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Commit fcb45e7c authored by Terrel Shumway's avatar Terrel Shumway Committed by Robert Griesemer

doc: clarify FAQ wording for float sizes

I was confused by the current wording. This wording
answers the question more clearly.

Thanks to Robert Griesemer for suggestions.

Fixes #16916

Change-Id: I50187c8df2db661b9581f4b3c5d5c279d2f9af41
Reviewed-on: default avatarRobert Griesemer <>
parent d6098e42
......@@ -1262,11 +1262,17 @@ size of value should use an explicitly sized type, like <code>int64</code>.
Prior to Go 1.1, the 64-bit Go compilers (both gc and gccgo) used
a 32-bit representation for <code>int</code>. As of Go 1.1 they use
a 64-bit representation.
On the other hand, floating-point scalars and complex
numbers are always sized: <code>float32</code>, <code>complex64</code>,
etc., because programmers should be aware of precision when using
floating-point numbers.
The default size of a floating-point constant is <code>float64</code>.
types are always sized (there are no <code>float</code> or <code>complex</code> basic types),
because programmers should be aware of precision when using floating-point numbers.
The default type used for an (untyped) floating-point constant is <code>float64</code>.
Thus <code>foo := 3.0</code> declares a variable <code>foo</code> of type <code>float64</code>.
For a <code>float32</code> variable initialized by a constant, the variable type must be specified explicitly
in the variable declaration <code>var foo float32 = 3.0</code>, or the constant must be given a
type with a conversion as in <code>foo := float32(3.0)</code>.
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