Commit f1d3ff16 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

text/template: clean up function values

The recent addition of automatic function invocation generated
some troublesome ambiguities. Restore the previous behavior
and compensate by providing a "call" builtin to make it easy to
do what the automatic invocation did, but in a clear and explicit

Fixes #3140.

At least for now.

R=golang-dev, dsymonds, r
parent 604f3751
......@@ -142,11 +142,6 @@ An argument is a simple value, denoted by one of the following.
Methods can also be evaluated on variables, including chaining:
- The name of a niladic function-valued struct field of the data,
preceded by a period, such as
Function-valued fields behave like methods (of structs) but do not
pass a receiver.
- The name of a niladic function, such as
The result is the value of invoking the function, fun(). The return
......@@ -155,6 +150,10 @@ An argument is a simple value, denoted by one of the following.
Arguments may evaluate to any type; if they are pointers the implementation
automatically indirects to the base type when required.
If an evaluation yields a function value, such as a function-valued
field of a struct, the function is not invoked automatically, but it
can be used as a truth value for an if action and the like. To invoke
it, use the call function, defined below.
A pipeline is a possibly chained sequence of "commands". A command is a simple
value (argument) or a function or method call, possibly with multiple arguments:
......@@ -167,9 +166,6 @@ value (argument) or a function or method call, possibly with multiple arguments:
The result is the value of calling the method with the
dot.Method(Argument1, etc.)
.Function [Argument...]
A function-valued field of a struct works like a method but does
not pass the receiver.
functionName [Argument...]
The result is the value of calling the function associated
with the name:
......@@ -257,6 +253,17 @@ Predefined global functions are named as follows.
first empty argument or the last argument, that is,
"and x y" behaves as "if x then y else x". All the
arguments are evaluated.
Returns the result of calling the first argument, which
must be a function, with the remaining arguments as parameters.
Thus "call .X.Y 1 2" is, in Go notation, dot.X.Y(1, 2) where
Y is a func-valued field, map entry, or the like.
The first argument must be the result of an evaluation
that yields a value of function type (as distinct from
a predefined function such as print). The function must
return either one or two result values, the second of which
is of type error. If the arguments don't match the function
or the returned error value is non-nil, execution stops.
Returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the textual
representation of its arguments.
......@@ -421,11 +421,8 @@ func (s *state) evalField(dot reflect.Value, fieldName string, args []parse.Node
field := receiver.FieldByIndex(tField.Index)
if tField.PkgPath == "" { // field is exported
// If it's a function, we must call it.
if field.Type().Kind() == reflect.Func {
return s.evalCall(dot, field, fieldName, args, final)
if hasArgs {
s.errorf("%s is not a method or function but has arguments", fieldName)
s.errorf("%s has arguments but cannot be invoked as function", fieldName)
return field
......@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ type T struct {
PSI *[]int
NIL *int
// Function (not method)
Func func(...string) string
BinaryFunc func(string, string) string
VariadicFunc func(...string) string
VariadicFuncInt func(int, ...string) string
// Template to test evaluation of templates.
Tmpl *Template
......@@ -120,7 +122,9 @@ var tVal = &T{
Err: errors.New("erroozle"),
PI: newInt(23),
PSI: newIntSlice(21, 22, 23),
Func: func(s ...string) string { return fmt.Sprint("<", strings.Join(s, "+"), ">") },
BinaryFunc: func(a, b string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("[%s=%s]", a, b) },
VariadicFunc: func(s ...string) string { return fmt.Sprint("<", strings.Join(s, "+"), ">") },
VariadicFuncInt: func(a int, s ...string) string { return fmt.Sprint(a, "=<", strings.Join(s, "+"), ">") },
Tmpl: Must(New("x").Parse("test template")), // "x" is the value of .X
......@@ -300,13 +304,25 @@ var execTests = []execTest{
"{{with $x := .}}{{with .SI}}{{$.GetU.TrueFalse $.True}}{{end}}{{end}}",
"true", tVal, true},
// Function call
{".Func", "-{{.Func}}-", "-<>-", tVal, true},
{".Func2", "-{{.Func `he` `llo`}}-", "-<he+llo>-", tVal, true},
// Function call builtin.
{".BinaryFunc", "{{call .BinaryFunc `1` `2`}}", "[1=2]", tVal, true},
{".VariadicFunc0", "{{call .VariadicFunc}}", "<>", tVal, true},
{".VariadicFunc2", "{{call .VariadicFunc `he` `llo`}}", "<he+llo>", tVal, true},
{".VariadicFuncInt", "{{call .VariadicFuncInt 33 `he` `llo`}}", "33=<he+llo>", tVal, true},
{"if .BinaryFunc call", "{{ if .BinaryFunc}}{{call .BinaryFunc `1` `2`}}{{end}}", "[1=2]", tVal, true},
{"if not .BinaryFunc call", "{{ if not .BinaryFunc}}{{call .BinaryFunc `1` `2`}}{{else}}No{{end}}", "No", tVal, true},
// Erroneous function calls (check args).
{".BinaryFuncTooFew", "{{call .BinaryFunc `1`}}", "", tVal, false},
{".BinaryFuncTooMany", "{{call .BinaryFunc `1` `2` `3`}}", "", tVal, false},
{".BinaryFuncBad0", "{{call .BinaryFunc 1 3}}", "", tVal, false},
{".BinaryFuncBad1", "{{call .BinaryFunc `1` 3}}", "", tVal, false},
{".VariadicFuncBad0", "{{call .VariadicFunc 3}}", "", tVal, false},
{".VariadicFuncIntBad0", "{{call .VariadicFuncInt `x`}}", "", tVal, false},
// Pipelines.
{"pipeline", "-{{.Method0 | .Method2 .U16}}-", "-Method2: 16 M0-", tVal, true},
{"pipeline func", "-{{.Func `llo` | .Func `he` }}-", "-<he+<llo>>-", tVal, true},
{"pipeline func", "-{{call .VariadicFunc `llo` | call .VariadicFunc `he` }}-", "-<he+<llo>>-", tVal, true},
// If.
{"if true", "{{if true}}TRUE{{end}}", "TRUE", tVal, true},
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ type FuncMap map[string]interface{}
var builtins = FuncMap{
"and": and,
"call": call,
"html": HTMLEscaper,
"index": index,
"js": JSEscaper,
......@@ -151,6 +152,53 @@ func length(item interface{}) (int, error) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("len of type %s", v.Type())
// Function invocation
// call returns the result of evaluating the the first argument as a function.
// The function must return 1 result, or 2 results, the second of which is an error.
func call(fn interface{}, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(fn)
typ := v.Type()
if typ.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-function of type %s", typ)
if !goodFunc(typ) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("function called with %d args; should be 1 or 2", typ.NumOut())
numIn := typ.NumIn()
var dddType reflect.Type
if typ.IsVariadic() {
if len(args) < numIn-1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong number of args: got %d want at least %d", len(args), numIn-1)
dddType = typ.In(numIn - 1).Elem()
} else {
if len(args) != numIn {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong number of args: got %d want %d", len(args), numIn)
argv := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
for i, arg := range args {
value := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
// Compute the expected type. Clumsy because of variadics.
var argType reflect.Type
if !typ.IsVariadic() || i < numIn-1 {
argType = typ.In(i)
} else {
argType = dddType
if !value.Type().AssignableTo(argType) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("arg %d has type %s; should be %s", i, value.Type(), argType)
argv[i] = reflect.ValueOf(arg)
result := v.Call(argv)
if len(result) == 2 {
return result[0].Interface(), result[1].Interface().(error)
return result[0].Interface(), nil
// Boolean logic.
func truth(a interface{}) bool {
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