Commit fae4a128 authored by Michael Hudson-Doyle's avatar Michael Hudson-Doyle Committed by Ian Lance Taylor

runtime, reflect: support multiple moduledata objects

This changes all the places that consult themoduledata to consult a
linked list of moduledata objects, as will be necessary for
-linkshared to work.

Obviously, as there is as yet no way of adding moduledata objects to
this list, all this change achieves right now is wasting a few
instructions here and there.

Change-Id: I397af7f60d0849b76aaccedf72238fe664867051
Reviewed-on: default avatarIan Lance Taylor <>
Run-TryBot: Ian Lance Taylor <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
parent cb6e9ec0
......@@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ func symtab() {
// This code uses several global variables that are set by pcln.go:pclntab.
moduledata := Linklookup(Ctxt, "runtime.themoduledata", 0)
moduledata.Type = SNOPTRDATA
moduledatasize := moduledata.Size
moduledata.Size = 0 // truncate symbol back to 0 bytes to reinitialize
moduledata.Reachable = true
moduledata.Local = true
......@@ -448,4 +449,7 @@ func symtab() {
Addaddr(Ctxt, moduledata, Linklookup(Ctxt, "runtime.typelink", 0))
adduint(Ctxt, moduledata, uint64(ntypelinks))
adduint(Ctxt, moduledata, uint64(ntypelinks))
// The rest of moduledata is zero initialized.
moduledata.Size = moduledatasize
Symgrow(Ctxt, moduledata, moduledatasize)
......@@ -1301,39 +1301,48 @@ func haveIdenticalUnderlyingType(T, V *rtype) bool {
// there can be more than one with a given string.
// Only types we might want to look up are included:
// channels, maps, slices, and arrays.
func typelinks() []*rtype
func typelinks() [][]*rtype
// typesByString returns the subslice of typelinks() whose elements have
// the given string representation.
// It may be empty (no known types with that string) or may have
// multiple elements (multiple types with that string).
func typesByString(s string) []*rtype {
typ := typelinks()
// We are looking for the first index i where the string becomes >= s.
// This is a copy of sort.Search, with f(h) replaced by (*typ[h].string >= s).
i, j := 0, len(typ)
for i < j {
h := i + (j-i)/2 // avoid overflow when computing h
// i ≤ h < j
if !(*typ[h].string >= s) {
i = h + 1 // preserves f(i-1) == false
} else {
j = h // preserves f(j) == true
typs := typelinks()
var ret []*rtype
for _, typ := range typs {
// We are looking for the first index i where the string becomes >= s.
// This is a copy of sort.Search, with f(h) replaced by (*typ[h].string >= s).
i, j := 0, len(typ)
for i < j {
h := i + (j-i)/2 // avoid overflow when computing h
// i ≤ h < j
if !(*typ[h].string >= s) {
i = h + 1 // preserves f(i-1) == false
} else {
j = h // preserves f(j) == true
// i == j, f(i-1) == false, and f(j) (= f(i)) == true => answer is i.
// Having found the first, linear scan forward to find the last.
// We could do a second binary search, but the caller is going
// to do a linear scan anyway.
j = i
for j < len(typ) && *typ[j].string == s {
// i == j, f(i-1) == false, and f(j) (= f(i)) == true => answer is i.
// Having found the first, linear scan forward to find the last.
// We could do a second binary search, but the caller is going
// to do a linear scan anyway.
j = i
for j < len(typ) && *typ[j].string == s {
if j > i {
if ret == nil {
ret = typ[i:j:j]
} else {
ret = append(ret, typ[i:j]...)
// This slice will be empty if the string is not found.
return typ[i:j]
return ret
// The lookupCache caches ChanOf, MapOf, and SliceOf lookups.
......@@ -431,19 +431,20 @@ func finq_callback(fn *funcval, obj unsafe.Pointer, nret uintptr, fint *_type, o
func dumproots() {
// TODO(mwhudson): dump datamask etc from all objects
// data segment
dumpbvtypes(&gcdatamask, unsafe.Pointer(
dumpbvtypes(&themoduledata.gcdatamask, unsafe.Pointer(
// bss segment
dumpbvtypes(&gcbssmask, unsafe.Pointer(themoduledata.bss))
dumpbvtypes(&themoduledata.gcbssmask, unsafe.Pointer(themoduledata.bss))
dumpmemrange(unsafe.Pointer(themoduledata.bss), themoduledata.ebss-themoduledata.bss)
// MSpan.types
allspans := h_allspans
......@@ -426,44 +426,47 @@ func wbshadowinit() {
memmove(p1, unsafe.Pointer(mheap_.arena_start), mheap_.arena_used-mheap_.arena_start)
mheap_.shadow_reserved = reserved
start := ^uintptr(0)
end := uintptr(0)
if start > themoduledata.noptrdata {
start = themoduledata.noptrdata
if start > {
start =
if start > themoduledata.noptrbss {
start = themoduledata.noptrbss
if start > themoduledata.bss {
start = themoduledata.bss
if end < themoduledata.enoptrdata {
end = themoduledata.enoptrdata
if end < themoduledata.edata {
end = themoduledata.edata
if end < themoduledata.enoptrbss {
end = themoduledata.enoptrbss
if end < themoduledata.ebss {
end = themoduledata.ebss
start &^= _PhysPageSize - 1
end = round(end, _PhysPageSize)
mheap_.data_start = start
mheap_.data_end = end
reserved = false
p1 = sysReserveHigh(end-start, &reserved)
if p1 == nil {
throw("cannot map shadow data")
for datap := &themoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
start := ^uintptr(0)
end := uintptr(0)
if start > datap.noptrdata {
start = datap.noptrdata
if start > {
start =
if start > datap.noptrbss {
start = datap.noptrbss
if start > datap.bss {
start = datap.bss
if end < datap.enoptrdata {
end = datap.enoptrdata
if end < datap.edata {
end = datap.edata
if end < datap.enoptrbss {
end = datap.enoptrbss
if end < datap.ebss {
end = datap.ebss
start &^= _PhysPageSize - 1
end = round(end, _PhysPageSize)
datap.data_start = start
datap.data_end = end
reserved = false
p1 = sysReserveHigh(end-start, &reserved)
if p1 == nil {
throw("cannot map shadow data")
datap.shadow_data = uintptr(p1) - start
sysMap(p1, end-start, reserved, &memstats.other_sys)
memmove(p1, unsafe.Pointer(start), end-start)
mheap_.shadow_data = uintptr(p1) - start
sysMap(p1, end-start, reserved, &memstats.other_sys)
memmove(p1, unsafe.Pointer(start), end-start)
mheap_.shadow_enabled = true
......@@ -471,13 +474,15 @@ func wbshadowinit() {
// shadowptr returns a pointer to the shadow value for addr.
func shadowptr(addr uintptr) *uintptr {
var shadow *uintptr
if mheap_.data_start <= addr && addr < mheap_.data_end {
shadow = (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(addr + mheap_.shadow_data))
} else if inheap(addr) {
shadow = (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(addr + mheap_.shadow_heap))
for datap := &themoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
if datap.data_start <= addr && addr < datap.data_end {
return (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(addr + datap.shadow_data))
if inheap(addr) {
return (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(addr + mheap_.shadow_heap))
return shadow
return nil
// istrackedptr reports whether the pointer value p requires a write barrier
......@@ -747,29 +747,31 @@ func getgcmask(p unsafe.Pointer, t *_type, mask **byte, len *uintptr) {
const typeBitsPerByte = 8 / typeBitsWidth
// data
if <= uintptr(p) && uintptr(p) < themoduledata.edata {
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - / ptrSize
bits := (*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(gcdatamask.bytedata), off/typeBitsPerByte)) >> ((off % typeBitsPerByte) * typeBitsWidth)) & typeMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
for datap := &themoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
if <= uintptr(p) && uintptr(p) < datap.edata {
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - / ptrSize
bits := (*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(datap.gcdatamask.bytedata), off/typeBitsPerByte)) >> ((off % typeBitsPerByte) * typeBitsWidth)) & typeMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// bss
if themoduledata.bss <= uintptr(p) && uintptr(p) < themoduledata.ebss {
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - themoduledata.bss) / ptrSize
bits := (*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(gcbssmask.bytedata), off/typeBitsPerByte)) >> ((off % typeBitsPerByte) * typeBitsWidth)) & typeMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// bss
if datap.bss <= uintptr(p) && uintptr(p) < datap.ebss {
n := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).elem.size
*len = n / ptrSize
*mask = &make([]byte, *len)[0]
for i := uintptr(0); i < n; i += ptrSize {
off := (uintptr(p) + i - datap.bss) / ptrSize
bits := (*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(datap.gcbssmask.bytedata), off/typeBitsPerByte)) >> ((off % typeBitsPerByte) * typeBitsWidth)) & typeMask
*(*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(*mask), i/ptrSize)) = bits
// heap
......@@ -289,11 +289,13 @@ func SetFinalizer(obj interface{}, finalizer interface{}) {
// The relevant segments are: noptrdata, data, bss, noptrbss.
// We cannot assume they are in any order or even contiguous,
// due to external linking.
if themoduledata.noptrdata <= uintptr( && uintptr( < themoduledata.enoptrdata || <= uintptr( && uintptr( < themoduledata.edata ||
themoduledata.bss <= uintptr( && uintptr( < themoduledata.ebss ||
themoduledata.noptrbss <= uintptr( && uintptr( < themoduledata.enoptrbss {
for datap := &themoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
if datap.noptrdata <= uintptr( && uintptr( < datap.enoptrdata || <= uintptr( && uintptr( < datap.edata ||
datap.bss <= uintptr( && uintptr( < datap.ebss ||
datap.noptrbss <= uintptr( && uintptr( < datap.enoptrbss {
throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not in allocated block")
......@@ -136,9 +136,6 @@ func have_cgo_allocate() bool {
return &weak_cgo_allocate != nil
var gcdatamask bitvector
var gcbssmask bitvector
// heapminimum is the minimum number of bytes in the heap.
// This cleans up the corner case of where we have a very small live set but a lot
// of allocations and collecting every GOGC * live set is expensive.
......@@ -154,8 +151,10 @@ func gcinit() {
work.markfor = parforalloc(_MaxGcproc)
gcpercent = readgogc()
gcdatamask = unrollglobgcprog((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(themoduledata.gcdata)),
gcbssmask = unrollglobgcprog((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(themoduledata.gcbss)), themoduledata.ebss-themoduledata.bss)
for datap := &themoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
datap.gcdatamask = unrollglobgcprog((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(datap.gcdata)),
datap.gcbssmask = unrollglobgcprog((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(datap.gcbss)), datap.ebss-datap.bss)
memstats.next_gc = heapminimum
......@@ -60,10 +60,14 @@ func markroot(desc *parfor, i uint32) {
// Note: if you add a case here, please also update heapdump.go:dumproots.
switch i {
case _RootData:
scanblock(,, gcdatamask.bytedata, &gcw)
for datap := &themoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
scanblock(,, datap.gcdatamask.bytedata, &gcw)
case _RootBss:
scanblock(themoduledata.bss, themoduledata.ebss-themoduledata.bss, gcbssmask.bytedata, &gcw)
for datap := &themoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
scanblock(datap.bss, datap.ebss-datap.bss, datap.gcbssmask.bytedata, &gcw)
case _RootFinalizers:
for fb := allfin; fb != nil; fb = fb.alllink {
......@@ -37,14 +37,13 @@ type mheap struct {
arena_end uintptr
arena_reserved bool
// write barrier shadow data+heap.
// write barrier shadow heap.
// 64-bit systems only, enabled by GODEBUG=wbshadow=1.
// See also shadow_data, data_start, data_end fields on moduledata in
// symtab.go.
shadow_enabled bool // shadow should be updated and checked
shadow_reserved bool // shadow memory is reserved
shadow_heap uintptr // heap-addr + shadow_heap = shadow heap addr
shadow_data uintptr // data-addr + shadow_data = shadow data addr
data_start uintptr // start of shadowed data addresses
data_end uintptr // end of shadowed data addresses
// central free lists for small size classes.
// the padding makes sure that the MCentrals are
......@@ -426,8 +426,12 @@ func gomcache() *mcache {
//go:linkname reflect_typelinks reflect.typelinks
func reflect_typelinks() []*_type {
return themoduledata.typelinks
func reflect_typelinks() [][]*_type {
ret := [][]*_type{themoduledata.typelinks}
for datap :=; datap != nil; datap = {
ret = append(ret, datap.typelinks)
return ret
// TODO: move back into mgc.go
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
func isgoexception(info *exceptionrecord, r *context) bool {
// Only handle exception if executing instructions in Go binary
// (not Windows library code).
// TODO(mwhudson): needs to loop to support shared libs
if r.ip() < themoduledata.text || themoduledata.etext < r.ip() {
return false
......@@ -47,6 +47,17 @@ type moduledata struct {
end, gcdata, gcbss uintptr
typelinks []*_type
gcdatamask, gcbssmask bitvector
// write barrier shadow data
// 64-bit systems only, enabled by GODEBUG=wbshadow=1.
// See also the shadow_* fields on mheap in mheap.go.
shadow_data uintptr // data-addr + shadow_data = shadow data addr
data_start uintptr // start of shadowed data addresses
data_end uintptr // end of shadowed data addresses
next *moduledata
var themoduledata moduledata // linker symbol
......@@ -135,34 +146,45 @@ func (f *Func) FileLine(pc uintptr) (file string, line int) {
return file, int(line32)
func findmoduledatap(pc uintptr) *moduledata {
for datap := &themoduledata; datap != nil; datap = {
if datap.minpc <= pc && pc <= datap.maxpc {
return datap
return nil
func findfunc(pc uintptr) *_func {
if pc < themoduledata.minpc || pc >= themoduledata.maxpc {
datap := findmoduledatap(pc)
if datap == nil {
return nil
const nsub = uintptr(len(findfuncbucket{}.subbuckets))
x := pc - themoduledata.minpc
x := pc - datap.minpc
b := x / pcbucketsize
i := x % pcbucketsize / (pcbucketsize / nsub)
ffb := (*findfuncbucket)(add(unsafe.Pointer(themoduledata.findfunctab), b*unsafe.Sizeof(findfuncbucket{})))
ffb := (*findfuncbucket)(add(unsafe.Pointer(datap.findfunctab), b*unsafe.Sizeof(findfuncbucket{})))
idx := ffb.idx + uint32(ffb.subbuckets[i])
if pc < themoduledata.ftab[idx].entry {
if pc < datap.ftab[idx].entry {
throw("findfunc: bad findfunctab entry")
// linear search to find func with pc >= entry.
for themoduledata.ftab[idx+1].entry <= pc {
for datap.ftab[idx+1].entry <= pc {
return (*_func)(unsafe.Pointer(&themoduledata.pclntable[themoduledata.ftab[idx].funcoff]))
return (*_func)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable[datap.ftab[idx].funcoff]))
func pcvalue(f *_func, off int32, targetpc uintptr, strict bool) int32 {
if off == 0 {
return -1
p := themoduledata.pclntable[off:]
datap := findmoduledatap(f.entry) // inefficient
p := datap.pclntable[off:]
pc := f.entry
val := int32(-1)
for {
......@@ -184,7 +206,7 @@ func pcvalue(f *_func, off int32, targetpc uintptr, strict bool) int32 {
print("runtime: invalid pc-encoded table f=", funcname(f), " pc=", hex(pc), " targetpc=", hex(targetpc), " tab=", p, "\n")
p = themoduledata.pclntable[off:]
p = datap.pclntable[off:]
pc = f.entry
val = -1
for {
......@@ -204,7 +226,8 @@ func cfuncname(f *_func) *byte {
if f == nil || f.nameoff == 0 {
return nil
return (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&themoduledata.pclntable[f.nameoff]))
datap := findmoduledatap(f.entry) // inefficient
return (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&datap.pclntable[f.nameoff]))
func funcname(f *_func) string {
......@@ -212,13 +235,14 @@ func funcname(f *_func) string {
func funcline1(f *_func, targetpc uintptr, strict bool) (file string, line int32) {
datap := findmoduledatap(f.entry) // inefficient
fileno := int(pcvalue(f, f.pcfile, targetpc, strict))
line = pcvalue(f, f.pcln, targetpc, strict)
if fileno == -1 || line == -1 || fileno >= len(themoduledata.filetab) {
if fileno == -1 || line == -1 || fileno >= len(datap.filetab) {
// print("looking for ", hex(targetpc), " in ", funcname(f), " got file=", fileno, " line=", lineno, "\n")
return "?", 0
file = gostringnocopy(&themoduledata.pclntable[themoduledata.filetab[fileno]])
file = gostringnocopy(&datap.pclntable[datap.filetab[fileno]])
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