infinity
} else {
size = 0
// if the previous line and the current line had single-
// line-expressions and the key sizes are small or the
// the ratio between the key sizes does not exceed a
// threshold, align columns and do not use formfeed
if prevSize > 0 && size > 0 {
const smallSize = 20
if prevSize <= smallSize && size <= smallSize {
useFF = false
} else {
const r = 4 // threshold
ratio := float(size) / float(prevSize)
useFF = ratio <= 1/r || r <= ratio
if i > 0 {
if mode&commaSep != 0 {
if prev < line && prev > 0 && line > 0 {
// lines are broken using newlines so comments remain aligned,
// but if an expression is not a "one-line" expression, or if
// multiple expressions are on the same line, the section is
if prevLine < line && prevLine > 0 && line > 0 {
// lines are broken using newlines so comments remain aligned
// unless forceFF is set or there are multiple expressions on
// the same line in which case formfeed is used
// broken with a formfeed
if p.linebreak(line, 1, 2, ws, !oneLiner || prevBreak+1 < i) {
if p.linebreak(line, 1, 2, ws, useFF || prevBreak+1 < i) {
ws = ignore
*multiLine = true
prevBreak = i
......@@ -197,17 +245,14 @@ func (p *printer) exprList(prev token.Position, list []ast.Expr, depth int, mode
// determine if x satisfies the "one-liner" criteria
// TODO(gri): determine if the multiline information returned
// from p.expr0 is precise enough so it could be
// used instead
oneLiner = p.isOneLineExpr(x)
if t, isPair := x.(*ast.KeyValueExpr); isPair && oneLiner && len(list) > 1 {
// we have a key:value expression that fits onto one line, and
// is a list with more then one entry: align all the values
p.expr(t.Key, multiLine)
p.print(t.Colon, token.COLON, vtab)
p.expr(t.Value, multiLine)
if isPair && size > 0 && len(list) > 1 {
// we have a key:value expression that fits onto one line and
// is in a list with more then one entry: use a column for the
// key such that consecutive entries can align if possible
p.expr(pair.Key, multiLine)
p.print(pair.Colon, token.COLON, vtab)
p.expr(pair.Value, multiLine)
} else {
p.expr0(x, depth, multiLine)
......@@ -540,6 +540,30 @@ func _() {
// alignment of map composite entries
var _ = map[int]int{
// small key sizes: always align even if size ratios are large
a: a,
abcdefghabcdefgh: a,
ab: a,
abc: a,
abcdefgabcdefg: a,
abcd: a,
abcde: a,
abcdef: a,
// mixed key sizes: align when key sizes change within accepted ratio
abcdefgh: a,
abcdefghabcdefg: a,
abcdefghij: a,
abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij: a, // outlier - do not align with previous line
abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij: a, // align with previous line
ab: a, // do not align with previous line
abcde: a, // align with previous line
func _() {
var _ = T{
a, // must introduce trailing comma
......@@ -534,6 +534,30 @@ func _() {
// alignment of map composite entries
var _ = map[int]int{
// small key sizes: always align even if size ratios are large
a: a,
abcdefghabcdefgh: a,
ab: a,
abc: a,
abcdefgabcdefg: a,
abcd: a,
abcde: a,
abcdef: a,
// mixed key sizes: align when key sizes change within accepted ratio
abcdefgh: a,
abcdefghabcdefg: a,
abcdefghij: a,
abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij: a, // outlier - do not align with previous line
abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij: a, // align with previous line
ab: a, // do not align with previous line
abcde: a, // align with previous line
func _() {
var _ = T{
a, // must introduce trailing comma
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ var reqTests = []reqTest{
ProtoMajor: 1,
ProtoMinor: 1,
Header: map[string]string{
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
"Accept-Language": "en-us,en;q=0.5",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate",
"Accept-Charset": "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ var parseContentTypeTests = []parseContentTypeTest{
parseContentTypeTest{contentType: stringMap{"Content-Type": "text/plain; boundary="}},
contentType: stringMap{"Content-Type": "application/unknown"},
error: true,
error: true,
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ var reqWriteTests = []reqWriteTest{
ProtoMajor: 1,
ProtoMinor: 1,
Header: map[string]string{
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
"Accept-Charset": "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate",
"Accept-Language": "en-us,en;q=0.5",
......@@ -72,24 +72,24 @@ var statusText = map[int]string{
StatusUseProxy: "Use Proxy",
StatusTemporaryRedirect: "Temporary Redirect",
StatusBadRequest: "Bad Request",
StatusUnauthorized: "Unauthorized",
StatusPaymentRequired: "Payment Required",
StatusForbidden: "Forbidden",
StatusNotFound: "Not Found",
StatusMethodNotAllowed: "Method Not Allowed",
StatusNotAcceptable: "Not Acceptable",
StatusProxyAuthRequired: "Proxy Authentication Required",
StatusRequestTimeout: "Request Timeout",
StatusConflict: "Conflict",
StatusGone: "Gone",
StatusLengthRequired: "Length Required",
StatusPreconditionFailed: "Precondition Failed",
StatusRequestEntityTooLarge: "Request Entity Too Large",
StatusRequestURITooLong: "Request URI Too Long",
StatusUnsupportedMediaType: "Unsupported Media Type",
StatusBadRequest: "Bad Request",
StatusUnauthorized: "Unauthorized",
StatusPaymentRequired: "Payment Required",
StatusForbidden: "Forbidden",
StatusNotFound: "Not Found",
StatusMethodNotAllowed: "Method Not Allowed",
StatusNotAcceptable: "Not Acceptable",
StatusProxyAuthRequired: "Proxy Authentication Required",
StatusRequestTimeout: "Request Timeout",
StatusConflict: "Conflict",
StatusGone: "Gone",
StatusLengthRequired: "Length Required",
StatusPreconditionFailed: "Precondition Failed",
StatusRequestEntityTooLarge: "Request Entity Too Large",
StatusRequestURITooLong: "Request URI Too Long",
StatusUnsupportedMediaType: "Unsupported Media Type",
StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
StatusExpectationFailed: "Expectation Failed",
StatusExpectationFailed: "Expectation Failed",
StatusInternalServerError: "Internal Server Error",
StatusNotImplemented: "Not Implemented",
......@@ -129,91 +129,91 @@ const (
// Error table
var errors = [...]string{
EPERM: "operation not permitted",
ENOENT: "no such file or directory",
ESRCH: "no such process",
EINTR: "interrupted system call",
EIO: "I/O error",
ENXIO: "no such device or address",
E2BIG: "argument list too long",
ENOEXEC: "exec format error",
EBADF: "bad file number",
ECHILD: "no child processes",
EAGAIN: "try again",
ENOMEM: "out of memory",
EACCES: "permission denied",
EFAULT: "bad address",
EBUSY: "device or resource busy",
EEXIST: "file exists",
EXDEV: "cross-device link",
ENODEV: "no such device",
ENOTDIR: "not a directory",
EISDIR: "is a directory",
EINVAL: "invalid argument",
ENFILE: "file table overflow",
EMFILE: "too many open files",
ENOTTY: "not a typewriter",
EFBIG: "file too large",
ENOSPC: "no space left on device",
ESPIPE: "illegal seek",
EROFS: "read-only file system",
EMLINK: "too many links",
EPIPE: "broken pipe",
ENAMETOOLONG: "file name too long",
ENOSYS: "function not implemented",
EDQUOT: "quota exceeded",
EDOM: "math arg out of domain of func",
ERANGE: "math result not representable",
ENOMSG: "no message of desired type",
ECHRNG: "channel number out of range",
EL3HLT: "level 3 halted",
EL3RST: "level 3 reset",
ELNRNG: "link number out of range",
EUNATCH: "protocol driver not attached",
ENOCSI: "no CSI structure available",
EL2HLT: "level 2 halted",
EDEADLK: "deadlock condition",
ENOLCK: "no record locks available",
EBADE: "invalid exchange",
EBADR: "invalid request descriptor",
EXFULL: "exchange full",
ENOANO: "no anode",
EBADRQC: "invalid request code",
EBADSLT: "invalid slot",
EBFONT: "bad font file fmt",
ENOSTR: "device not a stream",
ENODATA: "no data (for no delay io)",
ETIME: "timer expired",
ENOSR: "out of streams resources",
ENONET: "machine is not on the network",
ENOPKG: "package not installed",
EREMOTE: "the object is remote",
ENOLINK: "the link has been severed",
EADV: "advertise error",
ESRMNT: "srmount error",
ECOMM: "communication error on send",
EPROTO: "protocol error",
EMULTIHOP: "multihop attempted",
ELBIN: "inode is remote (not really error)",
EDOTDOT: "cross mount point (not really error)",
EBADMSG: "trying to read unreadable message",
EFTYPE: "inappropriate file type or format",
ENOTUNIQ: "given log. name not unique",
EBADFD: "f.d. invalid for this operation",
EREMCHG: "remote address changed",
ELIBACC: "can't access a needed shared lib",
ELIBBAD: "accessing a corrupted shared lib",
ELIBSCN: ".lib section in a.out corrupted",
ELIBMAX: "attempting to link in too many libs",
ELIBEXEC: "attempting to exec a shared library",
ENMFILE: "no more files",
ENOTEMPTY: "directory not empty",
ELOOP: "too many symbolic links",
EOPNOTSUPP: "operation not supported on transport endpoint",
EPFNOSUPPORT: "protocol family not supported",
ECONNRESET: "connection reset by peer",
ENOBUFS: "no buffer space available",
EAFNOSUPPORT: "address family not supported by protocol family",
EPERM: "operation not permitted",
ENOENT: "no such file or directory",
ESRCH: "no such process",
EINTR: "interrupted system call",
EIO: "I/O error",
ENXIO: "no such device or address",
E2BIG: "argument list too long",
ENOEXEC: "exec format error",
EBADF: "bad file number",
ECHILD: "no child processes",
EAGAIN: "try again",
ENOMEM: "out of memory",
EACCES: "permission denied",
EFAULT: "bad address",
EBUSY: "device or resource busy",
EEXIST: "file exists",
EXDEV: "cross-device link",
ENODEV: "no such device",
ENOTDIR: "not a directory",
EISDIR: "is a directory",
EINVAL: "invalid argument",
ENFILE: "file table overflow",
EMFILE: "too many open files",
ENOTTY: "not a typewriter",
EFBIG: "file too large",
ENOSPC: "no space left on device",
ESPIPE: "illegal seek",
EROFS: "read-only file system",
EMLINK: "too many links",
EPIPE: "broken pipe",
ENAMETOOLONG: "file name too long",
ENOSYS: "function not implemented",
EDQUOT: "quota exceeded",
EDOM: "math arg out of domain of func",
ERANGE: "math result not representable",
ENOMSG: "no message of desired type",
ECHRNG: "channel number out of range",
EL3HLT: "level 3 halted",
EL3RST: "level 3 reset",
ELNRNG: "link number out of range",
EUNATCH: "protocol driver not attached",
ENOCSI: "no CSI structure available",
EL2HLT: "level 2 halted",
EDEADLK: "deadlock condition",
ENOLCK: "no record locks available",
EBADE: "invalid exchange",
EBADR: "invalid request descriptor",
EXFULL: "exchange full",
ENOANO: "no anode",
EBADRQC: "invalid request code",
EBADSLT: "invalid slot",
EBFONT: "bad font file fmt",
ENOSTR: "device not a stream",
ENODATA: "no data (for no delay io)",
ETIME: "timer expired",
ENOSR: "out of streams resources",
ENONET: "machine is not on the network",
ENOPKG: "package not installed",
EREMOTE: "the object is remote",
ENOLINK: "the link has been severed",
EADV: "advertise error",
ESRMNT: "srmount error",
ECOMM: "communication error on send",
EPROTO: "protocol error",
EMULTIHOP: "multihop attempted",
ELBIN: "inode is remote (not really error)",
EDOTDOT: "cross mount point (not really error)",
EBADMSG: "trying to read unreadable message",
EFTYPE: "inappropriate file type or format",
ENOTUNIQ: "given log. name not unique",
EBADFD: "f.d. invalid for this operation",
EREMCHG: "remote address changed",
ELIBACC: "can't access a needed shared lib",
ELIBBAD: "accessing a corrupted shared lib",
ELIBSCN: ".lib section in a.out corrupted",
ELIBMAX: "attempting to link in too many libs",
ELIBEXEC: "attempting to exec a shared library",
ENMFILE: "no more files",
ENOTEMPTY: "directory not empty",
ELOOP: "too many symbolic links",
EOPNOTSUPP: "operation not supported on transport endpoint",
EPFNOSUPPORT: "protocol family not supported",
ECONNRESET: "connection reset by peer",
ENOBUFS: "no buffer space available",
EAFNOSUPPORT: "address family not supported by protocol family",
EPROTOTYPE: "protocol wrong type for socket",
ENOTSOCK: "socket operation on non-socket",
ENOPROTOOPT: "protocol not available",
......@@ -3090,38 +3090,38 @@ var (
// Properties is the set of Unicode property tables.
var Properties = map[string][]Range{
"Pattern_Syntax": Pattern_Syntax,
"Other_ID_Start": Other_ID_Start,
"Pattern_White_Space": Pattern_White_Space,
"Other_Lowercase": Other_Lowercase,
"Soft_Dotted": Soft_Dotted,
"Hex_Digit": Hex_Digit,
"ASCII_Hex_Digit": ASCII_Hex_Digit,
"Deprecated": Deprecated,
"Terminal_Punctuation": Terminal_Punctuation,
"Quotation_Mark": Quotation_Mark,
"Other_ID_Continue": Other_ID_Continue,
"Bidi_Control": Bidi_Control,
"Variation_Selector": Variation_Selector,
"Noncharacter_Code_Point": Noncharacter_Code_Point,
"Other_Math": Other_Math,
"Unified_Ideograph": Unified_Ideograph,
"Hyphen": Hyphen,
"IDS_Binary_Operator": IDS_Binary_Operator,
"Logical_Order_Exception": Logical_Order_Exception,
"Radical": Radical,
"Other_Uppercase": Other_Uppercase,
"STerm": STerm,
"Other_Alphabetic": Other_Alphabetic,
"Diacritic": Diacritic,
"Extender": Extender,
"Join_Control": Join_Control,
"Ideographic": Ideographic,
"Dash": Dash,
"IDS_Trinary_Operator": IDS_Trinary_Operator,
"Other_Grapheme_Extend": Other_Grapheme_Extend,
"Pattern_Syntax": Pattern_Syntax,
"Other_ID_Start": Other_ID_Start,
"Pattern_White_Space": Pattern_White_Space,
"Other_Lowercase": Other_Lowercase,
"Soft_Dotted": Soft_Dotted,
"Hex_Digit": Hex_Digit,
"ASCII_Hex_Digit": ASCII_Hex_Digit,
"Deprecated": Deprecated,
"Terminal_Punctuation": Terminal_Punctuation,
"Quotation_Mark": Quotation_Mark,
"Other_ID_Continue": Other_ID_Continue,
"Bidi_Control": Bidi_Control,
"Variation_Selector": Variation_Selector,
"Noncharacter_Code_Point": Noncharacter_Code_Point,
"Other_Math": Other_Math,
"Unified_Ideograph": Unified_Ideograph,
"Hyphen": Hyphen,
"IDS_Binary_Operator": IDS_Binary_Operator,
"Logical_Order_Exception": Logical_Order_Exception,
"Radical": Radical,
"Other_Uppercase": Other_Uppercase,
"STerm": STerm,
"Other_Alphabetic": Other_Alphabetic,
"Diacritic": Diacritic,
"Extender": Extender,
"Join_Control": Join_Control,
"Ideographic": Ideographic,
"Dash": Dash,
"IDS_Trinary_Operator": IDS_Trinary_Operator,
"Other_Grapheme_Extend": Other_Grapheme_Extend,
"Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point": Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point,
"White_Space": White_Space,
"White_Space": White_Space,
var _Pattern_Syntax = []Range{
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