Commit e9fc5221 authored by Andrew Gerrand's avatar Andrew Gerrand

doc: show relevant test instructions on install page

Fixes golang/go#12490

Change-Id: I0861e62aaa589fc63217c83e9c227c17e35cda75
Reviewed-on: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent 2586af47
......@@ -220,19 +220,29 @@ and building a simple program, as follows.
Create a directory to contain your <a href="code.html#Workspaces">workspace</a>,
<code>$HOME/work</code> for example, and set the <code>GOPATH</code> environment
<code class="testUnix">$HOME/work</code>
<code class="testWindows" style="display: none">%HOME%\work</code>
for example, and set the <code>GOPATH</code> environment
variable to point to that location.
<pre class="testUnix">
$ <b>export GOPATH=$HOME/work</b>
<pre class="testWindows" style="display: none">
C:\&gt; <b>set GOPATH=%HOME%\work</b>
<span class="testUnix">
You should put the above command in your shell startup script
(<code>$HOME/.profile</code> for example) or, if you use Windows,
follow the <a href="#windows_env">instructions above</a> to set the
(<code>$HOME/.profile</code> for example).
<span class="testWindows">
On Windows, follow the <a href="#windows_env">instructions above</a> to set the
<code>GOPATH</code> environment variable on your system.
......@@ -256,21 +266,30 @@ func main() {
Then compile it with the <code>go</code> tool:
<pre class="testUnix">
$ <b>go install</b>
<pre class="testWindows" style="display: none">
C:\&gt; <b>go install</b>
The above command will put an executable command named <code>hello</code>
The command above will put an executable command named <code>hello</code>
(or <code>hello.exe</code>) inside the <code>bin</code> directory of your workspace.
Execute the command to see the greeting:
<pre class="testUnix">
$ <b>$GOPATH/bin/hello</b>
hello, world
<pre class="testWindows" style="display: none">
C:\&gt; <b>%GOPATH%\bin\hello</b>
hello, world
If you see the "hello, world" message then your Go installation is working.
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