Commit ef8f483c authored by Adam Langley's avatar Adam Langley

net: remove race condition on Close.

Previously a netFd could be queued for reading/writing in the channel,
but close(2)'ed before pollServer got to it. In this case, the kernel
would consider the descriptor closed and the attempt to add it to the
epoll set would fail and panic.

This patch makes Close a roundtrip to the pollServer, although the
actual close(2) still occurs elsewhere to avoid blocking the

Fixes #143.

parent 9e8d1368
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ type netFD struct {
file *os.File;
cr chan *netFD;
cw chan *netFD;
cc chan *netFD;
net string;
laddr Addr;
raddr Addr;
......@@ -66,9 +67,14 @@ type netFD struct {
// one will succeed, the pollServer will read the request, and then the
// channel will be empty for the next process's request. A larger buffer
// might help batch requests.
// In order to prevent race conditions, pollServer has an additional cc channel
// that receives fds to be closed. pollServer doesn't make the close system
// call, it just sets fd.file = nil and fd.fd = -1. Because of this, pollServer
// is always in sync with the kernel's view of a given descriptor.
type pollServer struct {
cr, cw chan *netFD; // buffered >= 1
cr, cw, cc chan *netFD; // buffered >= 1
pr, pw *os.File;
pending map[int]*netFD;
poll *pollster; // low-level OS hooks
......@@ -79,6 +85,7 @@ func newPollServer() (s *pollServer, err os.Error) {
s = new(pollServer); = make(chan *netFD, 1); = make(chan *netFD, 1); = make(chan *netFD, 1);
if,, err = os.Pipe(); err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -107,17 +114,15 @@ func newPollServer() (s *pollServer, err os.Error) {
func (s *pollServer) AddFD(fd *netFD, mode int) {
// TODO(rsc): This check handles a race between
// one goroutine reading and another one closing,
// but it doesn't solve the race completely:
// it still could happen that one goroutine closes
// but we read fd.fd before it does, and then
// another goroutine creates a new open file with
// that fd, which we'd now be referring to.
// The fix is probably to send the Close call
// through the poll server too, except that
// not all Reads and Writes go through the poll
// server even now.
// This check verifies that the underlying file descriptor hasn't been
// closed in the mean time. Any time a netFD is closed, the closing
// goroutine makes a round trip to the pollServer which sets file = nil
// and fd = -1. The goroutine then closes the actual file descriptor.
// Thus fd.fd mirrors the kernel's view of the file descriptor.
// TODO(rsc,agl): There is still a race in Read and Write,
// because they optimistically try to use the fd and don't
// call into the PollServer unless they get EAGAIN.
intfd := fd.fd;
if intfd < 0 {
// fd closed underfoot
......@@ -257,6 +262,11 @@ func (s *pollServer) Run() {
for fd, ok := <; ok; fd, ok = < {
s.AddFD(fd, 'w')
for fd, ok := <; ok; fd, ok = < {
fd.file = nil;
fd.fd = -1; <- fd;
} else {
netfd := s.LookupFD(fd, mode);
if netfd == nil {
......@@ -284,6 +294,11 @@ func (s *pollServer) WaitWrite(fd *netFD) {
func (s *pollServer) WaitCloseAck(fd *netFD) { <- fd;
// Network FD methods.
// All the network FDs use a single pollServer.
......@@ -321,6 +336,7 @@ func newFD(fd, family, proto int, net string, laddr, raddr Addr) (f *netFD, err
f.file = os.NewFile(fd, net+":"+ls+"->"+rs); = make(chan *netFD, 1); = make(chan *netFD, 1); = make(chan *netFD, 1);
return f, nil;
......@@ -344,10 +360,9 @@ func (fd *netFD) Close() os.Error {
// for Close too. Sigh.
syscall.SetNonblock(fd.file.Fd(), false);
e := fd.file.Close();
fd.file = nil;
fd.fd = -1;
return e;
f := fd.file;
return f.Close();
func (fd *netFD) Read(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
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